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Guest Electric Eel

I find it funny that edgar, oscar and ralph like to preach down to us, yet I do 1 show at Noc and we put in writing that Stryke has to open...

Has og ever had stryke play with him at space?

Has ralph ever had stryke play with him at crobar?

Has edgar every had stryke play with him where ever he spins?

I find it funny the very people who are trying to make us aware of how good a dj he is, are the very same people who never ever ever ever invite him to play at their residencies...

Sorry guys, it's true, like my doctor once told me, "you have to pratice what you preach"...

When Stryke plays with you guys at crobar and space then preach down with me, until then, keep cashing those huge checks and pretending you care...

Stryke when you get to your new residency , and if you don't have a wingman, call me, I'll be your wingman..

oscar has had greg close space down atleast once. :)

Dude thats great!

Nice to see once every 5 years or once every 260 saturday nights they invite him over to spin with og...

not bad, not bad at all..

If Tsettos wasn't playing at Noc, where Stryke has had issues with his residency, would you have insisted on Stryke opening?

English please! If Denny's didn't play noc, would stryke had opened for him?? Is this sorta like if a tree falls in the woods.....??

I love how the guy who has a misspelling in almost everything he types is telling me to write in English.

Anyway, just trying to make a point that you aren't exactly the hero you are trying to portray.

Now to go back to what really matters, Stryke definitely deserves a residency in Miami!

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Guest LeVeL

If Tsettos wasn't playing at Noc, where Stryke has had issues with his residency, would you have insisted on Stryke opening?

English please! If Denny's didn't play noc, would stryke had opened for him?? Is this sorta like if a tree falls in the woods.....??


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I find it funny that edgar, oscar and ralph like to preach down to us, yet I do 1 show at Noc and we put in writing that Stryke has to open...

Has og ever had stryke play with him at space?

Has ralph ever had stryke play with him at crobar?

Has edgar every had stryke play with him where ever he spins?

I find it funny the very people who are trying to make us aware of how good a dj he is, are the very same people who never ever ever ever invite him to play at their residencies...

Sorry guys, it's true, like my doctor once told me, "you have to pratice what you preach"...

When Stryke plays with you guys at crobar and space then preach down with me, until then, keep cashing those huge checks and pretending you care...

Stryke when you get to your new residency , and if you don't have a wingman, call me, I'll be your wingman..

oscar has had greg close space down atleast once. :)

Dude thats great!

Nice to see once every 5 years or once every 260 saturday nights they invite him over to spin with og...

not bad, not bad at all..

If Tsettos wasn't playing at Noc, where Stryke has had issues with his residency, would you have insisted on Stryke opening?

English please! If Denny's didn't play noc, would stryke had opened for him?? Is this sorta like if a tree falls in the woods.....??

I love how the guy who has a misspelling in almost everything he types is telling me to write in English.

Anyway, just trying to make a point that you aren't exactly the hero you are trying to portray.

Now to go back to what really matters, Stryke definitely deserves a residency in Miami!

not much substance in your post... I'm no hero, but everyone will tell you, if I can help a dj or a friend, I will do my best to try... People think I run Miami, I simply don't, but I do my best to help. I not only help edgar, and og, but other smaller djs and even Nickjunkie and pod. I'm just saying I think og and ralph should look in the mirror and realize they could do more for their friend if they truely wanted to. Showing up for one night is a start, but more could be done.

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Guest bingo

LMAO someone is taking things personally ::)

how do you know he's talking about Tsettos.... for christ sakes stop being his bitch :-X

hey asshole, it was just an example of a person who og is friends with...

please get your head out of your ass before you post...

The vast majority of djs have outside jobs.. Maybe 1% dj alone.. Most djs such as Denny make shit loads of money djing, way more than they need to surive, well in the 6 figures, but you need to prepare for life after being a dj.. This is why jr vasquez is old and broke! He didn't prepare!

Wow, I find myself in agreement with you here Saleen once again. There has to be a life after its all said and done, I myself burn the candle on both ends and find myself dragging on monday morning. I agree that Greg is a great DJ and nothing short of a gentleman, Nocturnal problem is not the music but it focus on its promotions. With many super clubs surrounding the area the focus must be on click of people. Space will draw people in no matter what, Metro with all ts problems is building their machine. Nocturnal has to build the better trap.. Oscar I guess I would be considered a moonlighting DJ with the desire of being a full time DJ. This town just doesn't pay what it should for it DJ's never mine that I have a very good day job, that allows me the financial freedom to afford my moonlighting.. my 2cents

Let me be clear, I would never judge anyone or the choices they make. Everyone has a right to chase their dream however they can.

What I am refering to is a viscious circle...DJs in this town are doing gigs for less than the average DJ used to make in this town 10 years ago. Problem is, the clubs revenue HAS increased from 10 years ago.

You said it yourself, you're good day job affords you the financial freedom to moonlight as a DJ...but what about the guys who put DJing first? what about the DJs that have day jobs on the side to survive? The Djs that work at a record shop during the day...The DJs that do construction and installs in clubs...The DJs that have another job strictly to pay the bills while they chase their dream...They are the ones being hurt..

The issue is, if you have a stable career that you worked hard to achieve, but you love to DJ on the side, you will never count on DJing for income...This is a club owner's dream! This drives all the DJs salaries down and then there will be even LESS DJs making a career for themselves.

There are many DJs in this town that have paid their dues and proven themselves time and time again that are being hurt by this. It devalues the DJs worth.

I agree with you and Saleen...the future is always important...and EVERYONE should be mindful of that. I have a family myself and am very conscious of that fact. This is why I worry when I see the (local) industry I love going in a strange directon. DJs should decide what their fees are, and when you are eating from them, you tend to be a lot more picky.

Respect to all those that do it for the love!!!

(no matter what that means)

*sigh* well, this is why i barely dj.

because theres no reason why i cant be fully sufficient djing. ive never had a serious job and that whole year i played at jazid i wasnt even going to school. i was litterally living and breathing music.

ramon and i made next to nothing at jazid, and what we decided to do with the little money we made is to bring people down here to play to try and get people to come and come regularly. some did, some didnt. we ended up loosing the night due to the fact that the club "was going in a different direction" and after that i basically stopped djing because no one can take a 19year old (at the time) seriously.

now when you see me playing it's usually because ramon is throwing the party or it's a group effort. i dont get paid. in the last year everywhere ive played ive gotten no money.

people tell me i have to get out there and socialize and let people know that im still alive and kicking as a dj...but whats the point. I tried to become self sufficient on djing and it didnt happen.

props to greg,og,edgar v,ralph f,and other local djs that have paid their dues


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LMAO someone is taking things personally ::)

how do you know he's talking about Tsettos.... for christ sakes stop being his bitch :-X

hey asshole, it was just an example of a person who og is friends with...

please get your head out of your ass before you post...

The vast majority of djs have outside jobs.. Maybe 1% dj alone.. Most djs such as Denny make shit loads of money djing, way more than they need to surive, well in the 6 figures, but you need to prepare for life after being a dj.. This is why jr vasquez is old and broke! He didn't prepare!

Wow, I find myself in agreement with you here Saleen once again. There has to be a life after its all said and done, I myself burn the candle on both ends and find myself dragging on monday morning. I agree that Greg is a great DJ and nothing short of a gentleman, Nocturnal problem is not the music but it focus on its promotions. With many super clubs surrounding the area the focus must be on click of people. Space will draw people in no matter what, Metro with all ts problems is building their machine. Nocturnal has to build the better trap.. Oscar I guess I would be considered a moonlighting DJ with the desire of being a full time DJ. This town just doesn't pay what it should for it DJ's never mine that I have a very good day job, that allows me the financial freedom to afford my moonlighting.. my 2cents

Let me be clear, I would never judge anyone or the choices they make. Everyone has a right to chase their dream however they can.

What I am refering to is a viscious circle...DJs in this town are doing gigs for less than the average DJ used to make in this town 10 years ago. Problem is, the clubs revenue HAS increased from 10 years ago.

You said it yourself, you're good day job affords you the financial freedom to moonlight as a DJ...but what about the guys who put DJing first? what about the DJs that have day jobs on the side to survive? The Djs that work at a record shop during the day...The DJs that do construction and installs in clubs...The DJs that have another job strictly to pay the bills while they chase their dream...They are the ones being hurt..

The issue is, if you have a stable career that you worked hard to achieve, but you love to DJ on the side, you will never count on DJing for income...This is a club owner's dream! This drives all the DJs salaries down and then there will be even LESS DJs making a career for themselves.

There are many DJs in this town that have paid their dues and proven themselves time and time again that are being hurt by this. It devalues the DJs worth.

I agree with you and Saleen...the future is always important...and EVERYONE should be mindful of that. I have a family myself and am very conscious of that fact. This is why I worry when I see the (local) industry I love going in a strange directon. DJs should decide what their fees are, and when you are eating from them, you tend to be a lot more picky.

Respect to all those that do it for the love!!!

(no matter what that means)

*sigh* well, this is why i barely dj.

because theres no reason why i cant be fully sufficient djing. ive never had a serious job and that whole year i played at jazid i wasnt even going to school. i was litterally living and breathing music.

ramon and i made next to nothing at jazid, and what we decided to do with the little money we made is to bring people down here to play to try and get people to come and come regularly. some did, some didnt. we ended up loosing the night due to the fact that the club "was going in a different direction" and after that i basically stopped djing because no one can take a 19year old (at the time) seriously.

now when you see me playing it's usually because ramon is throwing the party or it's a group effort. i dont get paid. in the last year everywhere ive played ive gotten no money.

people tell me i have to get out there and socialize and let people know that im still alive and kicking as a dj...but whats the point. I tried to become self sufficient on djing and it didnt happen.

props to greg,og,edgar v,ralph f,and other local djs that have paid their dues


You should be spinning at the Robots parties.

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I find it funny that edgar, oscar and ralph like to preach down to us, yet I do 1 show at Noc and we put in writing that Stryke has to open...

Has og ever had stryke play with him at space?

Has ralph ever had stryke play with him at crobar?

Has edgar every had stryke play with him where ever he spins?

I find it funny the very people who are trying to make us aware of how good a dj he is, are the very same people who never ever ever ever invite him to play at their residencies...

Sorry guys, it's true, like my doctor once told me, "you have to pratice what you preach"...

When Stryke plays with you guys at crobar and space then preach down with me, until then, keep cashing those huge checks and pretending you care...

Stryke when you get to your new residency , and if you don't have a wingman, call me, I'll be your wingman..

More idiotic rantings from the clueless loud mouth...

check your facts before you start spewing out stupid accusations, or better yet, just do us all a favor and shut up!

I do have a bit of advice for YOU though...


You are making him look bad, and THAT is just bad business..

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Guest stryke303

first off, while this has been the most uncomfortable thread for me to read, it's been quite...umm...interesting. thank you guys for your kind words and support. now, saleen...

for the record, i've played w oscar @ space at least 6 times, w/ ralph @ crobar and maze and a million other gigs, and w/ edgar a ton of times...

let me be clear here...oscar and ralph have done more for me that ANYONE on this green earth. and that's a FACT! so, call me whatever you'd like, but DO NOT accuse oscar, ralph, and edgar for not having my back. they have my back, and then some!

realize something here...as a resident of a club, you just can't demand that your buddy dj with you all the time. that's just not good business. think about it.

i have nothing but love for my boys and please let's talk about something else! this is making me turn all shades of red and purple!

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Guest meng

This is one hell of a good thread.

first of all I'd like to thank Stryke for not only being the badass that he is, but also for being one of the influences of mine since the early nineties back at The Edge. It's acts like Stryke, Rabbit in the Moon, Monk and Three that made me fall in love with EDM and start spinning it back in '99.

Now I gotta say that although cooljunkie and I have had our differences that I do appreciate what they did for me back when the idea of deckjunkie was conceived.

Thanks to CJ I did get to open for Edgar at Space and also got to play at practically every club here in Miami and South Beach.

It got me off my feat dj wise and then I got the privilige to get to spin with the guys that influenced me to spin to begin with. I've played several Hallucination parties in Tampa with Monk, Confucius, Jackal and Hyde, etc...

I got to spin with Stryke twice with Confucius; once at Ongaku (Red) and once at Spiclub.

Stryke is one of the more humble dj/producers that I've met. His talent is unquestionable whether you like what he does or not.

I could say that I've been trying my hardest to just land any gig around here. Most recently I spun with Groove Eric at Blue. But these gigs are hard to come by.

Spinning is something I love, just like I love to play the drums. But it's so tough to find a DJ gig around here (even a freebie). My calendar is filled with band gigs. I have been playing drums in rock cover bands. It pays and it's also a labor of love. But you know I will drop a band gig to spin for little or no money simply because I have ben missing out on it and I love it so much.

How can I solely dedicate myself to dj'ing if it's tough enough as it is just trying to get a freebie gig? I can't do it unless I'm not booked with my band. I have to work a day job and play drums in a couple of cover bands. At least I love drumming and I am doing that. But spinning my house and breaks is something that I don't so often at all these days and I have been trying to get into clubs at least for an hour audition slot.

I'll take whatever DJ gig I can just to move that dacefloor whether it pays or not.

-Sean Bauzay

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Guest Wendel

It's amazing how someone personal thought can ruffle can so may feathers.

I don't post on any message boards unless I something to add to the discussion.

But this caught my attention. Like the Man who posted this thread says check your Info before you say anything.

Cause at the end, if you don't know what you're talking about, you might look like the idiot.

In this Business, no one can force anyone to book any Dj if that particular person does not want to. You make your own breaks in this business, and unfortunately some of the most important people that are running things, might not be paying attention most of the time. Don’t fool yourselves in to thinking that no one helps each other out, because if they didn’t, a lot of us would not be working in this town. Things is, is that our friends can only do so much. But if the half is not willing to give it a chance, than it’s out of our hands.

Just Go out and support your Favorite DJ and Artist, cause at the end, Numbers speak Louder than Hot Air


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Guest klubveteran

well, we finally got a topic/thread with some substance and a lot of people that dont post ....did.

so thats good. ;D

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I just dont understand how everytime there is a thread about Greg, who is so positive and thoughtful, it always ends up with negativity? People just stop. Its shit like this that brings negativity to the person it involves whether it is intentional or not.

Greg deserves way better than this. Just stop.

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damn! even Wendel is in on this mess!?! ;)

bottom line is...

I went to Nocturnal last Saturday night. I posted a review of the night (IMHO). This is commonplace on this board. I thought Greg rocked it and deserves a residency. (I think most agree)

In my opinion he is one of Miami's finest and should be treated as such. If people want to try to put ME out there...so be it.....if I can help get him the attention he deserves in ANY way, Im doing it...because I beleive in him and his talent.

I don't need to and would never come on here and try to defend or say what I've done or haven't done for anyone. That would completely trivialize and devalue the whole thing. I just hope that those that know...KNOW and that is all that matters to me in the end.

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Guest davidorth

damn! even Wendel is in on this mess!?! ;)

bottom line is...

I went to Nocturnal last Saturday night. I posted a review of the night (IMHO). This is commonplace on this board. I thought Greg rocked it and deserves a residency. (I think most agree)

In my opinion he is one of Miami's finest and should be treated as such. If people want to try to put ME out there...so be it.....if I can help get him the attention he deserves in ANY way, Im doing it...because I beleive in him and his talent.

I don't need to and would never come on here and try to defend or say what I've done or haven't done for anyone. That would completely trivialize and devalue the whole thing. I just hope that those that know...KNOW and that is all that matters to me in the end.

dawg... WE KNOW.

why anyone listens to some of the people on this board who obviously know nothing and just write shit to piss other people off, is beyond me...

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Guest ddg

It's amazing how someone personal thought can ruffle can so may feathers.

I don't post on any message boards unless I something to add to the discussion.

But this caught my attention. Like the Man who posted this thread says check your Info before you say anything.

Cause at the end, if you don't know what you're talking about, you might look like the idiot.

In this Business, no one can force anyone to book any Dj if that particular person does not want to. You make your own breaks in this business, and unfortunately some of the most important people that are running things, might not be paying attention most of the time. Don’t fool yourselves in to thinking that no one helps each other out, because if they didn’t, a lot of us would not be working in this town. Things is, is that our friends can only do so much. But if the half is not willing to give it a chance, than it’s out of our hands.

Just Go out and support your Favorite DJ and Artist, cause at the end, Numbers speak Louder than Hot Air


rabbit in the moon - floorida on the patio!!!!!

thx wendel!!!!!

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Guest MsPartyPromo

Let me be clear, I would never judge anyone or the choices they make. Everyone has a right to chase their dream however they can.

What I am refering to is a viscious circle...DJs in this town are doing gigs for less than the average DJ used to make in this town 10 years ago. Problem is, the clubs revenue HAS increased from 10 years ago.

You said it yourself, you're good day job affords you the financial freedom to moonlight as a DJ...but what about the guys who put DJing first? what about the DJs that have day jobs on the side to survive? The Djs that work at a record shop during the day...The DJs that do construction and installs in clubs...The DJs that have another job strictly to pay the bills while they chase their dream...They are the ones being hurt..

The issue is, if you have a stable career that you worked hard to achieve, but you love to DJ on the side, you will never count on DJing for income...This is a club owner's dream! This drives all the DJs salaries down and then there will be even LESS DJs making a career for themselves.

There are many DJs in this town that have paid their dues and proven themselves time and time again that are being hurt by this. It devalues the DJs worth.

I agree with you and Saleen...the future is always important...and EVERYONE should be mindful of that. I have a family myself and am very conscious of that fact. This is why I worry when I see the (local) industry I love going in a strange directon. DJs should decide what their fees are, and when you are eating from them, you tend to be a lot more picky.

Respect to all those that do it for the love!!!

(no matter what that means)

WOW.... This is by far the most interesting topic I've read...

Oscarcito, couldn't of said it better...

I am married to a DJ... I understand & agree w/ Oscar totally ...

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