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goodbye to my good friend Bruce Wilcox [MEMORIAL INFO FINALIZED]

Guest stryke303

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Guest DayDREAMn

*********** MEMORIAL SATURDAY MAY 6th!! ***********

A memorial gathering honoring of our dear departed friend Bruce Wilcox will be held at Mama Mia's in Hollywood, Fl.

Saturday May 6th 2006

7 PM - til they kick us out.

There will be Hour devours and a Cash Bar

You can check http://www.miagrill.com for information about the location.

Sorry about the short notice. We hope all of you can attend.

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Guest mcmike


Hey guys -

It seems a lot of you were into the mix-tape I was able to put online. Does anyone know if someone is going to try to find out where Bruce's collection of his mix-tapes are? If possible I'd like to get a hold of those tapes, transfer them to mp3's and then put them online so everyone can download them. I'm really interested in the begining of his collection when he used to number his tapes. Would anyone know how I could maybe get a hold of the person who might be going through Bruce's stuff and thus might come across that collection? Also, if you happen to have a mix-tape and can't get it into an mp3 format contact me (you can send me the tape and I'll do it and if you want I'll send the tape back). If you're able to get it in an mp3 format lemme know and I'll tell you how to upload it to one of my servers. I'll go through my mix-tape collection to see if I can find another Bruce tape in the meantime.

Here's the URL's again of the mix tape I have online (named Grandma's House from '91):



Again - I'm throwing a Simon's reunion on 5/28 in NYC (which is really sad because I've been trying for almost a year to contact Bruce to see if he would spin). If you're going to be in NYC on that date contact me through my Myspace page for info on that memorial. It'll take place at Central Park at dusk on the day of the reunion (5/28)


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Guest mcmike

These are tunes that I thank Bruce for turning me on to (this would be from late '91 to early '92):

- if you don't know how to d/l these right click & 'save as' on a PC & 'ctrl' + click on a Mac....

http://newwavehouse.com/mp3/rhythmisamystery.mp3 K-Klass's "Rhythm Is A Mystery" (This is actually the very first house tune I ever heard - Bruce was playing this when I first stepped into Simon's)

http://newwavehouse.com/mp3/belfast.mp3 Orbital's "Belfast"

http://newwavehouse.com/mp3/blackgirlrock.mp3 Black Girl Rock's "The Theme"

http://newwavehouse.com/mp3/findme.mp3 Jam & Spoon's "Find Me"

http://newwavehouse.com/mp3/fruitoflove.mp3 Transformer 2's "Fruit of Love"

http://newwavehouse.com/mp3/frustration00.mp3 Taste Experience's "Frustration"

http://newwavehouse.com/mp3/ishallbereleased.mp3 Alabama 3's "I Shall Be Released"

http://newwavehouse.com/mp3/itsafineday.mp3 Opus iii's "It's A Fine Day"

http://newwavehouse.com/mp3/musicofthefuture.mp3 Chog & The Fresh Fruits of Funk's "Music of the Phewtcha"

http://newwavehouse.com/mp3/pacificsymphony.mp3 Transformer 2's "Pacific Symphony"

http://newwavehouse.com/mp3/papaunewguinea.mp3 Future Sound of London's "Papau New Guinea"

http://newwavehouse.com/mp3/takemylove00.mp3 Lickwid Lips' "Take My Love"

http://newwavehouse.com/mp3/unity.mp3 Unity's "Unity"

http://newwavehouse.com/mp3/weshallbe.mp3 Well Hung Parliment's "We Shall Be"

http://cjmikey.com/music/WorldSeriesOfLife.mp3 World Series of Life's "Spread Love"

http://cjmikey.com/songs/07%20Age%20of%20Love%20(Jam%20&%20Spoon%20Mix).mp3 Age of Love's "Age of Love"

http://cjmikey.com/songs/dream_urthebesthing.mp3 D:Ream's "U R The Best Thing"

http://cjmikey.com/songs/innercity_goodlife.mp3 Inner City's "Good Life"

http://progressivemix.com/playthis/moodswings.mp3 Moodswing's "State of Indepedence"

--- Sorry for posting so much but if you haven't figured it out by now music is the most important thing in my life. This is exactly why Bruce and I became such good friends from the moment we met and although our friendship wasn't as intense as it was in the first 2 or 3 years, since we lived hours away, I will always consider Bruce a very very good friend.

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Guest K3N

I've been reading all these wonderful stories the past few days, wondering what I could say about Bruce that has yet to be said.

I sat down with Bruce a few years back, to sell off a bunch of vinyl that was piling up in his apartment. We spent days flipping through old tunes, talking about the good times when the music was all that mattered. We'd occasionally stumble across a few classic tracks that he just couldn't bear to part with, tracks that represented all those happy memories from days long gone. What we wouldn't give to relive those days again...

I regret that I only spoke with him 2-3 times a year since then, and I probably saw him even less. I regret that I never really got to thank him for all that he did for me. He gave me the opportunity of a lifetime (no questions asked), to be a part of that great moment in time. From what I can remember, those days at the Edge were times that I will never forget. ;D

But, worst of all, I regret that we couldn't help him when he needed it most. What would cause him to think, that there was one single person among his friends, that wouldn't drop whatever they were doing to help a friend in need? Bruce, I'm sorry we couldn't help...

There's a lesson here boys and girls; and when we figure it all out someday, be sure to share it with someone you care about...

Bruce Wilcox - Rockin' that Great Gig in the Sky, one last time.

RIP dear friend...

- ken

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Guest kellydallen

One of the greatest things one can ever do is help someone to become more like the person they wish to be, to give the courage and opportunity to pursue their dreams or goals.

Bruce did this for many people. I'm not sure if he even meant to, which is possibly an even greater compliment. It was just something he did.

He was a catalyst for a time and a place that will never be recreated. He wasn't the only person that made it happen - the others know who they are - but he was the catalyst that brought it all together in one spectacularly intense ball of light.

I remember DJing one New Years @ The Edge, I think it was 1995 turning to 1996. I had headphones on (both ears), the booth monitors cranked and I could *still* hear the crowd over the music volume.

To me, this is a metaphor for Bruce's life. Something so spectacularly intense can only happen for a short period of time and then it is gone.

If something just *stays* that brightly burning then it just becomes commonplace and normal, and not so *special* anymore.

This is in dedication to a person that changed many people's lives, and gave us a splendid show of lightning and fireworks that we can now just sit back, admire, and remember.

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Guest AlanS

Thank you mcmike for posting these mix tapes...

Admittedly, I never knew or met you Bruce, but I have enjoyed reading everyones stories about you. It's very clear you were a good friend and inspiration to many, a pioneering DJ and one hell of a music aficianado.

As I listen now to these mix tapes, I am taken back to my own personal place, where I was first introduced to this music. Its really bringing back those memories. I never would have thought then, that 15 years later I would still have so much involvment with and dedication to the music, the music that sounded so new and fresh, inspiring, and moving to me.

I often kick myself for losing the shoebox full of mix tapes I collected from back then, as I occasionally have the craving to pull some out for listening.

Thank you Bruce for putting a couple mix tapes back into my cassette crate :)

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Guest globalwm

I first met Bruce in Gainesville. "You gotta check out Bruce's Thursday nites at MFP" was the word. Gee, this goes back to 1987-1988? Simon was the Friday nite DJ and Troy (?) took Saturdays I believe.

Soon after, a "new" club opened called "the Rev". After submitting an audition tape, me and my friends Charles Ariz and Mike Hatami starting covering 2-3 nites a week there. Bruce was the Manager of the club. This is when I would say I got to know Bruce. Simon was also working at this club (Friday nites) as well. I would also run into Bruce at Vamp (remember Jenene?) often.

Famous Bruce quote: "You can never play too much Soul-2-Soul" was a classic from the time! Bruce was really into the alt band called Mud Honey. He loved the stuff! We all thought it was crap! LOL Bruce wasn't into dance music back in those days. The whole Manchester scene was breaking into the US and he didn't care for it at first.

It was also a fact about how Bruce had worked everywhere in Gainesville. One guy told us that he worked with Bruce at the pet store at the Oaks Mall. We confronted Bruce about it - he denied that one. "-)

Many don't know this but at the time, Bruce and Simon didn't get along in a Manager/DJ relationship. There was some sort of music censorship going on and Simon didn't care for it. He also was censoring what we were playing on the 1st and 2nd floors. This was the catalyst for Simon opening his own club - which we all helped. Simon's club was originally called InnerMind (after the Eon 12"), then Trancentral (after the KLF 12") and then finally - Simon's. The rest is history from there. I think I still have my grand opening invitation. wow~

After graduating from UF (1991) - I moved back home to Ft. Lauderdale and started DJing at the Zoo in Davie. I later went to the Edge one night to check it out and was suprised to see Bruce! I hadn't seen him since Gainesville.

Soon after, I met Kenny, Stryke, KellyD, Jaysen, Drew... (in the Myst party 1994). We all did parties and hung out together.

Another Bruce quote just came to mind. He would say to the kids starting out: "You guys need to stop whoring yourselves out at parties for just $50"

I was also DJing at Squeeze and filled in for Bruce (regular nite) a couple of times when we needed to be away. That was a blast!

Then there was the whole Global Warming days...

I moved out to the Pacific NW in 2000 and currently live in North Idaho (Sandpoint). I'm flying down tomorrow for the memorial - looking forward to seeing everyone as we all remember (Uncle) Bruce Wilcox!

-- Anthony Ballo

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Guest mcmike

Many don't know this but at the time, Bruce and Simon didn't get along in a Manager/DJ relationship. There was some sort of music censorship going on and Simon didn't care for it. He also was censoring what we were playing on the 1st and 2nd floors. This was the catalyst for Simon opening his own club - which we all helped. The rest is history from there.

Thanks for the clue. I thought something had happened between Simon and Bruce and now I know. Now when I see Simon in 3 weeks I won't have to start asking him 20 questions to get him to explain something that hadn't made sense to me before now. You have a done me a great favor for it makes the picture and their history a lot clearer and now I know how to handle the situation for the reunion.

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Guest globalwm

He introduced me to record shopping Thursdays at Y&T and much more. -- Mike Sharpe

Now that sure brings back some memories! ;)

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Guest DMS12

WOW.. i just heard about this.. im shocked.. All the memories at the Edge.. when there was only about 50 people to the times of 3000.. Respect.. DMS12

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Guest DJ Nova

The Edge changed my life, because of Bruce I was exposed to music I did not know existed .

Bruce paved the way for many here in South Florida , he will always be in our thoughts

Much Respect


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Guest stryke303

I would like to thank all of you for all your kind words about bruce. thank you for all the calls, emails, etc... to those of you who came to bruce's memorial this past saturday, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. it was great to see all of you. it's been years since i've seen quite a lot of you. i was very happy to see you all. even in death, bruce still has the talent to bring people together. on monday, we scattered bruce's ashes and said our goodbyes. it was a very emotional day, but it was also very beautiful. should we decide to do a tribute to bruce, i'll be sure to post details here. again, thank you all for your love and support.

bruce, i love you and miss you every single day. thank you for your friendship, your love, your time, your lessons. i carry you in my heart everyday.

much love,


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Guest dawnschmees

The death of Bruce has taught me to never take a friend for granted. To take extra time to let people know much you love them. I regret not saying the things I should have said to him in October (the last time I saw him). Bruce, thank you for being such a huge part of the best years of my life. Thank you for bringing all of us togethor into our Ft Lauderdale family unit. It was the first time I felt like I was part of a family, the first time I ever had such a strong bond amongst friends. Everytime I think back at all of the memories we all shared, I remember you and how you made me laugh and smile. I remember how I used to beg you to play the "save a prayer"remix ALL THE TIME. And you would. Thanks ;) I always felt special when you spoke to me, like I was the only one in the room. I think we all felt that way. You will be with me everyday Bruce. Everyday.

I agree that this life doesn't make any sense and I can only hope that it is all clear to us when we pass on. Whoever said that "this is the easy way out" has no idea how hard this path is to travel. Because this wasn't easy for anyone. Especially our dearly departed friend. If there is ever anyone who feels like they need a friend, please know that my door is always open.

Drew and Greg, you have been amazing. Thank you for showing a friend the greatest respect and love that you could. Never have I seen a greater display of affection toward a friend ever in my life. Your sacrifices have taken the meaning of being a friend to the next level. Bruce was put to rest surrounded by the love he so deserved, and I think he felt that. Thanks for allowing me to be part of everything. I love you all.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest pupy29

i am a little late on receiving the news but it still feels like a dozen daggers stabbing at my heart.for those who don't remember me i am lefty's little cuz.be cuz of bruce i am were i am today,dj and producing and flying over seas to publish my music.i remember when i was 14 sneaking in to the edge becuz i had no money to get in.this night apart from all others is when i met who mr. wilcox wuz.climbing up the fence in the back of the club, my windbreaker pants got caught in the fence and rip like you would not beleive.on top of that i got snag by a bouncer.i took a long shot and said i was a friend of bruce not thinking the bouncer would take me to him.so there i go straight to bruce with a gapping hole in my pants.at that time i had only spoken to bruce twice before.but rather him turning me away he told the bouncer i was with him & he let me chill with them in the booth.he laugh at the fact of what happen to my pants.but his answer to me about this event was "i see you every night even on wed. with nora,summer,etc.always jamming to my mixing. if money is a major issue just ask for me at the door,anybody who dances like you do deserves to be here with the masses.

thuss changing my life ever since & has kept me chasing my dreams.

greg keep your head up

bruce you will always be remembered in my mind, body,&

soul,you were always 21 on how you made things work but that is what made you mr. wilcox

p.s. for those who knew him well, remember who he was & what he stood for, rather than his rapid departure

your partner dj jafa a.k.a pupy

(save a prayer for me now)duran duran

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Guest stryke303

Hi Pupy,

Thanks so much for that great story. I can totally picture Bruce telling the bouncer to let you stay. He was great that way. Not a day has gone by without me thinking about our good friend. It's his birthday on Saturday, and I've been struggling, thinking of how to deal with that. The past few years, I would call Bruce up on his birthday and meet him for dinner and a few drinks. He was very low key about his birthday (as I am), and he always preferred that there was no bother about it. On Saturday, I'll probably go to his favourite little Irish pub, eat some crappy bar food, and have a beer at our usual table, in his honour. We miss you Bruce!

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Guest arefresh

For those still wondering what ever happened to my "tribute mix"?

I haven't forgotten about it. I'm still getting organized from my move & have been working loooong hours. I have put together a rough mix though to the tune of about "4" hours long so far.

Will have it posted in the near future,


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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest abolfaz

Now that sure brings back some memories! ;)

Yes it does. I met Bruce back in 88 when he worked at My friends Place (MFP). I can't say things were exactly smooth back then between us and things came to a head when my friends and I (Anthony & Charles) actually started playing the same night as him at Rev (soon afterwords MFP closed down), just when we thought we had him beat he becomes the manager of the club we were working at!

Anthony summed up the old days better than I, I still remember getting together at the house in lauderdale on sundays, the cats, Drew, Jason, Dulce's feet, etc...

I feel like a real jerk finding out last week that bruce had passed several months ago, discovering this forum is like finding a group of old friends from back in the day. Rest in peace Bruce.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest meimeicat1

Wow. THis is one of the strangest days ever. I haven't thought about Bruce in YEARS and this afternoon, became sentimental for my Gainesville days. So while Googling, I came across this post for Bruce.

I knew him in Gainesville in the late 80's. Before he DJed. He just hung out at the clubs like MFP and Simon's(well, that was later). He bounced at the Rev. I know he was roomates with Mark from Subject, and think he may have managed the band for a while.

He was just our friend. He always henna'd his hair.red..he tried to talk me into doing it, but I am more of a Clairol girl. I read some other poster's memories of him, I can't say I remember him ever DJing at MFP..just Scott, Simon, sometimes Troy.

When I knew him, he was more into the local bands. Not so much "house music"as we called it then. He had a black biker jacket he wore alot. He had bought it from this store in New Orleans, I think, Big Budda? Something like that. We had fun on NO for Mardi Gras in '89. The Blue Crystal in the Quarter, and going to Slidell to hear DJ Kendall.

I actually went on this date-as-friends with him and we saw this God-awful Mickey Rourke movie where he gets a new face or some such crap. We had dinner at Leonardo's 706, where he was working at the time.

He was really in alot of pain when he lost his Mom to cancer. I lost my Mom in '96 and actually thought of Bruce...remembering his loss.

Anyway, all this to say, I have fond memories of Bruce. He was a really nice guy, with an acerbic wit. He certainly knew alot of people and will be missed.

I guess I know now why I was called to Google his name. What sad news. Sorry you felt you had to do it, Bruce, and I hope your pain is gone now.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest djdakota

I found out two weeks ago about Bruce when I saw Greg here in Vegas. Now I know why Bruce didn't answer my call when I called him on his birthday. I haven’t been able to write anything until now. I was afraid of saying something I would regret to all who loved him b/c I have been fucking angry at him.

I've been here for a year and last saw Bruce when I was down to spin at Ultra and I popped into Grooveman to say hello. Bruce was like my brother who I kinda always took for granted would always be there..and he was always there..a part of my life..since 1991 when I was buying vinyl from him in Frequency Record Shop in G-ville.I saved every mixed tape he gave me and I studied his mixing.I followed his gigs and supported his sets whenever I could--including the Edge in Jax.We kept in touch over the years and he stayed with me & my beau whenever he spun at the Edge in Orlando and we would debate new hot tracks and spin in the living rm.As soon as he got the Edge in Ft. Lauderdale under his belt, he was so excited when he was dubbed the "Edge Ambassador" and traveled spinning at all of them.

One night when he was en route to Orlando to spin, his car broke down. He got a ride somehow to our place and when he showed up, I said, well how are we going to tow your car? He said, I don't give a shit about my car, can you give me a ride back to my car so I can get all my records? We left his car there for the rest of the weekend.

When Bruce moved to Ft. Lauderdale and was spinning at the Edge, I drove up every Saturday night from Miami at approx. 1:45am so I could catch his famous 2:45am break in format to go totally Electronic. He was so good. He logged every single song he played all night long for the "average" crowd but when it came to 2:45 (until?? 7am??), it was his world and his passion. I'll never forget the night he threw on Lydon "Open Up" for the very first time..The row of suspended beacon lights above the stage rocked back and forth to the beat like an ominous calling to all who felt that moment (way to go Dru). I continued to drive up for the Wednesday dinners at the house and everyone welcomed me (thanks Lollipop Guild!). That's where I snapped the photo below.

When Bruce moved to Miami, we saw each other at Y&T and when I moved back to Miami, we opened the Spec's Music store together along with Stryke and many other music lovers and shortly thereafter, spun together at the WOMB on Tuesday nights.. Then I got engaged and moved away to WPB only to keep in touch sporadically and always buying records and catching a bite to eat together here and there.

I remember he told me the only reason he had his car was to drive around and study the new music he would record at length painfully, so he would know the exact moment to bring his mixes together when he played out.

The last intimate conversation we shared was via IM, right after I got divorced about 2 years ago. We spoke on IM for about an hour and I emailed him after to thank him. This is what Bruce wrote back (I saved the email as encouragement):


RE: Catching Up

...the correct number is 786.457.3177. I had to call it just to make sure. Anyway, it was really enjoyable to talk to you again after such a long time. After we finished, I thought about you for a bit. Knowing what I know about you I came to the conclusion that better things are in your future. You're

an intelligent, beautiful woman with an upbeat personality and a great sense of humor...these are all characteristic that most guys are looking for. It's other traits like values, morals, lifestyle preferences, etc. that you have to match up with the right guy to make a good relationship work. So you've

got the goods, sooner or later you'll find the right fit...and don't compromise. You may not know what you want, but I'm sure that you know what you don't...and that's what life teaches you...you just went through a hell of a lesson.

You always have an ear, or a shoulder with me if you need it.



Bruce-would you have answered my call? You had enough huh? Didnt you know you had a shoulder to lean on too?? Would you have taken your own life if you had known just how many people loved you and have all these awesome memories of you? I will love you forever for being my friend..for being an intricate part of the fabric of my life and of the music in my soul.

I'm sorry if my recollection of his movements may be skewed, but all I know is that Bruce was always there throughout my life..and now he's not. I'm so sorry to his family and I mourn with his friends.

I want to let everyone know that if they would like a copy of one of Bruce's mixed tapes that I have, I will copy it for you onto cd. I have #16-23 and #27 (I think). Feel free to email me for it djdakota@djdakota.com. It's the least I can do in his memory.

I love you Bruce, goodbye.



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Guest meimeicat1

What a great picture-I can't believe how he never aged....he looked just like he did back in Gainesville in the 80's!

THe message he sent you, Stephany, sounds just like him. He tried to talk me out of dating his roommate, and when I didn't listen and the roommate broke my heart, he took me out for many bottles of wine at Leonardo's 706 and talked me through it, and even better, listened!

I haven't been able to get him out of my thoughts.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest shawn

I just found out a couple hours ago and really can't say much right now. Bruce and I were very close in G-ville for many years. With so many wonderful and positive posts I'd love to share some great stories with you all from the late 80's and early 90's. Frankly, I have to compose myself better before doing so. I see a couple familiar names and would like to hear more. I hope this string stays active a little longer so we can get the chance.

It's been a couple years since Bruce and I last spoke. I am sorry it wasn't sooner because in Gainseville, we were brothers. I was well aware of his battle with suicidal thoughts. We had many deep conversations about it and it was something that made me worry many a night. I always hoped he'd find his way around it. I guess in the end, he couldn't. It's very sad because as many of you probably know, he had a positive outlook on much of life. I know from personal experience, we had certainly had a ton of great times and laughs.

When I get my thoughts better focused, I'll try to share some fun stories. If any of you want to hear them sooner or just want to reach out, I'd be happy to hear from you. If any of the Gainesville folks are reading (since so many of us have lost touch from that great era), feel free to drop me a note: rshawngross@comcast.net

I'll miss you Bruce.

Your long lost friend, Shawn

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest beach2900

WOW.. I just happened to be looking through some of my old favorite web sites and ran across this post. I have been out of the scene for 8 years or so and have since moved from South Florida to Tennessee. I cant belive it. When did this happen? I have only met Bruce a few times @ The Edge back in Lauderdale and I really loved his sets. I too used to sit and wait for his sets that usually started sometime after 2:30am or so.. Hell alot of times we didnt even leave the house till 2am. I am really sad to find this out. He was deffinately an asset to the industry! I still have an old tape from one of his sets that I have comverted to cd and listen to often. RIP you and your music will be missed...

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  • 11 months later...
Guest djnino

hello everyone I just find out about this... & I feel very sad about this tragic.I hav jus one thing to say thank you bruce for the inspiration you gave me to become a dj. I will never forget you.

dj Nino rest a peace

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