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how to stop smoking

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sure! i use to be the biggest pot head, but one day i just decided i'd had enough and i stopped....and it was really no big deal, now when i smoke, which is rare and only for special occaisons (rolling) i get really high....but i did start smoking more ciggaretes.... cwm7.gif

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It's not that hard...basically if you've decided you don't want to smoke anymore, getting high isn't that much of a temptation. Besides, like Larenyna333 said - if you space it out a bunch, you get *reaaally* high *reeeaaally* quickly. cwm4.gifcwm32.gif


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Friends of mine used to grow some really quality bud and one of my roommates dated one of them, so he'd hook us all up.

I smoke some of the kindest bud and never paid for it. Once we moved I realized all of the other stuff was garbage and too expensive. So I pretty much lost interest. I smoke on occassion nowadays.


You're only young once:


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I smoked everyday for about 2 years and quit cold turkey in 96. I didn't smoke or want to smoke any more. I got a dime back last year at a club and smoked everyday for about a month. (Since I hadn't smoked in sooooo long I would get high off just a few hits and that dime bag lasted really long). Now I have no interest in it at all. I wouldn't smoke if it was free and offered to me. However, I'd love to do other drugs! cwm1.gif

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id have to get paid to smoke....i hate pot




1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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I love weed, but I pretty much smoke the same way I drink... that is on the weekends, maybe. I don't smoke cigs also, so I never really have a craving to smoke, I just save it for the weekends. I love being able to get high off of a little bit of weed.



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smoke everyday at school... but have only done it a few times this summer. best way to stop is to just not buy... and if others offer just be like, no thanx. but not buying ur own is the key


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It matters on the person I guess. I hate pot personally. I become really anti social and have the look of a moron (really chinked out). Yet my friends are all hippies and smoke for hours each day. Many have tried to quit but always go back. I guess if all your friends smoke then it hard to turn them down when they pass it to you. My dads best friend could never quit and has been smokin for 30 years now


YaY to all my P-E-E-ps who BUMP and grind their way through this K-razy life

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pot is in no way addictive....i get high every single day. yes it takes me a whole bowl to the head to get high but i don't care cause i love it. i did this before a couple of years ago and just decided to stop. i didn't smoke for about 1 1/2 - 2 years. didn't bother me a bit. now its been everyday for the past 2. getting a little more expensive but im definitely not addicted. i just enjoy it.

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stoned this past year, but only a couple of times since may. i guess everyone is different with what they can and can not do.

side note: old but good. how do you stop your girlfriend from smoking???slow down and use a lubricant.

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when i got sick i stopped smoking trees for about 6 weeks, and when i have school i only smoke a blunt twice a week. never during the school week.


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Robert Deniro


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I used to smoke like an animal and then one day i just decided i didnt want it anymore and i havent touched the stuff in 2 years... for some people it doesnt come that easy i mean i have a friend whose been smoking for years and the poor guy gotta inhale an 8th before he gets buzzed


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i smoked everyday of my senior yr in high school. when i went to college i went on to bigger and better things....e. ::i'm just joking:: but e just made smoking up seem so dumb. i dunno.

just quit with someone else. maybe that'lll help? cwm35.gif


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