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first move....


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first of all hi im new but i luv these boards and finally decided to join! anyways i have a question im a girl and im young and outgoing well how do u guys feel about a girl making the first move...as in theres this guy i like~~> what if i just went up to him and kissed him seductively ( i know he likes me but i dont think hes sure how i feel)what do u guys think ?? any suggestions?? please! thanks!

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First off, where are you planning to do this "seductive kiss"? That would make the difference. Example: class in school vs. the club. Ya know? Also, you should comment in my post about advice in kissing. Personally, I would like it if a girl went up to me and kissed me, because then I wouldn't have to make the first move. That can be nerve wracking.


Peace out!

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Being the nympho that I am, I've made the first move quite a few times. Just the other day, I went up to a bunch of guys at my dinning hall and invited them to join us for lunch. They did and that was a complete ice-breaker. Some guys are just SSSOOO shy that they will never go up to girls and make a move. The guys I invited turned out to be the coolest poeple i've met so far in college. No way in hell would they have come up to me and my friends. I know because they told me. So by me, a girl, making the first move, those guys felt more relaxed and all is well from there. We've been chillin for a few days. Guys ssssooo respect girls for stuff like that. Hey they do it all the time so if a girl has enough balls to do that she deserves their respect! I guess it all depends on how well you know the guy. If its strangers, as in my case, you ask them to join you for lunch and see how that goes. If its someone you like and KNOW, and you KNOW they like you, then sure, ask them out. Do it casually (ie "hey there is this great movie coming out, wanna go see it?"). If you've been out with them and they simply are too shy to make a move, then just GO FOR IT! Smack a big one on their lips. If that goes well, introduce your tongue to theirs (the rest you can use your imagination!) But the case can also be that they are not interested so you have to be careful. But we live in a new millenium so there is no reason for any girl to feel apprehensive about making a move on a guy!



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Originally posted by umassclubberny:

Being the nympho that I am, I've made the first move quite a few times. Just the other day, I went up to a bunch of guys at my dinning hall and invited them to join us for lunch. They did and that was a complete ice-breaker. Some guys are just SSSOOO shy that they will never go up to girls and make a move. The guys I invited turned out to be the coolest poeple i've met so far in college. No way in hell would they have come up to me and my friends. I know because they told me. So by me, a girl, making the first move, those guys felt more relaxed and all is well from there. We've been chillin for a few days. Guys ssssooo respect girls for stuff like that. Hey they do it all the time so if a girl has enough balls to do that she deserves their respect! I guess it all depends on how well you know the guy. If its strangers, as in my case, you ask them to join you for lunch and see how that goes. If its someone you like and KNOW, and you KNOW they like you, then sure, ask them out. Do it casually (ie "hey there is this great movie coming out, wanna go see it?"). If you've been out with them and they simply are too shy to make a move, then just GO FOR IT! Smack a big one on their lips. If that goes well, introduce your tongue to theirs (the rest you can use your imagination!) But the case can also be that they are not interested so you have to be careful. But we live in a new millenium so there is no reason for any girl to feel apprehensive about making a move on a guy!

your still the man lol.. i love how you explain your self .. and additude hehe



New CLub in Staten islnad ... (ELEMENTS) call for info ... or e-mail me at martin_izzo@netzero.net

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Originally posted by cutipatuti:


first of all hi im new but i luv these boards and finally decided to join! anyways i have a question im a girl and im young and outgoing well how do u guys feel about a girl making the first move...as in theres this guy i like~~> what if i just went up to him and kissed him seductively ( i know he likes me but i dont think hes sure how i feel)what do u guys think ?? any suggestions?? please! thanks!

I don't think the majority of the guys out there would mind, but one word of advice is, make sure their girlfriend is not around!! hahaha that would put him into real deep shit! LOL! cwm27.gif

Now I have a question for you... What if a guy that you know that likes you comes up to you and just goes for that kiss?!? If u dont really like the guy, what do u do? What are some of your possible reactions?! now there's material for a thread... hehehe


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


"That's the last time I ever do crystal meth, speed, heroin, pot, 12 cookies' worth of acid, ether, ecstacy, and cocaine in a four- hour period.

Or was that just Tranceport?"

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Originally posted by mp3some:

What if a guy that you know that likes you comes up to you and just goes for that kiss?!? If u dont really like the guy, what do u do? What are some of your possible reactions?! now there's material for a thread... hehehe

Ahhhh... you would get the shit beat out of you by the guys that I am with! Consider yourself warned smile.gif



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Originally posted by glowball:

Originally posted by umassclubberny:

Being the nympho that I am, I've made the first move quite a few times. Just the other day, I went up to a bunch of guys at my dinning hall and invited them to join us for lunch. They did and that was a complete ice-breaker. Some guys are just SSSOOO shy that they will never go up to girls and make a move. The guys I invited turned out to be the coolest poeple i've met so far in college. No way in hell would they have come up to me and my friends. I know because they told me. So by me, a girl, making the first move, those guys felt more relaxed and all is well from there. We've been chillin for a few days. Guys ssssooo respect girls for stuff like that. Hey they do it all the time so if a girl has enough balls to do that she deserves their respect! I guess it all depends on how well you know the guy. If its strangers, as in my case, you ask them to join you for lunch and see how that goes. If its someone you like and KNOW, and you KNOW they like you, then sure, ask them out. Do it casually (ie "hey there is this great movie coming out, wanna go see it?"). If you've been out with them and they simply are too shy to make a move, then just GO FOR IT! Smack a big one on their lips. If that goes well, introduce your tongue to theirs (the rest you can use your imagination!) But the case can also be that they are not interested so you have to be careful. But we live in a new millenium so there is no reason for any girl to feel apprehensive about making a move on a guy!

your still the man lol.. i love how you explain your self .. and additude hehe

Glowball...every thread I read that you post on proves my poiny that you REALLY ARE A FUCKING IDIOT...you just called umassclubberny "the man"...SHE is a FEMALE...you fucking brainless shmuck.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



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here is my persepective: since i am a little shy at times i dont give a shit if a girl comes up to me and kisses me, i would be quite flattered, as of matter of fact....anyway for all guys and girls heres some advice of ive learn: sometimes you just gotta say what fuck, fuck it, and just go for it.

Skateboarding is an art of the underground cwm23.gif

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Originally posted by umassclubberny:

Ahhhh... you would get the shit beat out of you by the guys that I am with! Consider yourself warned smile.gif

That's exactly what I thought... Even though the question was for cutipat...

but waht if U enjoy the kiss?!?! what if after he kisses u, u realize u kinda like the guy..??!!?!

hehe Keep on postin!


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


"That's the last time I ever do crystal meth, speed, heroin, pot, 12 cookies' worth of acid, ether, ecstacy, and cocaine in a four- hour period.

Or was that just Tranceport?"

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I hate bitches who like to see fightz between

guyz, how do u get off on that.I like independant chix who can handle their own shit. Ur from brooklyn and u go to umass.

amherst? I went their like a month and half ago to visit a friend. A brooklyn accent mixing with that "I'm going to da bah" accent.I'd like to see some of that interaction.

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I hate when bitches say shit like "the guyz i run wit would". be independant!u go to amherst? I visited my friend up there. I would love to see u trying to talk to people with a brooklyn accent up there, in combination with their funny accents. that would be priceless.

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Originally posted by a691vcc:

I hate bitches who like to see fightz between

guyz, how do u get off on that.I like independant chix who can handle their own shit. Ur from brooklyn and u go to umass.

amherst? I went their like a month and half ago to visit a friend. A brooklyn accent mixing with that "I'm going to da bah" accent.I'd like to see some of that interaction.

My brooklyn accent kicks in and out of conversations. In the beginning, I just introduced myself "Hey I'm Anna, from Brooklyn NY" and all I got were dirty looks. So if people ask whether or not i'm from "manhattan" I say no, Brooklyn. Then I get pissed because i have to EXPLAIN that NYC is 5 boroughs.. which is when my NY accent REALLY kicks in. Then the little Mass kids just get scared and run away. It gets quite interesting... then you have to explain that you don't say "manhattan" or "the city that never sleeps" or my favorite most cheesy thing "the big apple" and that you simply say "the city". Some people are so damn corny. Back to the independent chick thing though, I would deffinitly qualify. And I hate it when guys fight over girls. I hate girls who get off on that. Not all girls are like that though. If a guy ever started something with another guy over me, I would walk away from both of them. We aren't in high school anymore smile.gif You comming up to UMass next semester? Which dorm did you stay at?



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Cutipatuti >

I am flattered when girls come up to me. In fact, a few girls have come up to me, and kissed me. It’s a great icebreaker. Even if things don’t work out; perhaps you meet a cool person you can become friends with. I am shy by nature; so I love women who make the first move. Most of the girls I have dated; approached me first…




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Cutipatuti >

I am flattered when girls come up to me. In fact, a few girls have come up to me, and kissed me. It’s a great icebreaker. Even if things don’t work out; perhaps you meet a cool person you can become friends with. I am shy by nature; so I love women who make the first move. Most of the girls I have dated; approached me first…




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