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RE:Old board vs. New board

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To all of those people on the board like Tranza, Rally2000, and Smokee who loved to start chaos with their posts, I have a question for you all. If you all are so old school and more mature on this board, why is it always you that cause the problems? Maybe all the other people got sick of reading your negative vibes! Clubs are for fun, if you don't like one, don't go! If you don't like a DJ it's most likely because of personal issues and NOT his skills. If a DJ has no skills he also has no job! From the looks of your rival, Denny Tsettos, well, he's traveling everywhere to spin! So, the question that really stands is, are you on this board to share your opinions, or are you here to settle personal issues? I'm sure many people would love to know!



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Ok buddy.. Listen up.. I'm not here to cause drama in the least.. I simpley express my outlook on the whole entire club scene.. Am I not entitled to my OPINION? Hey, if people go by what I say is good, then people need to check themselves.. As for my " rival " Denny Tsettos.. First, he's not my rival, or my cup of tea.. I simpley review my nights of hearing him spin.. I'm not into the Plasmic Honey house that he spins.. If you dont think his music is cheesy, well, maybe you need to experience other djs.. I have NOTHING against people that enjoy him.. As a matter of fact, more power to the people that enjoy him.. So what, I'm a dj critic.. Do you people hate movie critics?? Why should this be any different??

I see you trying to get me started with this post, but it didnt work.. SORRY!!



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Yeah! Here it is!

Thank you rythmraven, you just started a new war old school vs new school.

I hope your post will cause a lots of chaos on this board like you claim old school peeps do. This board was becoming to be boring, not enough drama!

Other than this internet bbs drama, do you have something to say about clubs?


Joël S. cool.gif


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umm ... rythmaven or whatever the fuck your name is ... who the fuck are you???

no, no, really - who the fuck are you? Who's starting trouble now bitch???

oh lookie lookie - it's you!

As for me: I NEVER said i was so old school or always right ... you need to read more carefully!

It's not our problem that you like Tsettos ... why don't you check out Tenaglia at Vinyl on friday nights or Peters at SF on saturday nights to have more of a variety in order to broaden your horizons ...

No wars here from me ... old school v. new school whatever ... I like a mixture of music and don't need the trouble or drama.

You seem to have your own issues ... and the fact is that i believe that exit and tsettos are weak ... but you're entitled to your own opinion and you can like whatever you want ... it's your choice!



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You can also suck my fucking dick, you sweat from a baboons balls..

Where the hell did you come from anyway??

( That's the answer you were looking for right homie?? ) *cough*



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Originally posted by rally2000:

umm ... rythmaven or whatever the fuck your name is ... who the fuck are you???

no, no, really - who the fuck are you? Who's starting trouble now bitch???

oh lookie lookie - it's you!

As for me: I NEVER said i was so old school or always right ... you need to read more carefully!

It's not our problem that you like Tsettos ... why don't you check out Tenaglia at Vinyl on friday nights or Peters at SF on saturday nights to have more of a variety in order to broaden your horizons ...

No wars here from me ... old school v. new school whatever ... I like a mixture of music and don't need the trouble or drama.

You seem to have your own issues ... and the fact is that i believe that exit and tsettos are weak ... but you're entitled to your own opinion and you can like whatever you want ... it's your choice!


uh hem- I would appreciate it if Rhythmraven did NOT check out Vinyl on a Friday, PLEEASE! Thanx, sincerely,but no thanx


[This message has been edited by voice (edited 05-23-2000).]

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LMAO! Sorry Voice - you're right!!!!!!!!!

I was being a lil sarcastic ... but i should shut up about Vinyl because then all these jerkoffs will show up - Juiceheads and such and turn it into another exit ... LOL

My apologies! smile.gif


Rally2K biggrin.gif


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HOLY SHIT!!! I haven't read this board in such a while & the day I decide to...my name is brought into drama...WTF?!?!?!

First off lemme start out by saying I don't usually involve myself in this silly bullshit but rythmraven...WHY DON'T U GO FUCK URSELF BITCH!!!!

Now rythmraven what post are u referring to where I start chaos???? I think I may have once expressed my feelings on Denny Cheetos. This is a public forum where people express their likes & dislikes every day right???? Did I ever once diss the people that like Denny?? NO I DIDN'T THINK SO!!! Actually I have numerous friends that are a big fan of him at Tempts!!! Just cause I think he sucked cock at Exit shouldn't get u all up in arms!!!

Now here's what u said & I quote..."Clubs are for fun, if you don't like one, don't go!"....Ur right...but on the same token...Posting is for fun, if you don't like one, don't reply to it!!!!! Or better yet don't read any of my posts!!!

Again...I'm not into this drama shit...but u started it and this is all I'm gonna say...if u would like to discuss further...email me @ gritor5@excite.com!




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Well, I just questioned your attitude, bro! if i can't ask you a question without being attacked by profanity, then I'm not the one with the problem! AND for your information I did not start this. I simply question you guys about something! YOU all were waiting for this. So, be happy! You got what you wanted, DRAMA!!

As for bringing you into this, well, I'll call a truce because you made it sound as if you were best buddies with the rest and that's the ONLY reason I put your name into it!

It's all for fun, bro! Calm yourself!



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Hey rythmwhatever ... who was waiting for this??? What are you talking about???

I wasn't waiting for this drama - sorry ... you're wrong - I don't think anyone else was either! it's clear you just wanted to stir the pot ...

Good job - everyone is attacking you now! You're right! Just stay at Exit ... peace



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Actually, I really wasn't trying to stir anything, slick! And the only ones that were attacking me were the ones i questioned! I have NO PROBLEM with them being taken off guard. I would be too! BUT You are still trying to point fingers while I already settled things with the others!

Right Smokee?

Right Tranza?

Difference of opinions should NOT = negativity!

Peace TO ALL!!


Hey Smokee - To answer your question, yes i do like Tsettos. I think he's really great! That doesn't mean I don't like others though. I don't know him really well, but I did meet him a few times while I was with some other known DJs and I have to admit, He wasn't like anything I thought he would be. I used to sit and read all of these nasty things on the boards and thought he was going to be a complete @ss. BUT I met him while he was spinning and at other clubs on his off nights and he was just a cool guy. Very level, so since then I started questioning others opinions, that's all! Make sense? I've been in the scene for a while, I'm just starting to see it from another angle now!

[This message has been edited by rythmraven (edited 05-24-2000).]

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I really don't give a fuck if you settled with them! SLICK???? oh please ... noone could be slicker than you:

"I have a question for you all. If you all are so old school and more mature on this board, why is it always you that cause the problems? Maybe all the other people got sick of reading your negative vibes! "

that's your quote genius! What I mean is: you pointed the finger at us and then took the holier than thou attitude ... come on! Please slick ... don't spout crap about pointing fingers!

I'm done replying ... don't bother responding - I'm through - no more drama ...



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i got an idea GENIUS! why not check yourself and all of the other attitude you left on this board before. I was responding to one of your posts and opinions! I just put it as a main topic and not a reply! who cares?! why are you so upset? what is your deal? Even when i questioned you I didn't flip out and curse and SCREAM at you did I? NO! So, my "holy" attitude was more like "respectful" and appropriate! Grow up! You are just too negative for me! I have no DRAMA with you personally, i had a question, big difference!

Chill out bro! Your gonna give yourself an ulcer! And it's me that's done with you!



[This message has been edited by rythmraven (edited 05-24-2000).]

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Truce it is...glad u could be man enuff to say that!!! My bad on the profanity...I'm not usually one to go that route but I felt like I was being attacked so I used it!!!

To answer ur question bout Denny...I have nuttin against him personally...actually I give anyone mad props who has the gigs he has...I just didn't particularly care for him at Exit!!! I used to like him like 2-3 summers ago at Tempts but quite honestly think he has fallen off since!!! I sure hope he brings it back this year!!!

Outta curiousity...it sounds as if u like him or know him...what's your deal???




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