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Party Injuries/Embarassing moments that have happened to you........

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Well my list is extensive but two of the more interesting ones........

This one time it was late afternoon on the Sunday, having been dancing since the nite before...I was at a recovery party grooving away down the front, right next to the bench, upon which sat the decks, protected by a block of wood....mid spin manouvre my ankle collapsed badly sprained, my hand went out, and the block of wood was pushed towards the decks....the DJ and I exchanged worried looks as the wood slid across the bench but then it stopped, hair-raisingly close to the decks....I was a bit worried that the DJ would have the shits for almost ruining his set, he was actually wrapped that someone injured themselves dancing to his tunes! cool.gif

More recently (last Saturday morning to be exact) I awoke to find my right hand broken, no idea how it happened, aaah the joy of alcohol ;P

Any other interesting experiences??


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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Hmmmm....let's see.....the only funny thing that happened to me i was at a rave dancing pretty hard. That night my back gave out. Rest of the night I was sitting down and I didn't really feel the full force of the pain until the next day due to certain things tongue.gif

A few weeks ago, I was in Maryland visiting friends and went to Buzz. One of my buddies can break like no one else's buisness. While he was breaking, his knee popped. He's still hurting, can't even walk. He might need surgery.


Are you feeling it???


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i was at exit for electric circus 2 (despite the overcrowdedness and disgusting heat, i thought it was fun) and was rolling really hard. i was walking around and out of nowhere *BLECH*...yes, someone puked all over me. i couldn't believe it! the guy was 'nice enough' to try to wash it off...but that was just common curtesy right??? i didn't let that ruin my night so i just washed off and danced(and dropped) to forget!

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i was at exit for electric circus 2 (despite the overcrowdedness and disgusting heat, i thought it was fun after the crowd cleared out a bit..ok, alot) and was rolling really hard. i was walking around and out of nowhere *BLECH*...yes, someone puked all over me. i couldn't believe it! the guy was 'nice enough' to try to wash it off...but that was just common curtesy right??? i didn't let that ruin my night so i just washed off and danced(and dropped) to forget!

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It was about 4yrs ago but I remeber it like it was yesterday. It all happened at a Maskarave party at the mirage. I fell down the stairs at the Mirage, if that wasn't bad enough. When I got to the bottom I proceded to yell at the person in the mirror looking at me for pushing me down the stairs.

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"rave dancing?" Whats that? Is that where you look like you're on a nordic track?

To the EC2 partier, do you think the experience would be as tolerating if you weren't high?

Anyhow. My worst experience was when some brillaint guy with glowsticks on strings lsot control and hit me on the eyelid below my eye. It actually cut me. however, I'm a very laid back person and just said "dude, that totally sucked." He was very sorry about it, but I've been bitter towards the circles ever since.

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Although nothing has really ever happended to me other then some juiceheads elbowing me in the chest while dancing, my friends seem to be getting into accidents all the time.

1. One of my female friends was knocked unconscience by a glow stick on friends, and laid on the floor for over a min.

2. My boys continuously got rope burns on their hands to the point the bled from strings.

3. Falling down the steps at SF.

4. My friend did a little too much inhalent and fell dead on his back and head on a hard wood floor at a party. Fallouts suck!

5. And the worst, and perfect example why not to take excessive amts. of G: my friend woke up from a spell talking to 2 cops in an open field in NJ that he had been left in after an after hours. He had cuts and bruises all over himself, and was missing his watch and one shoe. I can't even imagined what happened to him that night, but I know he's learned his lesson (or maybe not).

Wow, I'm now realizing my friends are pretty bad. Oh well, they always make me laugh.


Live life every day as if it were your last!



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Once my boyfriend and I were dancing in a middle of a circle with lights at Twilo during a PVD set. We were both just coming down from our roll and was maybe . . . a bit disoriented. Anyway, we miscalculated the distance between us and went we bent down to flow with our lights, we banged into each others head. crying.gif

That was one very painful experience and an embarassing one since we were surrounded by spectators. Now we give each other PLENTY of space.



"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write,

but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."

By Alvin Toffler.

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This happened to my clubbing buddy:

We were at Exit this past Saturday dancing on the stage, and she was feeling way too good and dropped her ciggies (which housed our one precious hydro joint) underneath. So we go to look for them and I take the steps like a normal person =) She found a quicker way, stepping off the stage where she Thought steps were (of course there weren't any) and FELL OFF THE STAGE IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY. She hurt her hand pretty bad, but she hurt her pride more.

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Fell flat on my face while running in a parking lot...eager to get to the event and already rolling, I guess. Those were the early days when I wore short a-line skirts (now always wear pants becuase I am such an antic dancer). Anyway not only did it hurt like hell but the skirt flew up around my waist, while my whole ass (inadequately covered by whatever underwear I had on) was exposed as I lay suffering on the pavement. To make it worse, some RUDE bastards were pulling out of the lot and they rolled down their window to taunt me with things like "what'chu doin' on the floor, bitch" and "i can see your ass! I can see your ass!" Well I was so pissed off I raised myself up on my elbows and screamed at them, "I FELL, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK HAPPENED?!?!" Okay then they started to look pissed and my friends quickly scooped me up and dragged me inside. Oh well I am notorious for not backing down...I hate that sexist shit...I may die young, who knows.

Another time I was dancing in Boston (Digweed at Axis) and was really getting my groove on, and these two nice girls came up to me and really complimented me and were like, "how do you do that with your arms?" And as I kept dancing and they were watching me I smacked one of them full-force right in the face...we all went to the bathroom, the poor girl splashing herself with water and me apologizing as much as I could...

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I got some bad e and went to Tunnel and droppped 4. Ifter an hour I was convinced that I was being followed by the Russian Mafia. It got to me so bad that when I left I thought the caby driving me home was in on the deal. He was speaking spanish but I swear it was russian. I got home and thought my apt was bugged. I have a small hole in the celing of my bedroom, I was convinced there was a camera in it filming me. This went on for 2 days. My buddy went home and pulled into a police station cause he thought he was being followed. My other buddy called a Private Eye the next day cause he thought he was being tailed. I wrote a will that night fearing death. I still have it and laugh every time I read it.

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Muthaload, that was one of my friends that did that. My clothes were ruined from that crap. God I hate that club, just a waste of space...


Live life every day as if it were your last!



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1) At Twilo, while in a good groove, turning my ankle and busting my ass....EXCEPT that instead of going down gracefully, I tried to stay up, my arms flailing away like I was trying to swim, until I fell. Very embarrasing.

2) While at the bar, putting my arm around my wife and stroking her shoulder.....EXCEPT that it was a bony black drag queen who was busting out laughing....what could you do except laugh???

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one of the first few times on e i thought i could fly and jumped off the stairwell at sf, i was ok but landed on a few people, they were not pleased smile.gif

dancing on stage at exit, they have air conditioners right above it so the stage is all wet always, i sliped and fell off, landed on people again, not hurt wink.gif

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Arena 1997. On the stage; enjoying the company of this GORGEOUS beef I just picked up...And actually wouldnt you know this guy from the old school CLUBNYC - i cant for the life of me remember who it was - came over and was like "Are you missdiva?" and proceeds to give me half a jar of goodies...So of course, im like WOOHOOO lemme get on this...And over did it; to the point of oblivion. Two minutes later im dancing fiercely on the stage and BOOM - fell FLAT ON MY ASS (in 6 inch platforms mind you, and a short patent leather dress, boobs flying everywhere) But the funny thing is I THOUGHT I WAS IN AN OCEAN FLOATING and i was having the best time, smiling, babbling while I Lay mangled on the stage. JR ACTUALLY SHINED HIS LIGHT ON ME! I was carried to the sofa and an hour later i sat up and remembered nothing except that I was in an ocean floating around. IT still was one of the best nights I had smile.gif but i learned my "be Kareful" lesson that night.

RIP ARENA frown.gif



--=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--

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i have to agree (again) but they are working on making it a better place.... they remodeled the inside... have some better DJ's and etc etc... try again in the winter, it cant be any worse then the rest of the clubs in Philly at this point.

Originally posted by muthaload:

That place does suck, but that was some funny shit.

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Another time I had rather a large Friday nite, went to the afterhours party.....woke up & had no idea where I was.....turns out I passed out on one of the couches, and, being a regular, they left me in the kitchen of the club to sleep it off :P


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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I remember a club called Babylon in Philly (which is lame as shit now by the way) used to have a cage in it. Well someone with glowsticks on strings was swinging them and one of them hit the one pole and broke and glowstick juice flew everywhere and on everyone.

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Back in the golden days of Tunnel ('97)...blissfully waved my friends (and rides/coat check ticket) goodbye. No, no, I said, I'll get home Ok! So there I am, no coat in November, in typical raver gear - tank top, Dreams, pigtails - no money, no keys, no coat, no metro card, no ride home. Stumble to Penn Station. Get Propostioned!!!! on the way. Not quite THAT desperate for moolah. Miraculously, what I though was an empty bank account as 20 bucks in it. Am saved from collect call to folks upstate to wire money. Ride subway back to Queens, shaking and avoiding strange glances from fellow commuters. Managed to break into my apartment...NOT one of my finer moments!

[This message has been edited by nicole212 (edited 07-27-2000).]

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Here's a couple:

I was on the Tequila Boom side of La Boom and hear a song I like coming from the other side. I grab the guy I'm with and go running. Well, I didn't realize there was a step and flew in like superman. I turn to see what's up with the guy and I see him tumbling across the floor. He didn't see the step either. All the Mexicans were laughing at the two asshole Americans laying on the floor. I couldn't stop laughing either especially when I realized I didn't even drop my beer!

Another time, I fell down the stairs at Cheetah. This is after I had been constantly warning everyone all night to watch the stairs because I know a few people who fell down them. Then dicky me goes and falls. To make it worse everyone started screaming and the bouncer grabs me to make sure I'm ok. I couldn't even talk because I was laughing so much.


"I love the things that we should fear"

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