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While on X i.........

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my second time on e (x-files) i was at sea side heights and i told my friends to walk me to the car so i could have fun in it and my firends did and i started talking in the car thinking my friends were there...weird

another time i was dancing at limelight and just stopped and said to my friend are we gonna sleep here tonight and she goes i think so i;ll ask my mom smile.gif

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One time I dropped 3 DIAMONDS at the same time whoa! @ the factory and I was seeing and talking to mini clown pep's. Needless to say my friends informed me the clowns were real, but they were average height.



"Time is an illusion, but timing is everything"

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while on X:

1. went to take a pee at the tunnel, looked at the toilet, and saw snowflakes and started giggling with glee (i am an asshole!)

2. looked at the globe in the middle of twilo and thought it was a spinning tv playing "boy meets world". what?!

3. being a math major, i convinced everyone with me that they were either derivatives or anti-derivatives.

4. started to get upset at SF b/c i thought i was in hell and started to think that my life was ending due to drugs (slowed down since then).

5. look at people and think everyone is wearing glasses.

6. as i stood still in the mainfloor of the tunnel, my goal was to get to the bar. well, the floor, people, the bar, started to move towards me, and i was like wow! what service! the bar is coming towards me! i don't even need to move! yes.. those damn mercedes...

7. hands down. i am most famous for lighting my cigarette the wrong way. smile.gif



*turn it around baby*

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I thought I should share this story...

I was at the tunnel and I was in the bathroom after nearly hyperventilating from the smurf-pill i took (definitely laced with speed). I started talking to this random old guy about how I wanted to live in the mall. It was like I was having an epiphany--why hadn't anyone ever thought of such a great idea. I told him how I would steal a tent from the sporting goods store to sleep in, I would bathe in the fountain, as well as steal the money from it, so I could eat in the food court everyday...I didn't stop talking for about 20 minutes, and the guy just sat there listening and agreeing to everything i said. The funny part is a YEAR later, this same guy tried to pick me up at Twilo...he didn't remember me, but I found it rather ironic!

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I wonder why we like to talk so much when rolling? Why is that?



"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write,

but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."

By Alvin Toffler.

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Well, this didnt happen to me but it was a good friend right next to me. It was at Exit and we drank quite a bit before we dropped. Anyway the one drag queen was doing a performance, I think his name was Soigne Deluxe (was wearing a gorilla suit at the time) and my friend was so f'd up he walked up to him and asked where he can get napkins to wipe the sweat off his forehead. He says "I need napkin, where can I get napkins to wipe the sweat off my forehead". The funny thing was Soigne gave him a straight answer and told him they are right on the bar in over there. Then he looked for the bar and coouldnt find it (meanwhile it was about 10' away) and asked him again! After that my other buddy just pulled him away and said thats enough.

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While on X I:

-am often known to do the whole talking to myself and saying things that don't make any sense. My friends would ask me what I was saying, and I didn't even realize that I was talking.

-Once I saw a rabbit sitting on a chair in Twilo and then finally realized that it was guy.

-Often of the first signs that I get when I'm halucinating is that everyone is wearing glasses.

-I've also seen all kinds of tatoo's all over people's arms and faces, when they don't have a single one.

-Also I've seen all kinds of art work (that wasn't there) on the walls at Twilo and have been known to stare at the walls for long periods of time.

-Once, in the middle of the dance floor at Twilo I saw a table by one of the columns and saw something on top of the table. I tried to pick it up but it was stuck to the table. Finally, my senses came back to me and I realized that their was a guy squatted against the pole and I was pulling his hair. He was obviously really fucked up too because he didn't even flinch and just stood there (that wierded me out).

-Once when I had to take a piss at Twilo I looked in the toilet bowel and saw a bouquet of roses in it. It turned out to be poop!

-This is wierd too, but I've seen words float of the water bottle that I was holding and float into the air and away.

Oh the crazyness!

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Here's another one......

For some reason at like 3 or 4 in the morning in the club, I have this wierd thing to call people. One time at Tunnel, it was like 4 in the morning, I went to the payphone and called my house!!!

My mom answered and she was like WHAT ARE U CRAZY CALLING AT THIS HOUR?? There's been a whole list of people that I've called!!





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I bugged out last summer at CPI's when I took a hit. I kept chewing on my tongue, I was so fucked up. I started dancing to a PHAT remix of the chocolate track played by Jason Ojeda, and my feet seemed to be moving without any thought. That is the one thing I dont like, I can't dance good when I am not on E because I feel too tired or un-flexible for some reason. I have to force it and I never bust out with anything good.

But that night was good, I started noticing things about people's mannerisms that I dont usually notice, such as:

My man's girl has hairy fingers

My friend Joe is so fat that his navel is hidden.

I kept hearing bells in the background of every song for some reason, as if someone were casting a spell on me.

And I noticed that my friend's girl is a piece of shit when she is on E, she becomes a very petty whore.

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Guest chinagirl

this past presidents day (feb.) me, my boyfriend, and our friend went up to hunter mtn. we were meeting a bunch of friends there for the weekend. we went up a day early. we got there friday at about 11 pm. As soon as we got in the room we dropped. I cant even remember what kind it was. we had our cd's and we were having a good time. we put on this vocal cd (pretty funny that we don't know where the cd went after that weekend) and there was one song on there that i kept playing over and over. It was great. I don't consider this hullucinating but i was day dreaming. I can up with this story all of a sudden and stoped them from talking and said we are in factory (quite loud. lets put it this way before i knew it for the next hour with this song i was on the dance floor of factory listening to jp play this song with an amazing light show and the crowd going crazy. it was pretty cool.

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Actually, i have this reoccuring lunacy, whenever i get a little TOO crazeeee at SF! I pretend to be riding a big PINK Elephant up and down the "mangled" stairs! This is usually when HE starts playing his now world famous "pots and pans music"! And i think i am pretending, however, i am actually running up and down the stairs at SF smile.gif

See you on the dance floor-


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Guest chinagirl

this past presidents day (feb.) me, my boyfriend, and our friend went up to hunter mtn. we were meeting a bunch of friends there for the weekend. we went up a day early. we got there friday at about 11 pm. As soon as we got in the room we dropped. I cant even remember what kind it was. we had our cd's and we were having a good time. we put on this vocal cd (pretty funny that we don't know where the cd went after that weekend) and there was one song on there that i kept playing over and over. It was great. I don't consider this hullucinating but i was day dreaming. I can up with this story all of a sudden and stoped them from talking and said we are in factory (quite loud. lets put it this way before i knew it for the next hour with this song i was on the dance floor of factory listening to jp play this song with an amazing light show and the crowd going crazy. it was pretty cool.

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i don't know how i could have ever forgotten - we were at twilo earlier this year - and my best friend frank had some sort of a fixation with the dancers that happened to be dressed up in hot pink cowboy outfits . ..

he kept getting all scared of them . . . and even after we left the club, he was jumping around, thought he saw them on every street corner . . . then he started buggin cause he looked over at me on the train and thought I was one of the dancers!!

i thought he was acting like a jackass, but it got later and later into the day, and he started having nightmares - he called and woke me up, and was like, "Brandie, they're on my bed, they're in my room, and they're wearing NINJA suits!" I calmly explained that they were not in his room, and they had had cowboy outfits on . . and he was like, "I KNOW that . . . they have the cowboy suits on OVER the ninja suits. And don't tell me i'm crazy, I'm LOKKING AT THEM RIGHT NOW." I was like, ohhhkay, frankie . . .

He couldn't get to bed that nite at all - i had to go over there, and just sit with him until he fell asleep. He kept turning over all of a sudden . . . and looking around . . . he MADE ME CHECK UNDER HIS BED. paranoia . . . paranoia . . .

Hehehehe - and of course one time, my bf was okay just sitting with me for hours when i was sick, from what i thought was bad pills . . . because little did i know, he was hallucinating all sortsa shit . . . that was why he was so quiet and cooperative. he didn't complain once. he told me later, "bran, i was seeing all these weird dots and shit. biggrin.gif


"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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lets see...

got home one time unaware that i was peaking b/c i thought my pills sucked cuz i was at a shitty club and wasn't really feeling anything, walk in the door and my cat is brushing up against the couch w/ its tail in on the cushion and for a second i thought it was a snake-

was at exit one time sittin upstairs on the 2nd level basically all alone b/c that place does such crazy afterhours rolleyes.gif and the fog machines went on full blast and i couldnt' see the dancefloor, i had turned my head one second and the next the dancefloor was gone, i though the room was shrinking- saying things to myself like, "they're definetly coming to get me" although not having a damn clue who biggrin.gif

and then there always one that never fails when i'm really rolling w/ pills w/ good visuals- always look at one person and see someone else... kinda like in devil's advocate when keanu reeves's wife keeps seeing all those demons on everyelse's face, only i just look at one person and see someone totally different... it happened to me last week and i bugged at first and then just calmed my self down and said, relax rob- its your girlfriend- and then once i did that i saw the beautiful face of my lil angel ;-)



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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The most fullon experience happened a couple months ago....I had been partying since thursday nite straight thru until I am at this rave with 7000 other ppl Saturday nite, @ the sydney superdome (where they'll be playing basketball for the olympics)....my friends friend sorts out some pills when we're in there, so I took one....gradually the music and lighting and everything was becoming more and more real, initially it was great because I was SOOOO in the groove of the music, I was part of the music...but it kept going and pretty soon everything was mushed in together, the lyrics of songs had meanings and whatever the meanings were were unfolding around me, like if the track referred to an injustice there would be a court room and the dee jay would be the judge......eventualy I was sat high in the grand stand and was really struggling, when this cute girl sat next to me.....some how a few minutes later we were kissing, and suddenly the entire time we were kissing my brain was contructing a whole sequence of events and visuals about the girl and I the future and her family and everything and then...... we'd stop, then start again, and off the visuals would go on another tangent....this went on for a while and I was thinking of the hundreds of pills I had ever had when it came to me, the pill had green flecks all over them........it had k in it! tongue.gif

once I worked that out everything made a lot of sense (there were a lot of ppl sick in the toilets for instance) and funnily enuff slept 20 hours straight that sunday!!! wink.gif


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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