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Is Short Hair on Girls a Turn Off guys?

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Short hair is a trun on for me...shoulder length or just under the chin but not shorter than that.



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Hmmm... I have short short boy cut hair probably like the one your hairdresser is refering to. I simply adore my hair cut. When I first go it done and walked into work everyone at work.. Gave a big WOW! They loved it I loved it. My mother poked funa dn called me her son. But you really have to have the personalty to pull it off and the face really matter.. Nice eyes gives you a plus I really think you should go for it. Some guys stop me off the street to ask me if I'm "such and such" movie star. its wierd the attention you get can be over bearing sometime. But if you like attention then short hair is a def.

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I have short hair and I simply adore it! i really do.... Everyone stops me and askes me if I'm "Such and Such" (movie star) oh lalala.... You'll feel like a new person and it'll keep you mind off negative stuff... Because the people around you are going to make positive comments. Trust me. It's like a new lifestyle... Okay maybe I sound like an info- commercial but its true! I love it and I am sure you will too! Have fun!

Yuk I sound like a happy go lucky moran!

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yuk I'm sooo pissed at myself sorry guys I posted one too many times.. but I guess there must have been a delay in the server. I repeated myself. I feel foolish... I take it everyone will understand I like short hair.. I am NEVER growing it EVER! hahah

Again sorry for the repeat!

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NO WAY do not cut your hair. I had hair past my ass and i chopped it off and i missed my hair. now its down tothe middle of my back and its still not good enough. dont listen to hair dressers they just want your money. long hair is awesome and much more sexier. NO offense short haired girls.

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Sure, it may look good, but it would look so much better long. Any hot girl with short hair would be even hotter with long.

Long hair is so strinking and eye catching. There's just all these waves of repititious pattern and it looks so luxurios.



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Short hair is so sexy if it's done right...otherwise i dunno it can look really bad...i don't think there's and inbetween...its either you or not you...but if it is, Hot Hot... smile.gif


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong



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okay so heres an addendum to the q...have you guys ever HOOKED UP w (whatever) a girl with very short hair ?


"I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed

And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane.

(I think I made you up inside my head.)" --Sylvia Plath

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If you have the face for it, I say go for it. Just think of all the attention you'll get!!!! My sister cut all of her hair off, I mean EVERYTHING, Jada Pinkett style, and it looks fantastic. Sometimes you just have to say FUCK IT!!!!! Just think, if you don't do it, you be the same you. SOMETHING NEW!! SOMETHING NEW!!


Uh-oh, I'm REALLY fucked up.


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I cut my hair short and i have gotten so many compliments. Your hair dresser is right if u have nice eyes u will look really good with short hair! i was scared to but I did it and now i love it! If u dont like it then u can always grow it back. Plus when u cut your hair short it grows backer faster.

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Definitely NOT a turn off. But, you do

have to have a face for it. Some girls

attempt it and they just don't

look right. On the other

hand, with some girls, you can't imagine

them with long hair. It was like

short hair was invented for them.

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I say go for it, depending on the shape of your head and face it should look cool, just go with what your hairdresser says......and as someone pointed out there is always hair extensions...

even better if it's short you can go for wigs! One of my friend's girlfriends has like 5 wigs and can have monroe hair, uma thurman in pulp fiction hair..... wink.gif


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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  • bald
  • short hair
  • mid-length hair
  • long hair
  • Guiness book of records length hair

When you're fine it don't matter.... how about a nice spectrum... variety, it is the spice of life.



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Like everyone says, it all depends on you. Everyone is different. I've finally conceeded to the fact that I'm not meant to have really long hair. It's not thick enough and keeping it shorter gives it a lot more body. Mine's shoulder length now and I occasionally go shorter. Give it a shot, it's not like it won't grow back and you'll never know 'till you try it.


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Just wondering, cuz I am considering chopping my hair short, cuz my hairdresser keeps insisting I "totally have the face for it" What is the general consensus among guys here?


"I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed

And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane.

(I think I made you up inside my head.)" --Sylvia Plath

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