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I may catch S#$T for this but..Dont care


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[This message has been edited by voice (edited 09-05-2000).]

[This message has been edited by voice (edited 09-06-2000).]

[This message has been edited by voice (edited 09-06-2000).]

[This message has been edited by voice (edited 09-06-2000).]

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hey voice thats fucking great but if it wasnt for the club goers there would be no dj's and the clubs would go out of business. Im a marketing major and one important part of that is taking surveys. ever fill one out prob not, so you dont know what youre talking about. the people speak for a reason, and the owners should listen, cause when we stop paying the dj's stop spinning, tough concept to follow but youll get the hang of it


i only speak the truth


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hey guy- last time i checked i was an expert on what i like. i could be wrong though rolleyes.gif

second- this is a public forum so i'm gonna say whatever the hell i want. if that means voicing my opinion or disgust w/ a certain dj's set then so be it.

third- what do you mean "their" money. as if they made busing tables or something. where do you think "their" money comes from buddy- desk working judgmental critical negative weekend clubgoers like myself who apparently have no idea what they like rolleyes.gif i pay my $20 dollars to have fun and hear good music. if the dj does a shitty job mixing or whatever then he should catch shit for it b/c bottom line is its a job. do you think in the real world that if someone is getting paid for something and does a crappy job they're not gonna catch shit for it??? please rolleyes.gif

once again my $.02



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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Originally posted by msoprano13:

hey voice thats fucking great but if it wasnt for the club goers there would be no dj's and the clubs would go out of business. Im a marketing major and one important part of that is taking surveys. ever fill one out prob not, so you dont know what youre talking about. the people speak for a reason, and the owners should listen, cause when we stop paying the dj's stop spinning, tough concept to follow but youll get the hang of it

Reaaly? Im a reality major, and although club goers keep the djs working those people are not the people Im talking about.If you dont like how the DJ plays find another spot..but dont EVEN pretend to know what YOUR talking about in terms of musical intruction, how he should play what djs the owner SHOULD emplo just quit your bitchin and find another spot..theres a variety!! This is New York. Club owners open up club because of their OWN vision too they like their ideas and open businesess in the hopes that people will like it too not so people canshow up and tell them how to change it.The same goes for DJs they play what and how they play for the people who get it and enjoy it. Furthermore constuctive critisism is great,Im talking about people Bashing Negatively Djs and clubs without the money or the talent to change it.If your going to reaspond to a post read it WELL,or dont respond.

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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

hey guy- last time i checked i was an expert on what i like. i could be wrong though rolleyes.gif

second- this is a public forum so i'm gonna say whatever the hell i want. if that means voicing my opinion or disgust w/ a certain dj's set then so be it.

third- what do you mean "their" money. as if they made busing tables or something. where do you think "their" money comes from buddy- desk working judgmental critical negative weekend clubgoers like myself who apparently have no idea what they like rolleyes.gif i pay my $20 dollars to have fun and hear good music. if the dj does a shitty job mixing or whatever then he should catch shit for it b/c bottom line is its a job. do you think in the real world that if someone is getting paid for something and does a crappy job they're not gonna catch shit for it??? please rolleyes.gif

once again my $.02


Who made you "desk worker" the conissouer of mixing,thats my WHOLE point,maybe others there dont mind and ocasional train wreck-Are you a better DJ? If so Get on the decks, If not,simply say its not your thing and move on,Dont go off on the DJ,just dont go hear him play.Ya know what? I withdraw my statement,because your responses have nothing to do with the principal of the matter,and If I learned anything from this site its how you guys live for this board,the drama ,Dj, club bashing, baby bullshit. My post just helps you continue in this vein. You guys know sooo much about the music,right? If your JUST going to hear good music and have fun..Then why do you listen for beat mixing and get into who remixed what, and what Dj threw another djs record, I mean this isnt your life is it? If its all in fun then dont be soo critical.Not that it matters but Im a woman(edited 09-05-2000).]

[This message has been edited by voice (edited 09-05-2000).]

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bro don't you get it, its an occupation. if your not good enough then you don't belong. if you can't keep up then you get left behind w/ the rest of the pack. ever hear of the strong survive? it's called darwinsim? well if the dj is no screws up then he should hear the criticism of the people who listen to him. the same people who pay his salary.

and you still don't get it. I KNOW WHAT I LIKE. thats the bottom line. i don't have to know shit about mixing to know that i don't like listening crap, even if its only crap imo. i'm sick of this, lets see you get on the decks attitude. next time your broker fucks up and loses money for you or your lawyer maybe they should throw that line in your face, and you can remeber telling me to get on the decks myself,, its the same thing rolleyes.gif

oh and if i dont' like what the dj is pumping out then i don't plan on going to see him all the time and then bashing him after it. but if i go to see a guy once and don't like it then i'm gonna say it, none of this bullshit i dont' wanna hurt anyone's feelings so i'm gonna be postive even though i hated evey minute of it.




"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

[This message has been edited by PFloyd40 (edited 09-05-2000).]

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no doubt rob i got your back, this kid obviously knows shit and he probally thinks that people work for free. go figure. and if my broker lost my money i would kick his ass.

i guess this guy knows how to mix. hey buddy when i open my club come mix for me you moron. i guess he hast figured out that the club is all about money


i only speak the truth


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Originally posted by msoprano13:

no doubt rob i got your back, this kid obviously knows shit and he probally thinks that people work for free. go figure. and if my broker lost my money i would kick his ass.

i guess this guy knows how to mix. hey buddy when i open my club come mix for me you moron. i guess he hast figured out that the club is all about money

Name callin how appropriate.You wont open YOUR club thats the issue,but you'll continue to tell people how to run theirs...Easy life from where I stand.. Im female by the way and YES Miss Thing I know MY shit!!xoxo

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voice, i'll agree w/ you that if you don't like a dj then you shouldn't go constantly hear him spin and constantly bash him.

however, all i'm saying is that if i go check out a new dj and dont' like him or her then i'm going to voice(lol) my opinion and critique of them and if it happens to be negative then i may not go hear them again. maybe i'll give then another chance and see if i have a better time but thats beside the point. there's a difference btw "bashing" and stating opinion.

me saying that i don't like the dj is my right and your treading shallow water when you start telling people not to voice negative opinions on a dj.



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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you dumbass you voice your own opinion then you tell us we cant say ours. what are you a DICtator. now im not gonna say your opinion is wrong like msoprano13 and pfloyd but you sound like an idiot when you do that......anyways its all about the $$$$$$

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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

i'm sick of this, lets see you get on the decks attitude.

Hmm.. I dunno if she can mix of not, but she sure as hell can SING HER ASS OFF.. Maybe you have heard her before??


Something's Gonna Happen, Something Wonderful..

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ok ok, so you gonna tell me who she is?

and i'm still waiting on that track selection i asked you about on the frankie magz live at exit cd...



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

voice, i'll agree w/ you that if you don't like a dj then you shouldn't go constantly hear him spin and constantly bash him.

however, all i'm saying is that if i go check out a new dj and dont' like him or her then i'm going to voice(lol) my opinion and critique of them and if it happens to be negative then i may not go hear them again. maybe i'll give then another chance and see if i have a better time but thats beside the point. there's a difference btw "bashing" and stating opinion.

me saying that i don't like the dj is my right and your treading shallow water when you start telling people not to voice negative opinions on a dj.


I am not telling people not to voice their opinion. But the question does anybody know why Johny sucked? is ridiculous! If you think he sucked fine... But how the hell would anybody on this board know why?? iMEAN REALLY ARE WE dj MASTERS. gET REAL SOME PEOPLE GET ON THIS BOARD LIKE THESE GUYS ARENT HUMAN AND owe THEM everything. Get lives..you had a shitty time..okay but asking that question implies this is where you go for those answers and its not...the people here dont know what it takes to rock a room,They just know what THEY like,well Good for you.. thats.... your job,the dj has his.

[This message has been edited by voice (edited 09-05-2000).]

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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

ok ok, so you gonna tell me who she is?

and i'm still waiting on that track selection i asked you about on the frankie magz live at exit cd...


Ask her yourself..

As for the disc, if you sent me e-mail, I sent you the track listing..



Something's Gonna Happen, Something Wonderful..

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You're missing the point.....

Who here listens to rap music?

Don't like it? Shut the fuck up, you think you can do better? Why don't you take your punk ass up on the mic and show us some vicious flow?



See how funny that sounds...


I think Voice is coming across in a similar fashion to the policeman's union. They complain about how we're always dumping on cops and not actually commending them on the things they do well.....


How many times have you told your friends, children when they're doing something right all the time?

If someone's doing shit right people tend to not say anything----unless it's like something fantastic or extraordinary-------


Because... if it ain't broke don't fix it.

The desire to correct an error/mistake/make something bad good/show a person the error of their ways----- is much stronger than the desire to pat someone on the back everytime they do something right.

WHY? That's because we feel that they should always be doing the right thing.

If something is red, you know it's red. If something sucks you know it sucks and you say it.


Start doing poorly at your job and your boss ain't gonna say, you used to be good at one point so you can stay. Once you suck... blammo.... unemployment...


How about a radical comparison:

You think DJ's have it rough.. pullease...

How about gymnasts.... Olympics contenders?

Oops.... she moved a centimeter.. I can't believe she would do something stupid like that and ruin her career..... that's pretty close to what they'll say...


The previous illustrative words are to stimulate a bit of perspective awareness


Anyway, guess what voice..... being shit on by someone when they think you suck and being appreciated when they think you're the best---------

That's part of the job description of being a DJ.

You can't quantify basic emotions... ME want eat... me want sleep... that bad.. that good...


I don't know jack shit about any DJs period, nor do I have to... check this out:

If I had a bad time because I thought the music sucked... then the DJ sucked..plain and simple... yes it is a relative thing...

100 teens 10 adults: DJ plays tunes all night that the 10 adults are gonna love and 2 songs for the 100 teens... this is a perfect example of a sucky DJ.


Check this out Voice.. you want people to respect where you're coming from. How about you post what, in your opinion, makes a good/great DJ?


Personally I don't give a flying pizza pie =) who this or that DJ is... anything a DJ does in his/her life is not going to affect me in the slightest bit------

And to tell you the truth that's a more honest perspective.. because straight up...

If Paul Van Dyke spins a bad set then he sucked at that point... I don't give a shit what his following is /what he's done in the past / or what have you---------

I'll put it this way... a DJ's reputation does not entitle them to slack off----shit they can do whatever the hell they want and they'll just face the outcome, plain and simple.


Here's my final piece of brain food for thought...

A good DJ/basketball player/pianist, etc: his/her talents are not based on whether or not I, myself, can play basketball/piano, etc, or even how good I am at it...

If you are a good "Place whatever you do here", that is a label relative to your peers.


You're doing a "The Emperor Has No Clothes."

Little kid says he's naked------ but that little kid is not part of the adult world, so surely the king's not naked...

Hey... if a rocket scientist fucks some shit up and is responsible for rockets blowing up, you think people are gonna say----- She's a rocket scientist though... leave her alone she'll get it right eventually, that's her job?

HAHA... not me.


This post bears no animosity or ill will towards anyone------This has been a public service announcement for the people that represent the NEW YORKER'S RIGHT TO PARTY IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY ALLIANCE. Also known as NYRTPITFOAA. (pronounced like "not pitiful" if you had food in your mouth when you said it)



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Asking if one can do better is a copout. Making yourself a public figure puts you in the public spotlight. DJing is not hardwork. I spin myself. Of course I am notthe greatest or anything, but the busboys taking out hte trash and cleaning the floors are working harder than someone who simply plays someone elses records for a few hours. Let's get real here. Djs are placed on some high pedastel. Why? I spin cuz I like how varios songs blend together and how placing them in a certain in a certain order makes me feel. If other people dig what I'm doing, great! If I'm being paid to do it I beter make sure my customers are satisfied. However, I will not sacrifice my ideals jsut to get paid. Djs do not create anything new. Producers do.

what are we talkign about here? :0

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I don't mean to get on a rant here, but...

We can say whatever the fuck we want to about DJ's, athletes, co-workers, employers, employees, girl/boyfriends, musicians, etc...

It's called freedom of speech.

Let's look at it this way. If you go to a restaurant you like, and one day the food was bad, are we not allowed to say to people that the Steak was a little dry. Maybe we go back 3 weeks later and it was an excellent steak, we can then say it was awesome...a month later it wasn't that good again. My conclusion that I would tell people...The food is a little inconsistent, when the chef is on, it's awesome, if he's off, it's not that good. I still pay for that steak each time though. But ya know, the steak I may not have liked, someone else might have enjoyed.

As 4 a DJ working harder in one night than most of us during the week, I can say DJ'ing is not the MOST demanding occupation in the world. If a DJ screws up a little, it's okay, he may get some flack, and if he screws up enough he may not play that club anymore and lose a following. But the difference is that some occupations allow for ZERO tolerance of screw-ups. If you're a crab fisherman in Alaska on a boat is freezing waters, in the middle of a storm, in the dead of night after a 4 hours of sleep,trying to make your living and you are standing in the wrong place when a rogue wave hits and you get a rope wrapped around your leg, and you go overboard, chances are you will drown. That's because of one screw-up. I know this is extreme, but I'm just putting it into perspective and that there are other jobs that allow a zero tolerance.

As for another analogie, a wiater working for tips, doesn't do a good job, he gets paid on how well he does. A waiter works hard for his $, which if you want to put an hourly wage to that, it is much less than what a DJ (I'm not talking about a DJ that is starting out) makes.

I will agree to the statement about people bashing the DJ and saying, "I could do that better" those people should then get up on the decks and prove themselves, but as club-goers go. They know what they like and what they don't, and ARE allowed to express their opinions.

If I hire a freelancer and I don't like their work, I don't hire them back, it's as simple as that.

As far as someone who mentioned Darwinism (sp) and the strong survive, I go along with 2001, If one of the pack starts to get out of line, beat them to a pulp and raise them to the stars in Kubrickian glee smile.gif

That's my 2 cents, but I could be wrong.

- Pete




[This message has been edited by schwingep (edited 09-05-2000).]

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Yes indeed you have seen me having a GREAT time at Vinyl.. NOT the point... And I am most definateley a spectator..Never claimed to be anything else,However.I wouldnt Dare presume to know how to tell Danny to improve his sets because he plays how and what he plays..I would say Ive heard him play better but out of respect for the person playing I wouldnt say he SUCKS especially because I know his capabilities. My problem was w/ people loving a DJ producer etc,until he proves to be human having an off nite and giving the proclamation HE SUCKS as if these people are music "conessouers"(sp) Is laughable. AT times they offer track listings for what the DJ should play or other

suggestions as to what they think the nite needs or should have and I think all they know its What THEY like which is fine but they are NOT qualified nor INVITED to Tell Danny or Johnny for that matter WHAT To SPIN!! OR HOW they arent playing the dj is,

Get It Staight,freedom of speech is a right ...but Bashing,and talkingnegative

shit about people is an ABUSE of that Right.

And If DJing(compiling your sets,taking nearly NO money to START a dj career,accepting shitty rooms,shitty pay,and shit from club owners) is NOT Hard work for you YOU are doing it wrong.They are called DUES and most of these Gentlemen have PAID them. Just because your doing what you love to do ...Doesnt make your job easier,infact because you love it you take MORE greif These guys deserve Respect..Dont claim to know How a DJ should be playing unless youre in their shoes. Also,who IAM and what I do is Irrealevant so stop trying to make this personal,I am posting as a member of this boardw/an opinion.

[This message has been edited by voice (edited 09-05-2000).]

[This message has been edited by voice (edited 09-05-2000).]

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You had me then you lost me.

Getting the DJ's back is one thing, and I feel you on that.

But telling people that their opinion is garbage because they are NOT a dj isn't cool.

I understand that you are prolly in the biz, so you have a different appreciation for it.

More power to you, you enjoy it on a different level, but that doesn't give you the right to bash people.

No one claims to be a music connissuer (sic), but this is an open forum, babe.

I work in TV. That doesn't mean I regards other people's opinions (no matter how rough they are) as crap b/c they haven't gone through the same struggles I have, or appreciate it on the same level I do.

That's the beauty of these mediums. It speaks to people on different levels.

I know you are speaking to people that bash dj's and say they suck b/c they had an off night. But speaking down to them b/c they are not in the biz is just low.


Din Da Da

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I never said this had anything to do with who you are or what you do, this isn't personal...I'm replying to your statements which I don't think are that correct...

When I put a set together I work extremely hard, the same goes for when I am in the studio..I will pour everything I have into it because it is what I love, I'm a good friend of Danny's and I never bash him, however there are some nights and that I don't feel some of the music he plays...that is my opinion that is not bashing, sometimes I say I wish he played such and such a track and you are making it more than it is, there is a difference between freedom of speech and abuse, you have to realise a lot of people on this board get off on saying how much they think people suck, it's opinion based and some people say the don't like certain DJ's just in a more respectful manner, regardless, it is still freedom of speech, and people voicing how they feel about something they paid for, if you are not satisfied with something you pay for you have the right to comment...If you ordered food at a restaurant and were displeased you would tell them you were, keeping in mind that you are not a chef, in your eyes you would have no right to comment on how the food was cooked...but you would...so the same goes for DJ's and music...Of course DJ's have off nights, but, a lot of DJ's that are talked about are DJ's who have obviously are known for playing a certain way and known for their skill and track selections or lack thereof...so as far as off nights go maybe people are talking about them in general...People will always say something because it is their right and you cannot take that away from them, even if they are not experts in a specific area...I'm sure most of these people have been clubbing long enough to know what the like and do not like as far as music and skill goes...I'm doing anything wrong by the way, just so you know I bust my ass when I DJ, because I always expect more from myself and I enjoy seeing people having a great time...I know what DUES are I have been paying them and still am...But I also have worked some of the shittiest jobs and I know what a hard days work is, and it doesn't compare to preparing for or DJing a night...there's a difference between being mentall depleted and being mentall and physically depleted, DJing isn't exactly a Stressful job...I respect all DJ's who are out there playing regardless if I like their styles or not, again this was never made personal, but you seemed to make the point that these people are not the authority on the clubs, when infact they are because they are the people who need to be pleased, therefore they are the people that have the right to comment...Just remember next time you walk out of the movies or a restaurant and you say that movie sucked or that food wasn't good...and then you realise you've never made a movie or cooked in a restaurant, then think about this post and you'll see how ludicrous it sounds...

That is REALITY as you put it...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong



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ILL HOUSE YOU!!!!You made reference to the fact that i am an artist.. So have a few people my POINT is that is irrealevant.

For the last time if YOU arent BASHING then obviously Im not talking to you.But as for that Soprano Dude.. Hes a DJs nitemare!! HaHa

"Heard him.. no adernaline "HE'S WhaK!!" Thats who Im talking about!! Get real .. NEXT Week YAY ADRENALINE!!! NOW hes the man!! Weak tree blowin in the Wind!!!PS Iwould NEVER>>NEVER say someones opinion is GARBAGE,Im not tryin to have U put words in MY mouth son!!!

[This message has been edited by voice (edited 09-05-2000).]

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