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Can You Club Sober?

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I've been reading, and occasionally posting on this board for a month or two. I notice most of you do enjoy a pill or two, or twelve. It seems like most of you would rather take pills and go to Exit, SF, etc...than just go and enjoy the music for the music.

I don't claim to be better than anyone or know what is best for anyone but I go to Twilo to hear my favorites DJs. I go sober. I just like getting into the music by itself. Twilo is complete sensory overload as it is, and with Red Bull and whatnot I can stay up until all hours no problem.

Is it possible for you guys to club sober?

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Originally posted by upstatecb:

I've been reading, and occasionally posting on this board for a month or two. I notice most of you do enjoy a pill or two, or twelve. It seems like most of you would rather take pills and go to Exit, SF, etc...than just go and enjoy the music for the music.

I don't claim to be better than anyone or know what is best for anyone but I go to Twilo to hear my favorites DJs. I go sober. I just like getting into the music by itself. Twilo is complete sensory overload as it is, and with Red Bull and whatnot I can stay up until all hours no problem.

Is it possible for you guys to club sober?

Dude I get what you say but I have to say I used to go into a club when I was sober and although the music may be good, other factors like heat and the crowd gets to me. I know it sounds kinda lame but when I roll I can honestly enjoy the music and the vibe more. I'm not saying that I need drugs cause I don't club that often, but on special occasions rolling in a club is much better then a couple of redbulls.


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I can honestly say I always go clubbin sober..my first time to SF last summer I didn't roll and I had phat time..I get a high off the music...my friends really respect me cuz I don't follow the club game... not saying the club game is bad...all my friends need to roll take "G" or whatever for me ,drugs don't do shit to enhance my mood at a club..but hey if thats what you wanna do...cool! Just bring a positive attitude!! PEACE

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Recently I came up with that same dillema, I wanted to know if I could still spend a night out clubbing sober. The results of my experiments were very clear. When I was not rolling, I didn't spend that much time on the Dancefloor, but had a chance to be a little more appreciative of my surroundings, I would observe more details about the stuff that is going on arround me. While on E, I usually get really deep in the music, I Dance A LOT, and I enjoy more of an euphoric evening, but either way is fine... It all depends on the company, the Ocassion, and what do I have to do the day after; hehehe...

I feel I have witnessed the Clubbing experience from both sides of the line, and as I said before, Either way is fine with me.. It's not like I'll get to the club and start looking for rolls if I don't have any, but a special occasion like S&D or PVD @Twilo, may imply consumption. hehehe Don't take me wrong on this one, but I DO take it only on special ocasions, I know friends who Pop In during Mid-week, or just to hang out, or even to go to a bar.... That defeats the whole purpose of the experience. It's a substance that works perfectly to Enhance the clubbing experience not to become an addict...

Bottom line is: It's the Year 2000, We're generation X... I can't think of anything better than this...

So long...


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!

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Originally posted by edpostal:

enough patting eachother on the back for being sober...



Just don't get carried away professor. Dr. Jekle and Mr. Hyde------ that ain't fun.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Originally posted by upstatecb:

I've been reading, and occasionally posting on this board for a month or two. I notice most of you do enjoy a pill or two, or twelve. It seems like most of you would rather take pills and go to Exit, SF, etc...than just go and enjoy the music for the music.

I don't claim to be better than anyone or know what is best for anyone but I go to Twilo to hear my favorites DJs. I go sober. I just like getting into the music by itself. Twilo is complete sensory overload as it is, and with Red Bull and whatnot I can stay up until all hours no problem.

Is it possible for you guys to club sober?

the answer's yes ... go back a few days there's a huge thread on this subject (i forget the titlename).

there are a lot of peeps here that club sober and most people on this board go to Twilo and Vinyl ... not SF or exit.




there is an afterlife

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I roll , as well ... but "clubbing" sober is a whole experience in it's self ... I like going sober cause I can fuck w/ all the people that all fucked up ... I like partying either way, it doesn't really matter ... IT'S THE MUSIC THAT MATTERS, THAT'S MY DRUG & I'M A HARDCORE ADDICT ...


dancer-10.gif Put some pep in your step DANCER-11.GIF

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Whoever posted above that clubbing sober gives you a different experience, was right on. But not all clubs are worth rolling at; in fact I think that very few New York clubs are. The stuffy heat, the hoardes of sweaty people, the juiceheads... all totally kill it for me.

Maybe I'm getting old...

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I was also a Limelight veteran back before its initial "close" I enjoy clubbing sober now. But that is not to say that I have never done anything. I have pretty much doen and seen it all. it is scary to party today especially since the stuff people take now-a-days, well you really don't know what's in it.... Point blank:: If you can't party sober then you have a problem. You have to have control over the substance, not the other way around..

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It depends on the circumstances for me. I spent a lot of the 80's and most of the 90's doing anything that was available and I had a great time, most club drugs alter your senses and the experience is different while you are on it but after a period of time it starts getting boaring.

I went to Twilo a few weeks ago totaly sober and had a great time. The following week I went to Vinyl to hear Danny and took some "E" and I did not enjoy myself even though the music was great.

Go figure.

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It's mind over body-who said you need to take a pill to feel like your rolling. Use your imagination-the power of suggestion

I like to roll, but I don't need a pill to get me to that level. I have been there before and can bring myself back-the music helps. Give it a try.

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When I first rolled I felt so good the next day. I wasn't tired. I cleaned, exercised...I did everything. After a while I felt so tired and shot for the next few days. But I guess it does affect people differently. But all I can say is I definitely liked going straight.

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Originally posted by trancenergy:

Dude I get what you say but I have to say I used to go into a club when I was sober and although the music may be good, other factors like heat and the crowd gets to me. I know it sounds kinda lame but when I roll I can honestly enjoy the music and the vibe more. I'm not saying that I need drugs cause I don't club that often, but on special occasions rolling in a club is much better then a couple of redbulls.

You have to agree with this one. Rolling takes the edge off of the drawback such as the God awful heat!!


A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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Except for the occasional drink, I go with out drugs. I enjoy the music, the scene and like the idea of being able to walk out of the club at 9am and maybe feel tired, but not completely wrecked. I like it better this way.

When I do drink, it is a couple at the begining of the night and that ends it.



Running from the cops...

Whoops I guess 143 is too fast on the bike...

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