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their probably gooks for one

you are one hilarious person. i am one of those gooks that attend twilo on a regular basis, and i do admit a lot of asians do not know how to handle themselves at clubs, esp twilo and exit. but i can't say that i am a part of those "mangled kids", as i go there to enjoy the music like any other clubgoer.

in addition, couldn't you say that for any group, whether or not they are asian? have you seen the muscleheads at SF? all the rich white suburban kids at raves? wall street heads at downtown bars? don't fuckin stereotype a race, that's just purely ignorant and stupid. sorry, i disagree with your choice of words. i don't think it's necessary to throw around racial slurs, wakeup. rocket-man.gif



*turn it around baby*

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Without a doubt, Twilo has provided me with some of the best experiences of my life. It is one place where you go to enjoy yourself where you can dress, dance, and act as you want with no one looking over your shoulder. You can be you and that is that. It is a sense of freedom that many do not always get to feel in our society. I am not saying that Twilo is the only place I can feel like this, however, it is one avenue of expression that I will always hold to my heart when my Twilo days to eventually come to an end. But for the meantime, PVD is coming on Friday, so lets go have a kickass party. peace.

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I totally agree with Mattyep's assessment. I love TWILO!

Twilo has a great mix of people. I have met a bunch of great people there that I hang outside of clubs with.

Music at Twilo is great, casual dress, people are diverse and friendly, and most pretenses are left at the door.

There are some drawbacks to the place such as overcrowded, some fuckin rancid body odor, and some of the bouncers are awful but I think the plusses so outweigh the minuses.

Place may not be for everyone on every nite though. Some of my friends love it while others only find it OK.

Peace - Chick

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If you're looking to hear incredible music from an incredible sound system and hang with friendly, fun people, Twilo is the place. Looking to hook up? Probably not at Twilo. Looking to be a racist asshole? PLEASE don't come to Twilo.


Uh-oh, I'm REALLY fucked up.

How cracked out can crackorn get if crackorn gets cracked out?

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Well Mike, my first reason I like it so much is because YOU don't go there, hehehehe. (Why don't you come this weekend, give it another shot, I'll be there, and it'll be worth it - remember how much fun you had last time *I* was out when you were - time of your life, right :rolleyes smile.gif

And I agree with everyone elses' reasons (reread Rob's post, lol, since he and i share the same thoughts on Twilo.)




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."





AIM: loves2cox

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Hey, I've had the best times there. This is an equation hard to beat:

world-class DJs + best sound system + awesome crowd/vibe = some of the best times of my life.

Personally I think the club is too small, but their light and sound systems are amazing! However, I've had so many good experiences there that I treasure that place.

BTW, its not impossible to hook-up - it does happen sometimes smile.gif.

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My love for Twilo is definitely because of the music, its the only club in NYC that has a constant international DJ lineup, the only other club that does this on a smaller scale is Centro-Fly that I know of.

Second, the crowd, who cares what people are wearing, the crowd at Twilo is the friendliest I've seen, really cool people (and no, not just because some were on E).

No other club in NYC has the vibe Twilo has, I brought a kid who only listens to hiphop and actually hates trance, and he said he loved Twilo cause of the Energy, and he finally saw what the appeal of trance and house is, only Twilo could do that.

Not only that but it draws the biggest crowd of manhattanites, at least that I see on certain nights at certain times, no offense to B+T, but there's just something about the NY state of mind that you can feel in the crowd.

Twilo is the NY's jewel of clubbing, just like 1015, Axis, Buzz, and the Viper room are clubbing jewels to other parts of the country.

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cheap cover, friendly security, lots of space....what more could you ask for in a club?

kidding aside, I feel reborn again after I leave that place.

the people, the sound, the emotion, the love of quality intelligent beats, the lighting, the diversity, the vibe, the VIP accessability, the respect, the nod.


P.S. I just returned from London, went to Home, went to Fabric, Ultimate B.A.S.S. at Velvet lounge, hit up Brighton, and topped it off with a visit to a small little rave known as Creamfields and you know what? THANK GOD I'LL BE AT BACK AT TWILO FOR FRIDAY'S SERMON. Church is in session....

P.P.S. - The Brits can't dance, but I still love those power pellet eating freaks wink.gif

[This message has been edited by sinthetik (edited 09-07-2000).]

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I agree--Twilo isn't what it used to be for me. I used to worship the place--that was when Sasha and Digweed weren't popular yet and there was actually room to dance. The scene there has gotten a bit iller--used to be that I could leave my backpack laying somewhere and it would be there three hours later. Shit, I can't even bring a backpack in, anymore.

Still, Twilo has an amazing sound and lighting system. Probably the best lighting I've ever seen.

I love Exit, as well--the sheer size is amazing. Centro-Fly is also another dope spot.

--David Christopher

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Originally posted by msoprano13:

ive been there once and for some reason it just didnt catch my attention. As for a place like exit i loved it. im not a juice head so everybody relax. Im just curious as to why its so popular on this board. thanxxxx

I'm with you, I never had a bad night at Exit!


A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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Twilo is such an amazing place. I have dreams about Twilo, I kid you not.

Best sound system in the world. Don't take my word for it, all of the international DJs say it.

The talent. Bindra is the best booker. Friday after Friday (now Wed and soon Sat) is the best talent from all over the world, not just Europe.

The vibe. The people. I can appreciate a packed club when I know most of the people appreciate the music and aren't just there because "clubbing is cool." *cough*SF*cough

There are more reasons but I don't need to get into them.

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You know... I've been to Twilo 2 times... WAY back before S&D were popular and the LAST time PVD spun... I have to say... i DIDN'T have the best times in the world... It was SO, SO, SO crowded BOTH times... i couldn't dance...

Forget not being able to DANCE, I couldn't even STAND STILL cuz people were bumping into me so often...

I'm willing to give it another try but DEFINITELY not when PVD's spinning... his music's GREAT and all, but I can't enjoy it in a place where I can't even STAND in the same spot for more than a minute...

I've been reluctant to say this but I read a few people who agreed with me in saying that EXIT really isn't that bad of a place... Just seems like a HUGE SIN to ever SAY such a thing here on this board... The crowd's always been CooL, the Bar-Tenders are cool people to talk with, and there are ALWAYS good looking women (sorry, i'm not really looking at the guys smile.gif) there... It's big, and usually pretty cool... don't really see a problem with it, the music's sorta getting repetitive... but i'm sure that'll change soon... Please don't STONE me for saying this... but I can always look foward to going to EXIT for a good time...

Now I'M gonna run as FAST as I can the OTHER way... ByE!


If YoU'Re GoNNa PaRtY With Me... BeSt Be PrePaReD...

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