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I'm Going Nucken Futs

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I'm with you on that diva! I have a friend that plays this stupid phone game...Here is a taste.

Jam: "So have you talk to him lately?"

Friend: "No...I haven't talked to him in over a week...I think he is not interested in me anymore."

What the hell is this high school! What is this phone tag, I mean phone game playing? Why can two people who have some interest in one another just get together once in a while for a conversation without a time frame in which one thinks the other doesn't like them anymore?

And as far as Jam is on the difficulty scale...I would have to be a 3. It takes a whole lota shit to make me upset (besides why not be happy smile.gif) and I don't like arguing/fighting...Its the making up part is what I like!


Per me e arabo!

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Originally posted by divalicious:

what i don't understand is why people feel the need to play "the game". the best way to get a start on understanding is communication, openness and honesty. i don't think that it's really that difficult. be yourself, treat people how you want to be treated, be friends first, foremost and always, and you'll find that romantic relationships will tend to be a lot easier. i'm a firm believer in this and i'm going to try to only deal with guys who think the same way...

I'm right behind you on that one, especially the honesty part. Yep, I second you all da way!!


angel.gif I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE bad.gif

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Originally posted by blueangel:

All I can say is that the most difficult journey has the greatest reward! And that's also true with people whether it be women or men.

BlueAngel (difficult level #9 - not #10 cause I'm not impossible) wink.gif

That was such a perfect response!!!!

mind if i borrow that quote sometime?


BlueAngel said it best!!

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OK, here it is, until you find "the one", you are going to be hurt, cheated on, lied to, etc... Not everytime, but it's going to happen. You have to accept that. If you shut down, close off and start thinking everyone is that way then you'll just be lonely forever and it will be your own fault. Sometimes you'll think you found "the one" and then it doesn't work out. I thought I did, I married him, he lied constantly, lost his job while I was 8 mo. pregnant, didn't get another one for 2 yrs. and ruined me financially (at least for the next 7 yrs) Now, 9 months after I kicked him out he still hasn't sent a penny for my two kids and things are getting tighter than I want to think about. This guy seriously fucked up my life, I'm not just talking about having my heart broken here.

My point is, I don't think all men are that way. I would never give up on finding my mate. To say all women (or all men) are the same is just riduculous. I know good and evil on both sides.

Just keep looking and don't shut down.


A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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And what do women do when presented with someone who doesnt want to lie and cheat. What do they do when they have a man who is honest and nice to them?

They shit on him. Yep, Ive been nice and Ive been mean and being nice has gotten me screwed over.

Lets face it, women need to remember that any man, friend or foe, if given the oppurtunity to fool around with a women, will do so regardless. (Unless he has a gf/fiancee/whatever) Sure there are guys that break that rule but I dont happen to be one of them and wish the others would stop giving us a bad rap, hehe

But the point is, women should be nicer to the average guy, and mean to the prick son of bitches they complain about.

I dont particularly like being grouped with the assholes out there just because I am a man, and I deserve to be voted on by merit, not by past actions of the human race.

Hell, women piss me off to no avail but damned if I dont give them a chance.




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yo myrlin i hear ya man. im also one of those guys who are extremely nice to girls.. i did everything for my gf and nice guys do finish last. so now she has a new bf who treats her like shit doesnt let her have friends and she is miserable. i have other friends like that to.. i just dont understand it. dont they want people to treat them nice. guess not. my ex girl is miserable and it hurts me to see the way she used to be all happy and smiley and to see her now, without a friend in the world


i only speak the truth


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I agree 110% the last one snowball of lies!

Originally posted by uknjx2:

Originally posted by enyce2000:

not for nothin but MEN ARE SO EASY TO UNDERSTAND

feed us .. love us.. dont lie .. and give us the booty -----and we are funny mutha fawkers

OMG, don't lie? I've dated some of the biggest liars ever, especially the last peckerhead I went out with. He told so many lies that he had to lie to cover up his lies!!! The thing is when you catch a guy lying to you, they still keep lying. Girls are way more truthful, or at least I am. wink.gif

I'm sorry some of you guys are having probs. w/the chicks, but there will never be complete understanding between the two sexes! I don't think I'll ever understand men!


Good time had by all!!!

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...but there will never be complete understanding between the two sexes! I don't think I'll ever understand men!

If there was an understanding, that would makes things too easy...LOL

- Pete

BTW where were you last night? No Limelight?




[This message has been edited by schwingep (edited 09-10-2000).]

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LMAO. Just picture this. Most guys have been getting rejected right around the same age. You like someone, that someone likes someone else, and so on and so forth.

I for one think that most women are gorgeous creatures to be treated with the upmost respect. Women are sensitive, more compassionate, with wondefully soft skin, their very essence and aroma just exquisite. They are not toys, but precious commodities that should be treasured.

We can go a little nuts because of this. We work out, we buy nice shiny sports cars, and do all kinds of things to impress women. Sometimes that includes lying. That Porshe might be rented, that house on the Hamptons is really a friend's house, etc.

And yes, I do understand there's tons of good points like you said. Hell, we would be animals if it weren't for women making us civilized. For every powerful man there's an equally if not smarter woman in the background.

One thing I'll never understand is how can a man ever scream or hit a woman. I've listened to a good share of these type of stories. Guys like that should be shot or at least flogged naked on Times Square.

Originally posted by blueskygirl:

We're just a little crazy iz all. Well, I can only speak for myself, but if you had guys always trying to get into yer panties any way they possibly can every single friggin day of yer life since you were like 12, you might be a little crazy too. And the hormone stuff, man, you just don't even wanna know!

Deal with it, man, love us for what we are. We have lotsa good points too...



Dream a little dream...

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

LMAO. Just picture this. Most guys have been getting rejected right around the same age. You like someone, that someone likes someone else, and so on and so forth.

I for one think that most women are gorgeous creatures to be treated with the upmost respect. Women are sensitive, more compassionate, with wondefully soft skin, their very essence and aroma just exquisite. They are not toys, but precious commodities that should be treasured.

We can go a little nuts because of this. We work out, we buy nice shiny sports cars, and do all kinds of things to impress women. Sometimes that includes lying. That Porshe might be rented, that house on the Hamptons is really a friend's house, etc.

And yes, I do understand there's tons of good points like you said. Hell, we would be animals if it weren't for women making us civilized. For every powerful man there's an equally if not smarter woman in the background.

One thing I'll never understand is how can a man ever scream or hit a woman. I've listened to a good share of these type of stories. Guys like that should be shot or at least flogged naked on Times Square.

I do agree with ya...

This may sound fucked up, but there are a few women out there who play with a man's heart like puppet strings... taking advantage, mind games, etc....

Amidst an emotional crisis like this, some have lost their head...

Spousal/relationship abuse, I'm not talking about that... I don't believe in that and it's inexcusable...

Someone I know smacked his ex girlfriend when he found out she had been cheating on him... I think he might have found her with the other guy in question at the time. I'm not sure... but it was a serious relationship.. he was planning on marrying her and everything....

Most times it's an inferiority complex though... these are the same guys that are too pussy to do a lot of shit.. like they'd NEVER hit a guy the same way they hit their girl...

Just some thoughts...



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Originally posted by xxbabygirlxx:


LOOK into thing wut r you talking about?

It's just that women by nature are the most complex creatures and the face of the earth. I understand my god damn fish better then women


Check out http://www.nitefaces.com/mad_productions.htm for club info.

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Originally posted by djrman:

Just deal with it bro. I know it sucks, but what can ya do? Men will never understand woman and vice-versa. Once you understand that men in general can't win, you'll win. However, I would rather be with a woman instead of being around sausages.

yo i hear that...but things should be so much easier if the two sexes could just communicate with each other better


Check out http://www.nitefaces.com/mad_productions.htm for club info.

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Originally posted by djchris:

Ladies is it really that hard to throw a piece of pussy our way sometimes.

Stop beating around the bush (no pun intended) just tell us what you want already!!



disco_anim_bf16.gif A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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Guest ravegirl

don't generalize sweetie- we're not all psychos- you just haven't met the right one...

(and sorry to say but witht hat attitude- you won't)


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We shuold all cut down on the BS and get straight down to it.. It would be so much easier and interesting... too much saliva on chit chat that goes nowhere... and too much issues to be resolved... Girls should be less complicated, and guys should be more forward...

Please lets all get more simple... Life is too good to waste it on what-if's!!! U girls like a guy?! go ahead.. make your move!

U guys like a girl?! go right ahead and make your move... and all... be very receptive!!!


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!

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Originally posted by mp3some:

We shuold all cut down on the BS and get straight down to it.. It would be so much easier and interesting... too much saliva on chit chat that goes nowhere... and too much issues to be resolved... Girls should be less complicated, and guys should be more forward...

Please lets all get more simple... Life is too good to waste it on what-if's!!! U girls like a guy?! go ahead.. make your move!

U guys like a girl?! go right ahead and make your move... and all... be very receptive!!!

More forward? You want us to be MORE forward... oh damn.. come on... FUCK THAT... I want chicks to be more forward... yeah like you said... quit pro quo (however that's spelled) You got two active participants you got shit going on.... shit... I'm not Sherlock Holmes.. I can't pick up all the little clues, hints, and shit like that...

I know, I know... telepathy... mental telepathy.. that's what we all need... NOW THAT would be MUCH better.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks



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