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Anyone else with an opinion on this whole Metallica, Dr. Dre Napster thing???


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I can't believe Metallica is being such penises over this. I remember back in the day (83-85) when the only people that listened to Metallica were serious metal heads and us skate rats. The only way they became is big as they are is through people bootlegging their stuff (early EPs like Metal Up The Ass and Creeping Death) and giving copies to their friends. I don't personally think that NAPSTER is such a great thing, but for Metallica to bitch that their stuff is being distributed freely is a farce. They would never be where they are today without a friend giving a copy to a friend who gives a copy to a friend...

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It's all bullshit as far as I am concerned. Haven't Metalica and Dr. Dre and all the other artist bleed us dry enough with outrageous CD prices and even more ludicrous concert ticket prices? It's our turn to dip into their pockets, don't you think?

As far as I am concerned Larz is a real dumbass, because of his whining crack, Napster and other mp3 ftp sites have gotten more publicity resulting in more business for the sites, and less respect and admiration for the bands who appose them.

Anyone see hiss ass get boo'd on the MTV music awards!!! What a putz!


** Shake It Baby **



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I must say that since downloading Macster, my CD purchasing has skyrocketed. I'm now able to find so much more recorded music that I love. Anyway, fuck Metallica and Dr. Dre, they suck anyway...


"There is no beginning and no end, only the infinite passion of life."

-Federico Fellini

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When Napster goes down 10 new servers like it will pop up. See how fast napigator come out?

Also I think that Napster and services like it have helped CD sales. I personal have went and go CD cause I heard a track on napster and wanted the CD. I am not saying I do this all the time but every now and then.


Dave H.

Toxic Productions

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I am personally sick and tired of hearing this BS from Metallica and Dr. Dre. Now they're lawyers just asked my school (PSU) to stop allowing its students to use Napster. What do they think they run this frigging world?? Check this out..


I am mainly a househead, but used to listen to a little metallica here and there, but I have lost all respect for them and Dre as they have turned into money grubbing losers who care only about how many yachts and fancy cars they can park in their driveways.



"Children, come together, in the spirit, OF HOUSE" -Aaron Carl

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i am totally for napster and if anything i think it helps the artists..

i hear alot more music b/c of it... songs i would never go out and by if i had napster or not i now listen and maybe might buy that artists album b/c of it...

and with the whole artists songs being on napster b4 they are released,, the same fan that is gonna hunt down an artists song b4 the rest of the world knows about it is the same fan that is @ the store tues morning to be the first to buy it..

doesn't hurt a thing


oasis guestlist

201-725-8858, oasis9389@aol.com

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u guys really buy more cd's cus of napster? i mean yea it does let me listen to alot of stuff i would normally never hear but since i can download songs why the hell would i ever buy a cd? for the cover? dre and lars kinda got a point u know, yea cd's cost too much anyway but just giving em out for free hows that gonna help the artist? how they ever gonna go triple platinum and things like that? by gettin a million downloads? somehow some of the money has gotta be redirected to the artists, maybe not from the consumer but from napster or the advertisers......just sayin.

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Guest danmoro

Lars and Metallica suck ass! They haven't produced a quality album since the black album.

Also, look in the liner notes of Metallica - Garage Days Revisited, there is a quote from James saying how he always used to go over Lars' place and tape his records. Can you say HYPOCRITES? How about FUCKING WASHED UP?



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Well, to amend what I posted earlier, I might not have bought tons more CDs if I had to pay full retail, but here in the People's Republic of Princeton we have an amazing thing called the Record Exchange, it's at 20 s Tulane St. and I promise is well worth a train ride down from NYC or North Jersey. They go through hundreds of thousands of titles each week and you never know what you'll find on CD or Vinyl on the cheap. Okay, that was such an ad, but if you've been there you know.


"There is no beginning and no end, only the infinite passion of life."

-Federico Fellini

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right on! kill 'em all i say-- oops can i get sued by metallica for syaing that?!? probably.

down with the recording industry. they are a useless bunch of middle men who have fucked over everyone on both sides. down with the whole lot of em. let em get real jobs.


i love music!

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Did you guys see what the kid that created napster did at this years MTV VMAs? He presented an award....ON STAGE....WEARING A METALLICA t-shirt. FUCK YEAH!

I think that these artist have been in the buisness too many years to be complaining. I dunno bout Dre, but Lars Ulrich from metallica has become such a crybaby. He is bitching about someone getting a song for free that they recorded 10 years ago. If you ask me. It's childish. I totally Support Napster, and so does everyone else.....apparently.

God bless everyone!


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I don't care about the big labels or there artists, but it does worry me how it will effect the smaller labels.

I don't think anybody really knows what effect it will have, but with small labels working on tight margins a small drop in sales could mean the end.

Remember 90% of what you here in clubs are small independent labels.

The whole napster case is irrelevant because the new sharing software packages don't work from a fixed server so there will be no way to stop it.

I am still undecided but at the moment this whole situation seems like it will benefit the EMI's and Sony's of the world and hinder the smaller labels. Which is a bad thing for the music industry.

Remember most club music is throw away, it's for our nights out. So the temptation not to buy is higher.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


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Napster RULES!!

No matter what they do, no one can stop NAPSTER!!!

But I do have to say, though, my network in school is considerably slower because of napster, and all the kids are now on it 24/7, and its felt all throughout campus... its kinda shitty cause it takes longer to dwnld shit even with our T1 connection... I miss the days when no one but me and an elite group knew about NAPSTER. Those were the golden days... i would get complete cd's in about 6 or 7 mins.. Yep, 7 mins max!! Ministry of Sound, GU, got like 5 or 6 cds completely off napster...without counting individual tracks and yes, ohhh yes!! the bootleg recordings of Radio1 Essential mixes of Oakie from all over the world!!! I got'em ALL!!

Bottom line is, NAPSTER is here to stay... and Lars and DRE can go to hell.


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!

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