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Gore or Bush


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Originally posted by russ reign:

Definitely Bush... I mean he's not the greatest candidate in the world, but at least he won't make a laughing stock of our country as Bill Clinton has done......

The only people that made the US President a laughing stock is the press and the people that made the whole incident public. Bill Clinton is DEFINATELY NOT the first man to cheat on his wife, NOR is he the first president to do so. So, if you're going to blame anyone for the embarrasment that this country had to go through then blame the press and the republican party for hiring Ken Star and bringing the whole thing out to the open.

And being that Clinton Administration improved our economy and lowered our crime rate . . . I don't think that's anything to laugh about, nor is it anything that made this country a joke.

AND for love of god, don't vote for a president based if he's gonna cheat or not!!!! Vote for the man that you think will do at least a half decent job!!

I'll be voting for Gore, cause Bush just scares the shit outta me!



"Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to walk by again?"


[This message has been edited by blueangel (edited 09-14-2000).]

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Bush? He is a fucking idiot. He's anti-abortion and he wants to "fight the drug war". If they'd just legalize it, we wouldn't have to spend all our tax money on building prisons and paying prison guards and cops. 80% of the people in prison are non-violent drug offenders. What sense does that make?

Also, anti abortion? That's real f'n good. Take away a women's right to choose. So we end up with lots of unwanted babies and women and kids on welfare.

BUSH SUCKS mad.gif



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Blue: first up, it was Janet Reno who hired Ken Starr, not the republicans. Second, I could give a flying fuck that he wanted to get his dicky sticky. No issue with that. What I have an issue with is the bastard looked everyone in the nation in the eye and lied about it in a court of law. If you or I did that, we'd be going to jail for it. Weren't you one of the people who said you want a guy to be honest? Well, what about the prez, isn't he a guy you'd hope to be honest?

Only the lefties and the papers make it about sex. It's not about sex, it's about truth.

I like Harry Browne, personally. But he's not electable, so I'm going to vote for the lesser of two electable evils.

And F Hillary, too.


STFU, Class of 1999

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BUSH is NOT going to make a laughing stock out of the US????? which planet are you on?? the man can't even string a sentence together - hardly a great confidence building act for the rest of the world. and incidentally I think Clinton has garnered a lot of respect from other governments - who don't take sex as something that automatically negates any ability to make rational political decisions....

but what do I know - I don't get a vote here.

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Bush = dumbass with connections. texas governorship is weakest in country (it carries the least amount of power)

Great quote i heard about him: "He is a man who was born on third base and acts like he hit a triple"

Gore = boring as all hell, but he has lieberman, who has charisma, something this race has been lacking. first time, a VP may actually play a role in the election. i'm voting for lieberman, so to do that, gore has to get my vote

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i'D VOTE 3RD PARTY, but something about splitting the vote scares me in case dubya wins.

To make things relevant, bush goes to bed at 9 pm. Think he understands club culture? The coke thing doesn't count. Those were "youthful indescretions."

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Originally posted by cazz926:

Bush is a coke-sniffing, spoiledbrat, fucking moron.

If he wins, I'm moving to Australiaand take my chances with the crocs.

Hey Cara, if he wins I'm comin' with ya, alright?

Need I say it again, BUSH SUCKS!



If a man does not keep pace with his companions,

perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.

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Man the beginning of this post scared me...people actually voting for Bush?! The man has made a mess out of Texas in terms of everything from education to taxes and wants to take away a woman's right to her own body! He scares me frown.gif

Def voting for Gore



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Hi Randy, we're building long-term here, a serious and lasting progressive front. It doesn't matter if Dubya wins this term, it'll be a good cold shower for the Dems. Or it will eliminate them, which is fine. A vote for Nader IS a vote for a TWO party system, if you get my drift.


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For those who are voting for third parties...go ahead and throw away your vote....cleary Perot's loss in '92 isn't a lesson for those third parties that just can't seem to get that we're obviously in a two party system...

Anyways both candidates are not impressive. Now I am from the great state of Texas where Bush was my governor (I voted for Ann Richards) and he is taking credit that his administration did not implement. I would never vote for someone who starts his campaign at Bob Jones University and praises them for their "moral values"


..the blackness, the darkness forever...

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ichi_gami, the republicans didn't hire Ken Star?? Okay, you just keep on telling yourself that.

As far as not telling the truth goes. . . I never said that I LIKED Bill Clinton, I just said that he was/is a good president. I don't like him as a man, I think he's a freakin' asshole. Anybody (woman/man) who makes a vow under god to the sacred marriage and then breaks it cause he can't keep his/her dick/punana in check is a freakin' asshole to me. BUT as a president? He did a good job. You can't take that credit away from him.

And for Hillary . . . you know what, how dare you say FUCK HER??!!?? Everything that women did during Bill's presidency was FOR the country. She could of easily console her OWN soul and left him standing there, but if she did that then that would of made this country MORE of a laughing stock!! She sacrificed A LOT for her country and jerks like you say "Fuck Her!" WHY??!! Cause she's smart?? Cause she has balls?? Cause she's involved herself more into the government then any First Lady has in the history of this country?? WHY??

In my book, I think she's the definition of a true woman!! She stood behind her husband through good and bad. Sacrificed her happiness for the country, is smart as hell, and strong . . . VERY STRONG!! I hope she wins the SENATE . . . just to piss people off!!



"Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to walk by again?"


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have to disagree here, the issue was not sleeping with somebody it was lying in court. The president of any country should not be allowed to lie about anything under oath. I don't think anybody can say he didn't. For me that was the issue, and that's how it was reported in Europe.

He has done some great things though, just been reading he is visiting Vietnam when his term ends.


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i hate politics and politicians!! as far as i'm concerned, democrats, republicans...they are all the same. a politician is a politician, they all have selfish interests and will say or do whatever it takes to get to where they want to be. take Bush for example, using his part hispanic nephew to get the latino vote. i bet before the election he was trying to play down the fact that he had hispanic relatives. i defy anyone to prove me wrong...please!

this election is not even worth my time, i do not feel either of the candidates, but i will be voting for who i believe to be the lesser of two evils - Gore. at least he came to his pro-choice senses on the issue of abortion.



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Okay, what I said before sounds stronger than how I really feel, but this is how I see it. Bush is at least a known entity...he says he's against this that and the other thing. He's blissfully out of the loop on a lot of issues. You know what's going to happen under him. Hell, under Reagan (big drug war, then!) drugs blew up in this country, esp. the "designer drugs." He's an idiot. Gore, he says one thing to one crowd, and another thing to another crowd. He may not be an idiot, but he is a loose cannon. I'd rather keep my enemies closer, particularly when I know what move they will make.

And believe me, I don't have a great love for the Republican party because of their social policies; i'd probably be in some "straightening" program if it was up to them. Lesser of two evils, folks.


STFU, Class of 1999

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