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Gore or Bush


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First off, I believe the president has a limited amount of influence on the economy. Economic cycles are unpredictable and are usually longer in duration than presidential terms, so its a bit incongruous to attribute the current economic state to the president.

That said, I will be voting for Gore. The president does possess the power to nominate Supreme Court justices, and since 3 or 4 of the current justices are approaching reasonable retirement age, the vote could actually affect the philosophical slant of the court significantly. Bush is a hard core conservative, despite some efforts recently to camouflage this fact with the moniker "compassionate conservatism." By speaking at Bob Jones University, he essentially endorsed a school that up until two years ago banned interracial dating. He has complacently approved over 100 executions. Compassionate conservatism? I don't think so. It actually scares me to think of the type of rightwingers that could end up on the Supreme Court if Bush wins.

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I promise I did not mean to make you feel in any way persecuted. That having been said, I do mean to suggest that the relative comfort and privelege that we enjoy here in the states is (i believe) built upon the sweating backs of the billions around the globe who have nothing and labor hard. That is the "sick brand of capitalism" to me. Not the simple buying and selling of goods in an Adam Smithian kind of way, but a cariacature, a distortion of a healthy economy is what we have. When almost every export commodity around the world is raped from the earth and its people and we continue to buy SUVs and wear Nikes, etc..( I am certainly not perfect here, but sometimes the frustration of my awareness overcomes me) I'm just posting a dialogue here with you that I am frequently unable to have in my quiet little university existence. (Princeton is frighteningly conservative) Again, this whole thing has been off topic - but I certainly enjoy a good discussion. Apologies for overheating earlier, but I'm certain you understand. It's just a fact that everything here was stolen by colonialism and is to this day for the enrichment of not very many. Even the comfort in which you and I live is a kind of silencing weapon used by the truly powerful to keep the masses 'like' us in a state of complacency (they hope). And the suffering around the globe (and here in NYC + USA) should be a part of each person's education. But I don't imagine that the educational system here is in any way meant to grow inquisitive minds, but rather to foster a huge number of docile and efficient consumers.

How's that for a great number of tangents in one long run-on paragraph/rant?



"There is no beginning and no end, only the infinite passion of life."

-Federico Fellini

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first off the only reason the economy is doing so good is because of regan.he set the programs in motion that are contributing to our success today as a nation.it takes years to come out of recession.when regan took office we were in recession.it takes years to see the change.thats why were in good shape now.the only good thing bill clinton did was leaving it alone.and remember friends we have a republican congress that also puts laws and bills into effect.they dont get credit for that.the president does.

the democrats want more social programs--which in turn means more taxes.bush wants to cut taxes which means more money in everbodys pocket.which means more money to spend.when people have more money to spend the economy does better.and did anyone see his book.he thinks gas prices should be higher-4-5 dollars a gallon.is this guy fucken serious?this guy is pushing big government down our throats.who wants more gov. than we already have?


voices......running around my head.....i could hear voices......

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Quite seriously, I'm in favor of much higher petrol prices. 4 or 5 would be excellent. 10 would be even better! And let's stop subsidizing the auto industry with public dollars. How about sensible urban development combined with massive public transit. Just a utopian vision of mine, that's all.

N.B.- i'm a driver, too. just one who feels pangs of guilt upon each cheap fillup.


"There is no beginning and no end, only the infinite passion of life."

-Federico Fellini

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woops, there went some more off topic rambling. (?) Maybe we need a political clubplanet board! j/k it would probably become the solitary domain of radical quacks like me! Good night... I'm going out to play now, no classes tomorrow!!!! woohoo!

nader/laduke all the way baby!


"There is no beginning and no end, only the infinite passion of life."

-Federico Fellini

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Originally posted by namastasyai:

N.B.- i'm a driver, too. just one who feels pangs of guilt upon each cheap fillup.

Hey ya wanna chip in for my fill-ups to assuage that guilt? Range Rover gets 11-13 mpg, the SL600 about the same. And I drive 600-800 miles/week between them. Oh and they take premiuim, which should take away even MORE of your gelt, erm, i mean guilt. wink.gif


STFU, Class of 1999


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I've always voted Republican (a guy I work with insists that this is only because I grew up in Summit, if anyone's heard of it) but I don't know, they're all a little scary this year!!



disco_anim_bf16.gif A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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damn. you people wanna write my term paper? those long replys are putting me to sleep. and since when does this have to do with clubbing. but just to answer the topic.. i'm going with Gore/Hillary. no reasons cuz then you people gonna copy and reply my message and write another chapter on it...

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Originally posted by namastasyai:


I promise I did not mean to make you feel in any way persecuted. That having been said, I do mean to suggest that the relative comfort and privelege that we enjoy here in the states is (i believe) built upon the sweating backs of the billions around the globe who have nothing and labor hard. That is the "sick brand of capitalism" to me. Not the simple buying and selling of goods in an Adam Smithian kind of way, but a cariacature, a distortion of a healthy economy is what we have. When almost every export commodity around the world is raped from the earth and its people and we continue to buy SUVs and wear Nikes, etc..( I am certainly not perfect here, but sometimes the frustration of my awareness overcomes me) I'm just posting a dialogue here with you that I am frequently unable to have in my quiet little university existence. (Princeton is frighteningly conservative) Again, this whole thing has been off topic - but I certainly enjoy a good discussion. Apologies for overheating earlier, but I'm certain you understand. It's just a fact that everything here was stolen by colonialism and is to this day for the enrichment of not very many. Even the comfort in which you and I live is a kind of silencing weapon used by the truly powerful to keep the masses 'like' us in a state of complacency (they hope). And the suffering around the globe (and here in NYC + USA) should be a part of each person's education. But I don't imagine that the educational system here is in any way meant to grow inquisitive minds, but rather to foster a huge number of docile and efficient consumers.

How's that for a great number of tangents in one long run-on paragraph/rant?


Ian- seems we both exemplify extreme irony in our viewpoints; i'm at NYU- the capital of higher education conservatism rolleyes.gif We should talk to our respective uni's and make a trade. lol

Seriously though, i certainly enjoy conversing on politics and the like.

can't really elaborate on this right now b/c i'm under some pressure at work right now to finish up a few reports. But i'm sure we'll have future qualms to debate over Ian biggrin.gif



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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Originally posted by aljedynak:

I will be voting for BUSH.I do not want to support the Democrats social programs with my money.

Yeah, you only happen to wanna use the democrat's social programs without paying a dime for it. Gimme a break... that's a one track tired argument.


Dream a little dream...

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I must disagree with your reply to my earlier post. The government takes about 39% of my paycheck for taxes. I neither want nor need the Democrats' social programs. I do not qualify for welfare, foodstamps,medicaid,or subsidized child care. I never received a free school lunch. So yes, I would like to see a Republican in office because they are generally in favor of smaller government and less spending. Just my opinion which I am entitled to.

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Originally posted by aljedynak:


I must disagree with your reply to my earlier post. The government takes about 39% of my paycheck for taxes. I neither want nor need the Democrats' social programs. I do not qualify for welfare, foodstamps,medicaid,or subsidized child care. I never received a free school lunch. So yes, I would like to see a Republican in office because they are generally in favor of smaller government and less spending. Just my opinion which I am entitled to.

39% I want the real BUSH for 39%


It's all in the music

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