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ok, help me out, i think I am going insane.

I met a woman at exit. A beautiful girl. We danced all night, and I got her #.

I didn't play phone games, so the next weekend, we met up.

long story short, we had about 3 dates, and after each I spent the night at her apt in Queens... (I currently have a place in Philly) So... heres my drama.

She tells me to get in bed, get comfortable, she comes in each night wearing very little, and that shows a lot of skin ( i like ) then she proceeds to not even kiss me!!!!

I am not unattractive I don't think. I have been told that girls love my touch, and I was touching her, and what not. Not only didn;t she kiss, but she didn't do anything.. ok ok, maybe we held each other a bit.

Now, after 2 or 3 nights, am I being crazy for expecting (if shes intrested in me, which I think she is) a kiss. or a rub, or something??? I mean I am cool with not doin the nasty right away, ya know??

ok... this should all be in past tense cause it happend like a month ago, but it still bothers me.... we havent talked much, but my father died and I have been sick, so....

what should I be thinking, and what should I do??

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its annoying how guys always want girls to make the first move. Most girls will get pissed after a while and just attack you, but some, like your girl in question here, will hold out until YOU kiss HER.

Obviously if shes having you sleep in her bed and shes wearing sexy lingerie she wants to be "more than friends"...so why the hell didnt YOU make a move instead of expecting her to?

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Hmm, that really doesn't make any sense.. If she wasn't interested, why would she be sleeping in the same bed with you? If she was, how can you not even wanna kiss someone? Even if you don't wanna sleep with them. Wierd. I'm a girl myself but I don't think even I understand it.. Sorry, don't even know how to explain this.

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Sorry to hear about your dad. I think that girl is seriously teasing you. I think you need to have a talk with her (preferably away from the bedroom) and find out where her head is in this relationship. I mean you guys have had three dates! Wassup with that! I figure after you talk to her about the intimacy issue then you can decided from there if she is just a tease or if she is not ready to be intimate in that way with you. But bro why all the skimpy stuff though? Right off the bat it makes me think she is a tease but I don't know her so I dunno.

BTW - Guy + Girl in bed together doesn't = SEX (well not all time!) smile.gif



Non esco con Tizio, Caio e Sempronio. Forse Caio!

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helloooo????? is your member in place.?? hahaha I mean how can you just stand there when she's naked (well almost naked) in bed with you.. that whole situation is wierd she is wierd your wierd.. No I'm sure your not wierd but I mean she is wierd I am soo confused... you guys don't kiss nothing I mean I would never go half naked in front of a guy I barely know... BUt thats just me and if I were to it wouldn't be to just sleep.. Thats sooo wierd... I have to think about that one.. Its just doesn't add up.. was she raped maybe...

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I think you should definitly have a little talk with her, ask her whats going on and how she feels about stuff. I don't know thats pretty odd though....

well, anyways good luck and sorry about your father.







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lol. any of you who think I didn't make moves is dead wrong. I kissed her neck, arms, everything.... touched her gently, TRIED kissing her lips... all that. I am not a fool, I figure (as u did) she must be a LITTLE intrested... and don't think that means I expected sex.... I didn't.... though, if it came up, I woulda been there smiling and ready 2 please...

as 4 misskittys sex toys, whats really odd, is that I did notice a whip hanging from her mirror...... lol

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bro bro broo. .bust out a 6pack of Coors TallBoys and grab her tits jesus mother

you make yourswelf sound like the elephant man for fucks sakes

OR you can pretend your getting water at night and trip over her and land your face between her ass

worse comes to worse, FWD her # to me. I'll get to the bottom of this. . no worries. ..she'll be rubbin your dingdong like a pornstar in space bro

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Originally posted by peccatrice:

ok, help me out, i think I am going insane.

I met a woman at exit. A beautiful girl. We danced all night, and I got her #.

I didn't play phone games, so the next weekend, we met up.

long story short, we had about 3 dates, and after each I spent the night at her apt in Queens... (I currently have a place in Philly) So... heres my drama.

She tells me to get in bed, get comfortable, she comes in each night wearing very little, and that shows a lot of skin ( i like ) then she proceeds to not even kiss me!!!!

I am not unattractive I don't think. I have been told that girls love my touch, and I was touching her, and what not. Not only didn;t she kiss, but she didn't do anything.. ok ok, maybe we held each other a bit.

Now, after 2 or 3 nights, am I being crazy for expecting (if shes intrested in me, which I think she is) a kiss. or a rub, or something??? I mean I am cool with not doin the nasty right away, ya know??

ok... this should all be in past tense cause it happend like a month ago, but it still bothers me.... we havent talked much, but my father died and I have been sick, so....

what should I be thinking, and what should I do??

do what i do give her some ghb and then if she still don't bang you punch her in the face maybe she's a dyke



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Fuck the bullshit!!

Confront her and ask her what's up... that's the best way to get to the bottom of this without any pussy-footing around...

Shit... maybe she's got an STD or some shit and she was trying to keep it on the DL or some shit....

Do not make any assumptions... Ask her and find out...

Technically if you come across blunt and to the point with no mind games she should be more willing to offer the same level of disclosure. cwm15.gif



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks



"Takin' out the suckas, and they don't know how I did it!!!"


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PECCATRICE...can't speak for all girls but here's my opinion. she likes you, she enjoys time spent with you, getting to know you. she's hesitant about where she wants this to go. she wants the closeness of a guy friend whom she can trust to go out with all night and get completely blitzed but wake up next to in the morning knowing that nothing happened. in other words, she likes you, and trusts you enough to lie beside her in her bed, but shes not sure if she wants this to be a friendship or a romance. cwm20.gif

my condolences on the passing of your father.

[This message has been edited by littled (edited 09-23-2000).]

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I know for a fact you need to ask her directly. Maybe she is just glad to have someone to hang with and have close at night. Maybe she has something weird going on. Or maybe shes shy...somewhat. The best thing to do is ask her directly.

I am a big fan of honesty and the like and it will save you lots of hassle in the future if you get it out in the open immediately. Whether shes odd, shy or a man (hehe) it would be the best thing for you to find out now instead of later.

Youll thank me for the advice in the end




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Sounds to me like she has some serious sexual dysfunctional issues. By the third date, if the two of you were in bed together it should have led to having sex.

Ask her point blank so that u're not guessing. If u're not satisfied with the answer or it doesn't make sense and nothing changes--I say forget about having sex with her. She could be experiencing some serious psychological disorder that not much trying on your part is going to cure. So move on.


There must be a party going on around here!!!

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whoa. you said that was a month ago? do you really like this girl or what? hop along cassidy and waste no more time thinking on this-if you want her sexually, that is. and if you can handle a friend who isnt good with communication, gives you misleading signals and is not sure what they want-then you got her number...

oh. an speaking of numbers-you wouldnt happen to have alpha's would you? he sounds like such a babe. lol.


my condolences for the passing of your dad...you got a hug coming from me right now...lemme know when you get it.

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I'll agree with LittleD. I have a feeling that's the story.... and Hush, she was kinda cute, but I believe that I already have figured out she's not worth my time. She's sexy, but a mind fuck indeed. I have no trouble traveling up to NYC 4 a girl (even in Queens) but not 4 games....

SO anyone else intrested??? lol


Run to the bedroom, in the suitcase on the left you'll find my favorite ax.

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