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juiceboys' club nyc meet up. all invited, please come.

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yo hellow my friends, i'm planning a meet up so i can finally put a face behind those names.

date: 9/30

time: 5pm

place: super tans in handover park( i figured we all could get tanned up before we go out later that night, also a good way to break the ice, good idea right, my first good idea since deciding to juice up and do g.)

after we tan we all go to my grammas'house she loves when i bring friends over you guys will love her, please take your shoes off at the door. we will eat pasta and meatballs and for desert her famous cannolis. then we will watch a tape of her wedding. after that it all depends on how many of you cool people show up, you will all get the chance to cruise with me in my black iroc-z w/t-topps off. that will be so much fun, you guys can pick the music you want to hear for the ride. relentles, do it again, shh be quite, zombie nation, or ooomp ba ooomp ba ooomp ba how many bumps can you do. i save my best for you guys, then by the time were done my grams will be a sleep, so the party begins i'll throw in a tape of good fellas and bring out the g, i convinced my ex girl to give me one more batch, i have enough for all but no peer preashure on doing it only if you want but i promise the way i do it is safe, but my grams does k to put her to sleep, i told her it was legal so dont tell her other wise it works good for her, so we have tons of licks in the cabinet for any one that wants. my girl used to stick the needle up my ass but no more she is through with me and my ass, and it will be about that time for my weekly shots so please volunteer to help me.then around 2am will head over to factory and dance are ass off please come

sighn up now so i no how many caps of g to save and how much gas to save in my car for the cruises.

so who is in?

thank you

your friend


[This message has been edited by juiceboy (edited 09-25-2000).]

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please what is so funny. is it that i still visit my grams,thats not funny she needs loving to. one day we will all be old and need someone young to make us smile and remember are youth years, so please come but dont laugh at my grams,by the way my cousin veto works at the super tan and it will be on the house, but please bring eye protection, i practice safe tanning only.

thank you


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juiceboy, I would love to come.

I will try to talk Italian to your grams, and then she can talk about the old country.

Maybe we can play a game of brisce (card game) and then we can drink Merlot, and I will stick the needle up your ass if you promise to tease my hair.




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Originally posted by tempkid:

If your buddy njguido69 shows up I'm game. I'm going to stomp his punk ass.

i will be there tempfaggot i will make you bleed all over juiceboys plastic furniture and then i will take his grandmothers dirty diaper and make you wear it on your face when i parade you up and down the street like i did with your punk ass father last time he tried to step to me then i will flex and drink ghb and tan



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Juiceboy- I'm in.

You crack my shit up.


One thing kids like to be is fooled. I remember, once, I told my nephew I

was taking him to Disney world, but I really took him to a burned down

old warehouse. "Oh no," I said, "Disneyworld has burned down." He cried

and cried, but I think that deep down, he thought it was a pretty good

joke. Then I started to take him to the real Disneyworld, but it was dark,

so I went home.

-Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey

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Hi Juiceboy,

I haven't heard much from you lately, are you mad at me for thinking njguido had the black iroc w/t-topps down. I'm just a girl and you know girls don't know anything about cars. I'm sorry. If it is OK with you I would like to come to your meet up and maybe take a ride and listen to some Oompa Loompa or Zombie Nation.

Do you live in East Hanover????



disco_anim_bf16.gif A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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Originally posted by cathyo:

Hi Juiceboy,

I haven't heard much from you lately, are you mad at me for thinking njguido had the black iroc w/t-topps down. I'm just a girl and you know girls don't know anything about cars. I'm sorry. If it is OK with you I would like to come to your meet up and maybe take a ride and listen to some Oompa Loompa or Zombie Nation.

Do you live in East Hanover????

cathyo i will personally drive you over there and then you can watch me kick the crap out of tempsfag did i mention i am tan and i will bring my own canoles nad flex for you nad even give you tempfags fake silver watch i am tan



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Hey njguido69raver if I recall didn't juiceboy in your guys earlier post have some words to you that were not nice. I think he thought you were making fun of him and he wanted to fight you and called you a fake now your kissing his ass you pussy. I bet you the ugly skinny to the bone type of raver that wants to juice but passes out when they see that the needle is thicker then them. I hope one day you take your G and never wake up, one less insecure asshole left.

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