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What's better bombs, bumps or both?

Guest neena

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Guest neena

Originally posted by visions:

Actually the purples are from Mexico they just say ttokkyo on the box. But I can't believe you would say that. Those to me are the exact two reasons I think the purples are so much worse. First off the ttokkyo's smell and taste like shit and by the end of the night you got half the jar stuck in your nose cause that shit is like cake. The blue's are also a much groggier high. I actually know some people who like the ttokkyo but personally me and my crew thinks there garbage compared to the yellow's. I wouldn't wanna make any assumptions but you probably didn't do that much of either. Just a guess though. Usually people who don't know much about K and have only done it a few times prefer the ttokkyo, sorry if this is innacurate, but if it is I understand where your coming from.

I just want to know. I am not an experienced K user and can someone please explain to me How you know what colors you are getting and where they are from? How could you tell?


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Originally posted by visions:

Actually the purples are from Mexico they just say ttokkyo on the box. But I can't believe you would say that. Those to me are the exact two reasons I think the purples are so much worse. First off the ttokkyo's smell and taste like shit and by the end of the night you got half the jar stuck in your nose cause that shit is like cake. The blue's are also a much groggier high. I actually know some people who like the ttokkyo but personally me and my crew thinks there garbage compared to the yellow's. I wouldn't wanna make any assumptions but you probably didn't do that much of either. Just a guess though. Usually people who don't know much about K and have only done it a few times prefer the ttokkyo, sorry if this is innacurate, but if it is I understand where your coming from.

I understand what your saying...maybe I spoke alittle to quickly on the topic, but dude yellow is so hard to find...The first time I tried the blue I was like wow...this is pretty good...then my boy kept getting it and I was happy with it...It grew on me...but if he were to get yellow of course I would jump on it dont get me wrong...I wouldnt call myself a "K-head" but ive done my fair share of it..But you were sayin about it caking up in my nose....Doesnt happen for me...how do you cook your liks up...might depend on how you cookem up...

Damn you remind me of these kids I went to St.Johns with....K-Lovers


I keep tellin Drugs I don't want them..but they don't listen

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aiight listen i feel anybody who knows what there talking about with k and e. Man if you dont know what you are talking about sont respond. K and e are the best combination in the world. If you know how to pop two good as pills and finish 2 licks in one night with some freinds and know how not to go in a k hole all night then you are straight

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Wedge, you fukin' rock.

LOL, I'm reading this thread... really involved... BOOM! Acid...

Guys. He has a point.

For mind trips, acid takes the medal.

But for mind and body combined, i still gotta favor e for the social-ness of it all.


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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Originally posted by glowsticks:

I understand what your saying...maybe I spoke alittle to quickly on the topic, but dude yellow is so hard to find...The first time I tried the blue I was like wow...this is pretty good...then my boy kept getting it and I was happy with it...It grew on me...but if he were to get yellow of course I would jump on it dont get me wrong...I wouldnt call myself a "K-head" but ive done my fair share of it..But you were sayin about it caking up in my nose....Doesnt happen for me...how do you cook your liks up...might depend on how you cookem up...

Damn you remind me of these kids I went to St.Johns with....K-Lovers

That's cool that your down with the blue's. I wish I was. Actually believe it or not, there is a grey cap around from ttokkyo and it's actually better than the blue's IMO.

We cook in the mic for 2:10 and we used to have the grinder which was money till my boy just recently got busted and had to get rid of all his paraphanelia so sometimes we might not break it up as good as we should like if were rushing out.

So you went to ST. Johns? We used to play against you guys in football, I played at Marist. I know a few heads that went to St. Johns

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Originally posted by visions:

That's cool that your down with the blue's. I wish I was. Actually believe it or not, there is a grey cap around from ttokkyo and it's actually better than the blue's IMO.

We cook in the mic for 2:10 and we used to have the grinder which was money till my boy just recently got busted and had to get rid of all his paraphanelia so sometimes we might not break it up as good as we should like if were rushing out.

So you went to ST. Johns? We used to play against you guys in football, I played at Marist. I know a few heads that went to St. Johns

Really you went to Marist...my ex-girlfriends cousin went there and played football....His names Danny...

If you have the time you should try a slow cook...Like 175-200...for 45 minutes..but you gotta keep checkin on it...comes out awesome...You also get about an extra 1/2 jar out of it...These asian kids i know steam theres, i really never asked how they do it but theyve bumped me off a couple times and there shit comes out perfect...mad smooth...Im gonna find out how they do it..

BTW...My boy gets the blues with the grey cap...straight from Tokyo


I keep tellin Drugs I don't want them..but they don't listen

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Originally posted by glowsticks:

Really you went to Marist...my ex-girlfriends cousin went there and played football....His names Danny...

If you have the time you should try a slow cook...Like 175-200...for 45 minutes..but you gotta keep checkin on it...comes out awesome...You also get about an extra 1/2 jar out of it...These asian kids i know steam theres, i really never asked how they do it but theyve bumped me off a couple times and there shit comes out perfect...mad smooth...Im gonna find out how they do it..

BTW...My boy gets the blues with the grey cap...straight from Tokyo

Yea I wish I had all that time. We get it and were cookin that fucker up right away! But I might have to try the slow cook. I heard the steam is good too. Danny who? I played at Marist from 95-99. I definitely know him if he played ball.

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Originally posted by sariman:

Special K was a fucking horse traqulizer! I'm sorry, but if I go to a club and take drugs I want something that at least gives me energy not sits me in the corner for 2 hours.

Just my oppinion. Everyone can go back to being horses, snorting up anaesthetic, and drift back off into there dreamy land barly avoid a coma.

Off my soapbox now.


> AHEM <

K is a cat tranquilizer. Medically called Ketaset.

A is horse tranquilizer. Medically called Anased.

Now I shall jump off of my soap box.



[This message has been edited by rabbitonacid (edited 01-23-2001).]

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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

Originally posted by nikkisticks:

Just so you know K is not a horse tranq.

It was created for humans!

It is used today on children, and people who have weekend health for surgery.

Why don't you do a little research before you go horse bashing!

Ketamine Hydrochloride was not and is not meant for human use. And it is not familiarly used for horses, either - horses, once they need surgery that requires general anaesthetic, they are usually put down humanely. It finds primary use in feline and canine surgery...if you've ever had a dog spayed or neutered and picked the animal up right away, it's likely you watched it coming out of a k-hole. K doesn't restrict breathing or respiratory function, but does tend to incur a feeling of nausea. It also increaes your sensitiviy to light, noise, and touch, while narrowing the spectrum of sounds you hear and stifling your sense of smell and taste. Motor function is similarly impaired, so you may think you are talking and moving when you are not...or you may be sitting there thinking, and all this shit comes babbling out of your mouth - as you sit there feeling like you're gonna barf. Yup. K is a wonderful drug.

Ecstacy is unbelievable the first time. It's different after that...

Coke, on the other hand, is always a good time.



Yes it is used for cats and animals now, but is also still used for baby's and children. I just did a research on it for a friend.

Look at dancesafe.com


The music makes the people come together...

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Interesting thread...E and K is GREAT! True, True, but!! Being sober is better!! Someone replied that K is antisocial and E brings people together. I would almost agree. But unless you have a devious mind like my buddy here, you can use K to get a girl all mangled and next thing you know she's all over you. I don't advice anyone to use K as a weapon or tool to get your tongue down her throat but hey it's a thought. E does bring some type of euphoric feeling that makes you want to bond and express yourself. Psychiatrist use E for people who have issues talking 'bout their problems. For example. A married man might need to be on E to tell his wife that he's found to be HIV positive....etc etc. But remember kids....Moderation is the key...and if I had to choose ACTUALLY U KNOW WHAT is better than K and E...OMG FUCKIN' GHB and E..holy shitnoby...that was the best fuckin' feeling i ever had when i did that shit..but make sure you don't OD on GHB it's very easy to OD on that!!!! Peace out . But a woman's blood on her period doesn't go good with E/alcohol/K ..that my friend knows for sure!!!

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