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Bush!! Stops funding for international family planning groups offering abortions

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depressing isn't it. i bet a lot of women who voted for bush didn't expect this. oh well - let's see what 5 years bring. i think women will start slipping over the border to canada and mexico the way things are going.


* i love sex always and forever *

and they tell me that women grow on trees

and if you catch them right they will land upon their knees

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These actions are textbook as far as I'm concerned.......I mean, did people who voted for Bush actually expect something different once he took office???? Don't tell me you all bought his rhetoric from the debates and such......the man is a professional con-artist among other things......we're in for it.



"The silent dog is the first to bite..." - me

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This guy freaks me out...did anyone notice how he was shaking his hand while being sworn in...very Stalinesque

"We know this will not come easily, or all at once. But the goal leads us onward: to build a culture of life, affirming that every person, at every stage and season of life, is created equal in God's image."

makes me even more scared

- Pete





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Okay, time to move to Canada...who's with me?




"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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here in N.Y. state nothing has changed and

most likely will not change anything regarding the abortion law. The article b2b

was referring to was only federal funding

for overseas countries where abortion is allowed but lacked funding to follow through.

if i am not mistaken.

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Originally posted by tribehouse:

here in N.Y. state nothing has changed and

most likely will not change anything regarding the abortion law. The article b2b

was referring to was only federal funding

for overseas countries where abortion is allowed but lacked funding to follow through.

if i am not mistaken.

Well yeh it says 'international agencies which support women seeking an abortion'. But he does say he will take it further closer to home, and this implies he may do just that.

Anyway, were you taking the piss in your other post? And why?


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

When the party was in progress and unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time - Freak Frequency


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What an IDIOT... my God, this asshole makes me so mad. Did anyone else notice his "education priorities?"

"introducing more student testing...

punishing and rewarding states depending on pupil performance"

What does this mean? Basically, public schools are going to have no choice but to "teach to the test" or be denied funding (!!!) (Everyone I know and I are VEHEMENTLY opposed to standardized testing), which will further decrease the quality of public education... thanks for NOTHING, you moron... first you screw up Texas's educational system, and now you want to fuck up the entire country's...


The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


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This move is classic politics .. Bush has to throw a bone to the pro-lifers, even though he knows the populace is too split on abortion to make any real changes to domestic law ...

... but after 8 years of hedonistic partying, we've got another uptight prick in charge of the world's only superpower ...

.... the "dreaded R-word" in politics is not "recession", it's "Republican" ...


AIM name: noserotoninleft

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ummm . . . does anyone else realize that AIDS IS A FUCKING EPIDEMIC IN AFRICA?!?!

cutting funds to planned parenthood type organizations doesn't just mean to abortion activism. it also effects condom distribution and general education which the US has been involved in.

this is bullshit.


"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." -voltaire

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in the immortal words of infamous ex-pats from times past, including Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald:

"Fuck that."

. . . i may be paraphrasing on that one, though. . .

Canada, kids? nahhhh, howboutIbiza?? cwm35.gif


no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .

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We are so fucked. This man is a puppet for all the most evil ultra conservative jackasses this country has produced. He wants a racist for Justice, a corprate interest for Interior, and now the Christian Right doing Social programing and Education. DAMAGE CONTROL EVERYONE- Vote in an opposing congress next term. Meanwhile, I'm gonna send my absentee ballot from Sydney...anyone wanna come? We could still hit Ibiza in the summers!

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Originally posted by kaspr:

No offense to anyone but why should my tax money go to abortion clinics in other countries??

Now if tries to enforce it here (which he won't) then it would become an issue.

Think of it this way...if there isn't funding for other countries for education and condom distribution, abortion, birth control, etc. more women will become pregnant, therefore causing more population, etc. etc. In the end, aid will be given to these countries anyway, whether in the form of birth control or food for the larger population....hope that made sense.


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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This is the bone he throws to the pro-lifers who helped elect him, true. He KNOWS if he tries that in his own country, he'll be hanged, drawn, and quartered (politically, anywho). With a split legislature, it'll be tough for him to do anything so widely unpopular on his own shores...

I say give him some time to pander to those he must, then see what happens when he starts trying to move legislation through Congress. Remember, what we might see as ass-backwards, others might see as the best thing ever to come from Washington. We must be cautious not to fall into the same narrow-mindedness (at the other end of the political spectrum) that we accuse others of, lest we marginalize ourselves. Listen to the other side. See how they and their ideas work - or do not - and fight on that, not on "what an asshole, he did something I don't like so he MUST be an idiot." Take lessons from the opposing side, and never forget to keep learning all points of view.

Just my opinion, worth what you paid for it.


In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped for a world that no longer exists. -- Eric Hoffer

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Originally posted by ncomodo:

All I can say is THANK GOD for the birth control pill. Rembember girls, to take it every day to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.Most of the time is 100% effective if taken correctly.

Yes, but remember girls . . .if you're a smoker and you've taken the birth control pill for at least 5 consecutive years and you're 28 and older then you have increased chance of having cancer. I know TWO friends that got them. cwm36.gif

I use condoms EVERY single time . . . it protects you from unwanted pregnancy and STD. It may be annoying and uncomfortable at times but better safe then sorry.

As to Bush . . . this doesn't surprise me one bit. kaspr, you asked why? Well I believe somebody already answered that questions. The federal fund doesn't just aid abortion, they also use that fund to distribute condoms and to educate people. The lack of education was what brought the AID epedemic to the US and spread it like wild fire. As to the comment Bush won't try that here at home? Think again.



"Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them." -John Updike


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Condoms aren't 100% effective. There is always the chance that the condom can break or can slip off at the wrong moment. I addition, people who choose to have sex must protect themselves and find a contraception that is suited for them.There is always the choice to get sterilized if that what the womans wants if she is absolutely positve she doesn't wants children in the future.

Originally posted by blueangel:

Yes, but remember girls . . .if you're a smoker and you've taken the birth control pill for at least 5 consecutive years and you're 28 and older then you have increased chance of having cancer. I know TWO friends that got them. cwm36.gif

I use condoms EVERY single time . . . it protects you from unwanted pregnancy and STD. It may be annoying and uncomfortable at times but better safe then sorry.

As to Bush . . . this doesn't surprise me one bit. kaspr, you asked why? Well I believe somebody already answered that questions. The federal fund doesn't just aid abortion, they also use that fund to distribute condoms and to educate people. The lack of education was what brought the AID epedemic to the US and spread it like wild fire. As to the comment Bush won't try that here at home? Think again.


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Originally posted by ncomodo:

Condoms aren't 100% effective. There is always the chance that the condom can break or can slip off at the wrong moment. I addition, people who choose to have sex must protect themselves and find a contraception that is suited for them.There is always the choice to get sterilized if that what the womans wants if she is absolutely positve she doesn't wants children in the future.

That doesn't save you from the diseases out there.



"Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them." -John Updike


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Originally posted by orchid21:

what if his daughters get knocked up...see what he will say then...moron!!!

or what if one of his daughters is raped and becomes pregnant as a result??? i feel sick....


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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