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What is this fascination America has with 'Beautiful people'?

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Every film & television has people that do not represent the average American. There are very few typical people on TV and in films.

Ok the independant films are a little better, but only just.

So if faced with good quality content and real people OR no content and eye candy what would you choose? (be honest).


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Boom Boom -Basil Brush



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Good question...I would like to say that I want good quality and real people, but in the end it comes down to do I want to see the typical american on screen instead of tom cruise, demi moore, bruce willis, etc. etc. I would have to say I want good quality in a film no matter who is in it and I want good quality actors who represent the role the best...i do oppose, however, to the waiflike, crack addict look alikes that are typically referred to as "models" prancing around pretening to represent the typical american...


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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when i took my friend to see The Full Monty, she asked me if it was a low-budget flick....i told her you don't find "beautiful people" in english films....so much more realistic....but you'd better be careful what you're saying david, you know next we'll be asked why all the english have bad teeth........


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Every film & television has people that do not represent the average American. There are very few typical people on TV and in films.

Ok the independant films are a little better, but only just.

So if faced with good quality content and real people OR no content and eye candy what would you choose? (be honest).

it's a human dendecy to acknowledge beauty



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ill tell you this:

People in general are superficial, and in the US, we generally like human wants and desires in excess. As for me, I generally like looking at good looking women. I wouldnt sacrifice it, though, for quality. So I watch West Wing instead of Temptation Island. But that's just me.

We statistically are the fattest people in the world, we envy the rich, and we like looking at beauty. Like the other dude said, it's human nature to acknowledge beauty.

My 2 pennies.


"ID, Please."

AOL: Highmay9

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This may be a bit shallow but I think I'd rather watch beautiful on TV/movies/ whatever. Any talented person in any type of show business becomes that much more famous if they are beautiful to look at. Look at some of the gorgeous singers of today that aren't really THAT talented (don't write thier own songs/ don't sing that well or use major voice enhancers) and then look at the really talented ones that aren't that beautiful ( Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand ) and imagine how much more famous they would be if they were drop dead gorgeous. I might even listen to them!!


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

Pardon? Perhaps to know what time Digweed goes on?

AIM: crackorn71

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Originally posted by Ph0eniX:

it's a human dendecy to acknowledge beauty

Absolutely, but that has nothing to do with this.

The point is beauty is not a requirement to act.. in fact the best actors may not be the cast of West Wing, Sex in the City, Buffy etc etc etc.

So ok envy beauty, acknowledge it. But when you create a society where only beautiful people can do certain things then quality & content suffers.

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Originally posted by Crackorn:

This may be a bit shallow but I think I'd rather watch beautiful on TV/movies/ whatever. Any talented person in any type of show business becomes that much more famous if they are beautiful to look at. Look at some of the gorgeous singers of today that aren't really THAT talented (don't write thier own songs/ don't sing that well or use major voice enhancers) and then look at the really talented ones that aren't that beautiful ( Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand ) and imagine how much more famous they would be if they were drop dead gorgeous. I might even listen to them!!

I am not having a go at you Crackcorn (i know you have substance smile.gif) but that is EXACTLY what i am talking about. Why do you get more people with that attitude here (and possibly Spain (but only on the TV front they wont go futher JUST for being pretty).. carn't think of anywhere else), is it Congnative?


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Boom Boom -Basil Brush



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I would much rather enjoy a film with meaning then just stuffed with a pretty face. Although I do admit I'm a sucker for Keanu Reeves film even though I think he SUCKS as an actor. cwm6.gif



“The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much.” - Anonymous


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Yeh everywhere has that kind of thing, but it's so in your face here.

Makes me want to heave sometimes.

Where are all the Robbies from Eastenders?

(f?ck it the whole Eastenders cast)


Curly's from Coranation street.

Yep, you're sooo right. It makes me wonder sometimes too...here everything is about looks and beauty. I mean you go to the mall and people get dressed up for that??!!! ...that's just so incomprehensible to me...anyway, I do miss the "ugly" ones too sometimes (although it sometimes just was a little bit too real, don't you think wink.gif)



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It was almost alien to me the first time I saw Eastenders and some of those other soaps when I lived in London a little while back (polar opposite of US soap operas, with rich, spoiled, beautiful people). To be honest, it's getting worse, just look at the WB, for example. Tons and tons of beautiful people, in beautiful apartments/houses, living easy lives.

The question is, where is this leading to? Indie movies are well on their way to having exclusively beautiful people too (Groove, Chocolat and Requiem for a Dream are the first coming to mind). So, it looks they can have our cake and eat it. The future is excess, the future is beauty AND substance, all guised as reality...


Those whom the gods love grow young. - Oscar Wilde


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Many of the people I've seen in Europe are much more beautiful than Americans, so they don't obsess about it like we do.

Not to say Americans aren't beautiful. They are just too concerned with it, and they tend to overindulge. Hmm, more people dieting but nobody getting thinner.

I think Europeans have less choices when it comes to mass consumption, so they are by nature thinner. No supermarkets, just small grocery stores. No wal-marts either.

The most ironic thing about that is the European food packaging doesn't have nutrition value labels on the back. Maybe they don't snack. Maybe television isn't the most important thing to them. Maybe they go out and exercise and avoid McDonalds?

Maybe they consume more appetite-inhibiting drugs?

Whatever the reason, the weight thing is probably even more important to Americans, followed by beauty.

Americans want what they prevent themselves from having, probably due to watching TV in the first place.

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MONEY Makers. Everywomen on everyshow avarages about 34D cup. Why becouse guys are dogs and want to see that. Than again the opposite is true. Even though stats say that America is overwighted on TV everyone is Van Damm. Listen everyone that I know that came to America always was suprised that it is not what they thought it would be - why? becouse they get their knowledge of America from the movies. I think that some people here want to live according the image rather than live the reality. In fact I think thet the image became part of the American rality and often it becomes confusing to separate one from another.

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Incidentally, perhaps the only show on tv that regularly features average Americans is the Jerry Springer Show. We urbanites tend to forget that the majority of this country is comprised of uneducated, ignorant, trailer park dwelling, calcium-deficient, hostile mongaloids who would vote for David Duke AGAIN if he only ran. Think I'm exagerating? Rent a car and take a road trip through Middle America, stopping in little towns along the way. Be sure to inform everyone you meet that you're from New York.

So, if you cast "average Americans" in movies you'll have a tough time suspending your disbelief as some 300lb hicks muddle their way through Jane Eyre flicks.



[This message has been edited by translucent (edited 02-06-2001).]

[This message has been edited by translucent (edited 02-06-2001).]

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