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Are all the dick in NYC circumcised ???

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Originally posted by cazz926:

Turtleneck or Darth Vader....

It's all the same to me

lol2.gif Gawd!! You really do just crack me up sometimes!! Too funny!



“I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.” — Booker T. Washington


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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Mario... You're not American that's why you have a diff point of view...

No Zoya, this is not about Jewish, American or European. This is about knowledge behind your decisions. I just hope the whole world isn't as ignorant as dale77.





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Originally posted by MarioNY:

That's a pretty stupid statement isn't it? I'm basing my comments on men that had the surgery done later in life and their partners that felt BOTH. And for aesthetics...u like to show off your cock soft??? I kinda like to be hard when I'm having sex...I dunno maybe I'm missing something.

Dude, I wouldn't even comment on this, but all your posts were SO DEFENSIVE, so here goes:

Do you know what aesthetics are? It's a consensus of what looks right. Have you seen any porn? I don't see a lot of circumcised dicks there, and that's just about the only "public" place you see dicks in America. Perhaps there is a booming market for uncircumcised porn, but it is surely on a fetishistic level. So there you go.

Rock out with yer cock out!



*i'm in love with the modern world*

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Originally posted by cmb1975:

there is no health benefits to being circumsized...now that was 4 years ago, when my daughter was born, but I believe its still true...

i guess this came out right to everyone else but me... i laughed though.





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Originally posted by roadrunner:

Dude, I wouldn't even comment on this, but all your posts were SO DEFENSIVE, so here goes:

Do you know what aesthetics are? It's a consensus of what looks right. Have you seen any porn? I don't see a lot of circumcised dicks there, and that's just about the only "public" place you see dicks in America. Perhaps there is a booming market for uncircumcised porn, but it is surely on a fetishistic level. So there you go.

Rock out with yer cock out!

I'm sorry...I don't think you really understand this yet. Let me explain it to you in very simple terms:

-When a circumcised penis is erect the head is exposed and there is no skin covering it.

-When a circumcised penis is soft the head is still exposed and yet again no skin is covering it...because it was chopped off.

-When an UNcircumcised penis is erect the head is exposed.

-However when an UNcircumcised penis is soft the head is covered by skin.

Since men usually need an erection to perform basic sexual activities I came to the conclusion that there is no difference (aesthetically) between a circumcised and uncircumcised penis. I responded to blueguy's post based on the fact that he said a cut penis is more appealing. I can't understand how this would be based on the circumstances.





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Originally posted by MarioNY:

I'm sorry...I don't think you really understand this yet. Let me explain it to you in very simple terms:

-When a circumcised penis is erect the head is exposed and there is no skin covering it.

-When a circumcised penis is soft the head is still exposed and yet again no skin is covering it...because it was chopped off.

-When an UNcircumcised penis is erect the head is exposed.

-However when an UNcircumcised penis is soft the head is covered by skin.

Since men usually need an erection to perform basic sexual activities I came to the conclusion that there is no difference (aesthetically) between a circumcised and uncircumcised penis. I responded to blueguy's post based on the fact that he said a cut penis is more appealing. I can't understand how this would be based on the circumstances.


It was a question I asked of about a hundred people. Gay men, and straight women, and 75% said they liked a cut man, the other 25% said it didn't matter. I don't know what they were basing their opinions on, but that's what they said. An ex-coworker of mine had gotten a circumcision at age 25, and that's what prompted the discussion. BTW, he's gay, and did it because he liked the look of it better.



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<<but isn't female circumcision, i.e. removal of the clitoris, slightly different? isn't it done in some cultures (very rare) to deprive the woman of all sexual pleasure, whereas for a man, didn't it originate for hygeine purposes? >>

for females it is totally diff. and from the info i know it is only done rarely in some Asian countries so the only reason for women to have sex is for procreation and not for pleasure

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Yes, it's true that because the foreskin is there to protect the penis, when a man is circumcised the skin on the head of his penis grows thicker... hence, less sensation.

I've never been w/ anyone uncircumcised and I admit I like the way they look better when they're cut... but if I ever had a son I wouldn't have it done. It's just not necessary.

And as for female circumcision. I saw this special on ch 13, this woman was describing how she was circumsiced with a rusty razor... it was the most horrific thing I have ever heard; I was sobbing.


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Originally posted by flying_high:

Relax Tomix...don't worry...I'm European too and I've seen both. Doesn't really make a difference to me cause if I'm with someone I just like him the way he is (otherwise I wouldn't be there in the first place, right). Anyway, guess it's just an American thing (no offense please)...but we know how they sometimes are cwm32.gifcwm4.gif

Yeah thanx, but this is your point of view because you're european, but american girls care about that ?

Because, when i saw the episod of Sex and the city (i know it's just a sitcom, but always related with true facts...), one of the girl was totally amazed to see someone with a "normal" dick...

But it could be an american thing as you said before !



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This is sooo ridiculous! cwm25.gif

Circumsized . . . not circumsized . . .what is the big deal??!! A penis is a dick - a cock - a penis! No matter how you look at it once it's awake it all looks the same and THAT'S what's important, isn't it girls?? 1bluewinky.gif

Who cares what it looks like when they're asleep! I don't! I've personally had boyfriends who were and who weren't. Either one worked fine for me.

I suppose the only thing you have to watch out for is that the guys who are not circumsized has to be clean. But cleanliness is something that I require in all my men!



“I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.” — Booker T. Washington


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NOT circumcised and damn glad my parents didn't make that decision for me. There is a wealth of information out there showing that circumcision is totally unnecessary. It is now considered barbaric to circumcise women and I'm sure with enough time, this will come to realization for men as well. Go to www.circumsision.org for a ton of information.

One last comment about Sex and the City. I love that show to death...but if that show were reversed, (i.e. men talking about women instead of women talking 'bout men) that show would have been taken off the air months ago.





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Originally posted by shugabooga:

i've never seen an uncircumcized one before ('cept maybe in pics), what's it like? i want details!!!

Babe...I bet you have and didn't notice. I had girls that never noticed I wasn't cut. You can't tell if you're hard. The skin goes back on it's own...the way nature intended. Some advantages sexually are:

1. Men tend to last longer

2. Women tend to achieve multiple O's since the extra skin helps keep them lubricated longer

3. It's more sensitive

and there were many other reasons that I can't remember of the top of my head. I read a very serious article way back about circumsision. There are men now that are going through a procedure to try and grow back the skin. After reading that I was so glad that I was left intact.





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good point about sex in the city, mario. it's sexism in reverse! i guess we've come full circle in that regard.

but isn't female circumcision, i.e. removal of the clitoris, slightly different? isn't it done in some cultures (very rare) to deprive the woman of all sexual pleasure, whereas for a man, didn't it originate for hygeine purposes? i bet all these questions are answered in the website you recommended - i'll check it out.

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I'll say it loud, I'm cut and I'm proud. Not that I had a chouce in the matter. Having spoken to straight women, and gay men, at least in the states, cut is definitely more appealing. I'm speaking strictly aesthetically though. Mine is cut and seems to work just fine.






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Originally posted by shugabooga:

good point about sex in the city, mario. it's sexism in reverse! i guess we've come full circle in that regard.

but isn't female circumcision, i.e. removal of the clitoris, slightly different? isn't it done in some cultures (very rare) to deprive the woman of all sexual pleasure, whereas for a man, didn't it originate for hygeine purposes? i bet all these questions are answered in the website you recommended - i'll check it out.

And hygeine is NOT the only reason. That's bullshit...if you can't clean your own crotch you should be in a mental institute. Women keep clean so why can't men pull back a piece of skin to piss and keep it clean? I never had a problem with that. It all started to prevent the kid from masturbating. That's is also bullshit. How many guys out there are circumcised and NOT masturbating? Yeah right...





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okay, now i'm blushing! i really don't think that i've ever encountered one, especially being that most of my sexual relations occurred in Georgia, where most everyone is from so-called "traditional" and conservative backgrounds. if i ever encounter one i'm not sure i'd know how to react. obviously some of us really need some sensitivity training in this area (no pun intended).

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Originally posted by sxeyecandi:

and from the info i know it is only done rarely in some Asian countries so the only reason for women to have sex is for procreation and not for pleasure

It's not done in Asian countries NOW. I believe it might of been China VERY VERY long time ago, however they stopped doing that VERY VERY long time ago.



“I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.” — Booker T. Washington


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Originally posted by roadrunner:

Have you seen any porn? I don't see a lot of circumcised dicks there, and that's just about the only "public" place you see dicks in America.

I can't believe you're using porn movies to judge what looks NORMAL. If that was the case then all girls should run out and pump up their boobs to 40DD and all guys should hide if their dick is less then 9 inches! Porn is over dramatized in every way possible. cwm25.gif



“I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.” — Booker T. Washington


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i think what it all boils down to here is loving your partner no matter what. whether her breasts are perfect, whether she shaves "down there" or not, whether or not he is circumcised and so on. if i really like a guy, it's not going to matter to me if he's circumcised or not, what matters is how we interact with one another on a daily basis in AND out of bed. it's all about respect.

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Aesthetics is a subjective topic. Personally, I have seen and handled both; some uncut cocks, depending on how the foreskin developed (did he get that long 'skin, or the thin, tight 'skin?) it can be attractive or unattractive. As for cut, the same principle holds true - was it cut high? Was it cut close to the head? Frenum/frenulum left intact? Mushroom, bullet, or helmet shape head? Thick? Broad? Round? All of these go into what makes an 'attractive' cock, in addition to personal cut or uncut preference. Mario has offered a site referencing medical intent; then there are sites such as Gay"]http://www.gay-town.com/gaycircumcision/]Gay Circumcision where personal preference rules the day.

Bottom line, it's a personal choice. Americans, for so long, have been told that cut is 'normal' that now it's all we know...people being people, the tendency is to like what we know. Why is uncut scary? Why is it gross? Because we don't know any better, or any differently.

My parents fell in line with the American philosophy; sometimes I wish they hadn't, so I would know what it feels like to be uncut, but at the end of the day, when I go to bed, I'm pretty happy with my own dick. And my preference tends toward cut (narcissism?), but I don't DISlike uncut.

ichi - willing to judge an appearance and sensitivity contest cwm4.gif



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