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I just found out my cat died...8 months ago

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Can you believe that shit? My mother puts my cat to sleep and I find out----8 FUCKING MONTHS LATER! "Oh, by the way...she was sick...had cancer in her stomach...sorry..."

Are you kidding me?

So, I am mourning my cat Toonces who has been dead for 8 months now. It's a sad, sad day.

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I'm guessing you were away from home all that time? cwm3.gif ...and if so...that is SO messed up that no one called you to concur with treatment (aka: elimination plans) cwm36.gif

My sympathy goes out to you...I lost my putty tat too on New Years Day! cwm14.gif


"...I'll take my problems to the dance floor... let the music make my spirits soar..."

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awwwwwwww honey I am soo sowwy...Sort of a similar thing happened to a friend of mine..it was her and her mom's cat.. Her mom past away and soon thereafter the cat disappeared and she convinced herself that the cat ran away when in fact her dad drove all the way to Brooklyn and left the cat there..

How awful..


AIM vampienyc10

e-mail: vampie@aol.com

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Im sorry Sarah...............

IF you wwant ot cheer up IM going to Serena tonight for some drinks....it is a party being thrown by some UDEL headz....the same crew we chilled with at the Ballon sometimes.

If you want to come by let me know. IM gonna pm you my cell # again.



And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


"The Futures So Bright.......I Gotta Wear Shades"

Email: Andy_Zeee@hotmail.com

AIM: AztecNY

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That's the worst. We had to get rid of my cat when I was in 10th grade, my dad told me that he took him some place to be adopted and then 6 years later, he slipped and said, "when I had to put the cat to sleep..."



You're only young once

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Sorry to hear about your loss, I am experiencing similar separation anxiety with my kitty Cleo (see attached). I have asthma and must get rid of her to someone loving and friendly...since there seems to be lots o cat lovers here maybe someone might want her. She is the coolest, most loving and friendly cat...I promise!



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I would love to get another kitten, but my roommate is allergic. See, Toonces was my cat growing up (I got her when I was in 5th grade) so she was about 13 years old when she died, which is pretty old for a cat, I guess. It's just kind of depressing, you know? She was pretty much the coolest cat on the block. I just can't believe my mother wouldn't think it was important enough to call me and tell me. But it was probably out of spite that she didn't. She's nuts.

And Andy, sorry about last night. I didn't get that message till this morning (about drinks)And I really could have used one too--can we reschedule?!

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I am sorry to hear about your kitty cat. My cat ran away last summer for two weeks and we thought she had run away to go die. I was devastated. She finally came back, weighing only 3.5 lbs. She is about 14 or 15 and so she is definantly getting up there. I just can't imagine her ever dying, she still looks like she is about 5. I will be so sad when she does though. Sorry your mom didn't tell you sooner, maybe she knew how upset you would be.



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