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Guys, what's your preferance?


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For the men (and ladies if you prefer) what's your preferance when it comes to girls? Do you like rail thin girls that if you touch them they'll probably break; healthy girls that have a nice shape to their body are thin but still have a little something to grab; or very big girls where there's a whole lot to grab?? Also what's your ethnic/race preferance (if you have one)? Just a curiuos girl wanting to know what men like biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by buccafm:

For the men (and ladies if you prefer) what's your preferance when it comes to girls? Do you like rail thin girls that if you touch them they'll probably break; healthy girls that have a nice shape to their body are thin but still have a little something to grab; or very big girls where there's a whole lot to grab?? Also what's your ethnic/race preferance (if you have one)? Just a curiuos girl wanting to know what men like biggrin.gif

I prefer girls with dark complexion (italian, hispanic and black) and athletic shape ...brunettes definitely come before blondes for me



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Originally posted by Ph0eniX:

I prefer girls with dark complexion (italian, hispanic and black) and athletic shape ...brunettes definitely come before blondes for me

What a ya know Phoenix, I'm 100% italian, dark complexion, brunette and atheltic. smile.gif What do you look like??

For VJ, why do you say or your parents say someone who is NOT Indian??

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Originally posted by buccafm:

Originally posted by Ph0eniX:

I prefer girls with dark complexion (italian, hispanic and black) and athletic shape ...brunettes definitely come before blondes for me

What a ya know Phoenix, I'm 100% italian, dark complexion, brunette and atheltic. smile.gif What do you look like??

For VJ, why do you say or your parents say someone who is NOT Indian??

e-mail me (Ph0eniX@jseredyniecki.com) and I'll send you a pic.



[This message has been edited by Ph0eniX (edited 08-09-2000).]

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Originally posted by Ph0eniX:

I prefer girls with dark complexion (italian, hispanic and black) and athletic shape ...brunettes definitely come before blondes for me

What a ya know Phoenix, I'm 100% italian, dark complexion, brunette and atheltic. smile.gif What do you look like??

For VJ, why do you say or your parents say someone who is NOT Indian??

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Originally posted by Ph0eniX:

I prefer girls with dark complexion (italian, hispanic and black) and athletic shape ...brunettes definitely come before blondes for me

What a ya know Phoenix, I'm 100% Italian, dark olive skin complexion, brunette and athletic. hehe, what do you look like?? smile.gif

VJ, how come you or actually your parents say "NOT Indian"?

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well ive never dated an indian girl...i only know one outside of my family anyways and shes a pretty good friend...

I guess you guys dont know about this much...but you know that tinhg about arranged marriages? well yea, it happens,..three of my cousins have been "set up" by his parents....they plce newpaper ads in indian newspapers and wait until someone respons or something..then he or she, with the parents go the meet hte guy or girl and their parents...if they get along or soemthing..they go out a few times and decide o get married..

it seems totally unfair that parents have this much say in someones life decisions but the kids were brought up to think "my parents know whats best for me"//

i on the other hand am a non conformist..this arranged marriage, no dating, sex for baby-making only idea doesnt work for me. They do not like to see me dating, they like it even less that im dating outside of my race...i personally do not care what they think...their suggestions are taken into consideration but they think i will go and dump someone because they say so....

its a strange foreign idea but in INDIA and most indian families here, this is how it works....and im serious about that sex for reproduction only thing...they live by it....i couldnt imagine that...

alright, enough tangents and writing..this is too long

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Hey VJ,

I hear ya, there was this Indian girl that used to work here and she had to quit cause her parents found someone for her in India for her to meet and marry. I can't believe that shit. That's just too crazy for me, there's no way I could marry someone my parents arranged! I mean, it's only normal that parents would want their kids to marry someone of the same ethnicity, my parents would have loved it if we all got with an Italian, but they don't arrange anything. They're happy if we're happy so that's what counts. I applaud you though for sticking up for yourself, not many Indian people do that. Go 'head with your bad self biggrin.gif

I hope you find that "special" someone ON YOUR OWN!!!

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Thanks for the encouragement. Not many people in my family realize that I am my own person and i can make decisions...you should have seen the horror when they finally did realize that I liked girls...im talking the whole family..they all grew up going to single sex schools and not communicating with the opposite sex either....

The arranged stuff is weird, my family is not so offbase that they find people in India but rather single guys and girls for my cousins in Edison an Jersey City, which if any of you have been there know it to be an indian mecca.

I will stand up for myself...always have...

If and when i find someone special like that, i dont really thin kabout this that much, my parents are just going to have to live with it. My parents are not as bad as the rest of the family where someone who is not indian or even if he or she is not arranged, is treated like an outcast.

==As you can see I have nothing to do at work so i have come and replied to this thread 89 times==

Yeah so anyhow, my cousin married a girl he met at college...his parents and brothers and sisters treat her like a disease....when i tell them that i feel bad for her cuz they are so rotten to her, they give me dirty looks...anyway...more rambling...im probably not bored here at work....

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Personally, I am mostly with Pheonix on this. I like the exotic looking chicks... Not rail thin, but not a lot of meat either. And big tits for me is a turn off. They just get in the way. Girls with light eyes always get me though. My eyes change color from light blue to light bluish green to light bluish grey to greyish green. Eyes and the ability to have a conversation are improtant too. Looks still take it though...


You know everything will flow...

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Originally posted by xxxxdrewxxxx:

Personally, I am mostly with Pheonix on this. I like the exotic looking chicks... Not rail thin, but not a lot of meat either. And big tits for me is a turn off. They just get in the way. Girls with light eyes always get me though. My eyes change color from light blue to light bluish green to light bluish grey to greyish green. Eyes and the ability to have a conversation are improtant too. Looks still take it though...

Well said! Don't have the light colored eyes though, mine are dark brown. And i don't have big tits neither. hehe!

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i'm an african-american grrl and i like/perfer caucasian guys maybe cuz of my mother happens to be in a interracial relationship for 10yrs. i find them more attractive.....maybe cuz i seem to have more in common with them such as music interests ex: i love rock (deftones, ratm,etc.) yeah....


"I'm like the lord of a fucken dance....i've got moves" harmonie_rose@hotmail.com

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Definitely a girl with an athletic/muscular build. Not a bodybuilder or anything. I guess I'm the only guy that still loves blondes. I guess that's why I live in southern California...I love surfer girls, Swedes, etc. Don't get me wrong, I love girls period, regardless of hair color, race, etc. I love beautiful girls, inside and out, and when I meet my soulmate, the one girl that's out there for me, hair color, body type, etc. won't make any difference. (but, hopefully she's blonde) smile.gif

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this is a tough one cause its not that i like any set characteristics...its more like i look at a girl and either go "damn she is slammin'" or "ehh, she is ok i guess"

But for the most part it is usually dark, olive skin, and i like dark hair...black is good...that greek/italian/mediterranean look i guess...athletic build, and she has gotta be tall...that means longer legs fellas!!!



If you haven't danced yet...what the fuck did you come for???

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my type.......5'4-9 average weight..balck hair...nice ass...beautiful eyes...especially soft lips....race doesn't really matter just the personality...i'm lookin for my sugarmommy...i love older girls....


[This message has been edited by djjo5 (edited 08-09-2000).]

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Vj - One of my best friend is Indian. And she tells me about her customs and eveything. When she first told me about "arrange marriage" it shocked me. Anywayz she has so much respect for herself and others that it's unbelieveable. Haha maybe I should "hook" u guys up wink.gif


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VJ, hehe I'm in the same boat as you sorta smile.gif

I'm Pakistani (almost same as Indian hehe) and my parents are Muslims.. So that means I am not even ALLOWED to date or nothing..

Not that it's stopped me.. I've had 2 girlfriends and they were both pretty serious relationships. But the arranged marriage bit comes up in my family too. And it's damn annoying. My mom is pretty cool, she understands that I need my freedom so I can talk to other Paki girls, and my mom always tries to hook me up with girls she'd think I'd like.. to talk with frown.gif

So their parents know me and stuff, and they think I'm going to marry their daughters. Out of all girls I know, ALL their mothers LOVE me. Why, I dunno frown.gif Not like I'm anythin special hehe

But if I have a girlfriend, I can't even TELL my mother as I'd probably be kicked outta my house (no lie), so its hard to maintain any kind of relationship. Any time a girl calls the house and asks to talk to me for ANYTHING (homework, school, work, etc), my mom questions the shit outta me.

So join the 'desi' club :P

But I think I'm worse off than you are hehe. I had to buy a cell phone just for girls to leave me messages and things so my mom doesn't question the shit outta me (though 90% of the time it's for school related things.)

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It's too bad that you guys have to go through that arranged marriage thing. I have an ex in DC who has gone through that and she finally convinced her parents that it was not going to happen that way.

They relented and have not forced her to get married.

I can only hope that you can have as easy a time as this (4 years).



Corporate Tool

North Jersey

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Originally posted by buccafm:

What a ya know Phoenix, I'm 100% Italian, dark olive skin complexion, brunette and athletic. hehe, what do you look like?? smile.gif

VJ, how come you or actually your parents say "NOT Indian"?

you can find my pic. on this board ;-)



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I am not gonna have a hard time...my parents already know I think for myself ...and the arranged marriage bit comes up, but it wont go any farther...im sure theyll be annoyed when they find out i have a girlfriend...

Hercules, you have a serious problem but I wouldnt want ot jeopardize a roof over my head for a girlfriend...im not saying the fault lies in you...you just need to play a well thought out argument and let them know what you want...it always works, especially since the old fashioned way or getting married works..none of this arranged stuff...

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VJ, hehe... one day I'll just have to tell my mom off hehe

Will take time and I know when I graduate college she'll have like 3 or 4 chicks that would want to get hitched to me. My mom has good taste in what I like (smart and cute.. i'd explain more but i am tired), but i really gotta get to know the person first.

Which is why dating is a necessity.

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Honestly, I can't really categorize the type of girls I find attractive (ALTHOUGH a beautiful Asian girl tickles my fancy more than a beautiful any other type of girl). I am into girls with good bodies and I love curly hair and beautiful eyes--a chic with beautiful eyes knocks me off my feet.

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