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giving your phone number out

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when someone asks for your number and you don't care to talk to them again, what do you do? a) say no, B) give them a fake number, c) give them your number and blow them off when they call

i have a hard time saying no, especially if we were having a chill conversation and there's no reason why we shouldn't be friendly. i also don't want to give a fake number because after i meet someone, i ALWAYS see him again. so sometimes i give my room number (i never answer that anyway, and i have an answering machine to screen the calls) or my cell number (caller ID and i usually don't pick up unless i know who's calling). but then it's fucking annoying to just have the phone ring and to get messages

would be so much easier if clubs didn't have searches and metal detectors, so i could just bring a gun and shoot these people before the night is over


"real fucking high"

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hey, didn't i meet you last night?

i left about 10 messages on your cell (which is on my desk right now) and i called your room about a hundred times!!!!

why havent' you called me back yet!



"man, i can't believe i spilled my bottle of jd!"

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Originally posted by exit2heaven:

Now i know why i cant get in touch with you!!! cwm13.gifcwm6.gifcwm21.gifcwm24.gif

lol sorry, i still need a new aaa battery for my pager.. oopsie


lips.gif~LiPz~ lips.gif




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I've said this more than once..."sorry I don't have a phone." It gets a look but, it works.

If you've been talking to the person for awhile I generally have no problem giving my number...gotta love caller ID.

If its just some fella who walks up and asks for your number, and if said fella is rather...unpleasant..."sorry, my mommy told me never to talk to strangers." Works. Yeah, I can be a bit bitchy when I want to be. Sorry folks <grins>



I am NOT a fag hag. I'm a fairy princess.

"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"I heard of a man that says words so beautiful that if he only speaks their name, women give themselves to him.

If I am dumb by your body while silence blossoms like tumors on our lips it is because I hear a man climb the stairs and clear his throat outside our door." - Leonard Cohen

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when I feel like the guy i am talking to is romanticly interested in me and I am not. I tell then I have a cousin/friend they are really compatible with. So this way I set that "I'm not romanticly interested in you" wall.

It works well and you don't hurt the persons feelings... and you'll never need to screen your phone calls again. if your having a great conversation from the get go.. who knows you guys maybe great friends and then something cute could come out of it.



I love everyone today!

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Don't give em your number. Just say you don't like to give your number out to people. And just mention a bad experience where you did give out your number and the person was harrassing you. I hope I helped. cwm12.gifcwm30.gif


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Sorry I don't have a phone???

I don't know, but I would think any sophisticated man who is completely comfortable with himself would get totally offended when some chick has the nerve to say something like that. It's like I'm taking time out of my day to spark conversation with a pretty lady, and if we just happen to hit it off, then why not continue? Give him your number and don't front like it's high school. Saying "I don't have a phone" is like saying "sorry, you're not worth my time." Any real man would realize that this girl is just insecure and not worth their time anyway.

Sorry to rip it apart like that, Ooana. Hope you feel better cwm4.gif


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I go for secret option D which is I give them my real number and when they call me I have them over for dirty sex. Then I kick them the fuck out of my house and tell them not to call me again or I'll tell everyone how small their penis is. It works like a gem. You should try it, Deanna11.


now let me see you work...

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Originally posted by mspacman:

I go for secret option D which is I give them my real number and when they call me I have them over for dirty sex. Then I kick them the fuck out of my house and tell them not to call me again or I'll tell everyone how small their penis is. It works like a gem. You should try it, Deanna11.

ha ha ha, now there's one i never thought of.....too funny!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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<laughs> You totally have the right to rip that apart, especially since I wasn't clear. No worries there at all :-) The ONLY time I'd say something so bitchy is when a man is aggressive and pushy in a very negative way. I think most people, both men and women have seen the type. The type that won't say no for an answer (and are usually drunk to boot)

If I'm simply not interested, I'm much kinder about it. Promise ;-)

Mentioning a friend who'd be compatable with them is a great idea when you don't want to lose a potential friendship but aren't interested in a romantic relationship. :-)

Hope I clarified since being honest is 99.9% of the time, the best option :-)


Originally posted by highmay:

Sorry I don't have a phone???

I don't know, but I would think any sophisticated man who is completely comfortable with himself would get totally offended when some chick has the nerve to say something like that. It's like I'm taking time out of my day to spark conversation with a pretty lady, and if we just happen to hit it off, then why not continue? Give him your number and don't front like it's high school. Saying "I don't have a phone" is like saying "sorry, you're not worth my time." Any real man would realize that this girl is just insecure and not worth their time anyway.

Sorry to rip it apart like that, Ooana. Hope you feel better cwm4.gif


I am NOT a fag hag. I'm a fairy princess.

"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"I heard of a man that says words so beautiful that if he only speaks their name, women give themselves to him.

If I am dumb by your body while silence blossoms like tumors on our lips it is because I hear a man climb the stairs and clear his throat outside our door." - Leonard Cohen

[This message has been edited by ooana (edited 03-04-2001).]

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Guest dabiatchka

Originally posted by petrol:

I say just be honest, tell them you really aren't interested in tlaking outside of a club envirinment, ... or maybe at all.

or, run away!

That's too funny. Running away might do it. I used to feel too bad not giving my number, but I've had a few guys get obsessive calling like3 times a day. So now if I'm not inteserested I just say Umm I don't think so, sorry. I still hate being mean but I don't exactly want to get burned in the situation by some psycho.

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one time i told this guy i couldn't go out with him because i was "bad news" and i would be no good for him. he really was too nice for me and bottom line, i wasn't interested. i saw no point in wasting his or my time. we didn't have anything in common!

i've done just about all the things you mention - given the wrong number, screened calls, cancelled dates. i finally learned that it's just best not to flirt too much or even just talk too much to a guy if you don't think you'd really like to go out with him. no point leading someone on, but sometimes it's just not that easy when you're out in a social environment!

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Originally posted by shugabooga:

i've done just about all the things you mention - given the wrong number, screened calls, cancelled dates. i finally learned that it's just best not to flirt too much or even just talk too much to a guy if you don't think you'd really like to go out with him. no point leading someone on, but sometimes it's just not that easy when you're out in a social environment!

i don't think i really flirt. at least not with strangers i'm not interested in. but i do like having a nice, chill conversation with someone. it sucks to have to restrict conversations out of fear of them asking for your number


"real fucking high"

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