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have you ever liked someone...

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so much that you are afraid to tell them that and then it might ruin a great friendship, or he/she might not feel the same way about you?

Or, it would be easier if the person felt the same way about you and they would make the first move first.

Sometimes it would be better, you wouldn't feel like a jackass if things went awry if you did the first move.

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oh man, do i ever!!!!! as a matter of fact, there was a post yesterday that rollergirl started about it..

i'm in the same exact situation... but it's not just "like"-- it's love. cwm38.gif the way i see it, is basically: have patience... hint at the fact that you like the person but Do Not over do it.. IMO, it's better to keep a friendship than start a relationship (cuz relationships are always risky no matter what) with friendships, there's not much of a risk at all, and you're building the friendship up as time goes by, ya know!? good luck hun smile.gif

peace! --daniela



"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." AoL: MAReLuNa

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Originally posted by mareluna:

oh man, do i ever!!!!! as a matter of fact, there was a post yesterday that rollergirl started about it..

i'm in the same exact situation... but it's not just "like"-- it's love. cwm38.gif the way i see it, is basically: have patience... hint at the fact that you like the person but Do Not over do it.. IMO, it's better to keep a friendship than start a relationship (cuz relationships are always risky no matter what) with friendships, there's not much of a risk at all, and you're building the friendship up as time goes by, ya know!? good luck hun smile.gif

peace! --daniela



-----"Embracing the goddess energy within yourselves will bring all of you to a new understanding, and value of life. A vision, that inspires you to live, and love, on planet earth. Like a priceless jewel, buried in dark layers of soil and stone.... earth radiates her brilliant beauty into the caverns of space and time. Perhaps you are aware of those who watch over your home. And experience in this place to visit, and play with reality. You are becoming aware of yourself...as a Game master..........


AIM: fantom0680

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AHHH, i know what you mean.

damn it! Im in the same situation right now,

except that im a guy and its expected of us to initiate the first move.

Like knowing someone as a *friend* but not a long term friendship yet. Its like in a large group of ppl, the 2 of us stick together often, so i know that she likes me, but i just cant figure out if she is waiting for me to make the first move and boost the relationship to a higher level or if she just wants to keep it the way it is.

AHHHHHH, i cant stand that!! It would be so much easier if she made the first move or if i wasn't afraid of rejection.

Oh well thats life though. cwm36.gif





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Originally posted by Rad_Z:

AHHH, i know what you mean.

damn it! Im in the same situation right now,

except that im a guy and its expected of us to initiate the first move.

Like knowing someone as a *friend* but not a long term friendship yet. Its like in a large group of ppl, the 2 of us stick together often, so i know that she likes me, but i just cant figure out if she is waiting for me to make the first move and boost the relationship to a higher level or if she just wants to keep it the way it is.

Same situation I am in too, I just wish I had some sign or just something from her. Too bad they don't make a Dummie's book on life. It would make it so much easier. frown.gif

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At least your love enjoys your company. Bond as much as you can. Why don't you ask the person out for dinner or something (it can still be casual it doesnt have to be a date, jut two friends going out.)A few drinks can do magic sometimes!!!! I know I am an open book after one sip of wine!




I love everyone today!

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its funny that you said that...drinks and being an open book smile.gif

I would love to do that, it would take away the inhibitions and make things more open.

I dunno about straybullet, but there is a little problem for me though, THIS GIRL DOESNT DRINK!!!!!






[This message has been edited by Rad_Z (edited 03-11-2001).]

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is there a bunch of movies about this

human traffic

my best friends wedding

...umm, yea, the list goes on, I just cant remember anymore

go for it...embelish your friendship with love




Accountz Reeceevin' Ain't For No Candy-Ass Temps

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Originally posted by straybullet:

so much that you are afraid to tell them that and then it might ruin a great friendship, or he/she might not feel the same way about you?

Or, it would be easier if the person felt the same way about you and they would make the first move first.

Sometimes it would be better, you wouldn't feel like a jackass if things went awry if you did the first move.

Story of my life..... cwm34.gif



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Keep Quiet!

Happened to me freshman year of college with my best buddy. He got me a garnet ring for my birthday, we talked for a week about how it would change things, the risk to our friendship, then he decided he wasn't ready. It totally killed our friendship b/c we couldn't be around each other anymore, plus he became an alcoholic for a few months. A few years later, I find out he totally regrets his decision. But alas, you live and you learn. Don't risk the friendship by bringing up the subject.


cwm12.gifRoll out down to midnight

Then cwm12.gifroll on downtown 'til it's light

Because tomorrow we may die

Oh, but tonight we're dancing in the faint light

Don't you rob yourself of what you're feeling

Don't rob yourself of all that you could be

cwm12.gifRoll hard 'til midnight

cwm12.gifRoll 'til it's light

Come on now

Stay up and make some memories

Yeah, with us now

cwm12.gifRoll the red carpet out with friends

To whom, to love and cwm12.gifroll on

So Right DMB

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read their body launguage. if its saying yes than it probably is. I was in this situation last year. i was a chicken shit with this girl i wanted to be with so bad. we kept hangin and starting becoming good friends but i wanted to be with her. finally when i thought we were getting to close to just the friend mode i dropped her off at her house one day and just kissed her. she asked me what took so long. Just go for it. cwm38.gif


wwwa.gif "Relax and take notes, while I take tokes of the Marijuana smokes."

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Originally posted by safitamace319:

Story of my life..... cwm34.gif

Maybe we should start a support group...

cwm7.gif It's even worse when friends ans whatnot tell you they see something there between you -- like it's painfully, obviously there but you just can't see me say anything! Bah!!

- meli -



AIM: MeliChaCha

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Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

Now, I'm no longer the one to make the first move... would rather enjoy and cultivate a great friendship than lose someone who I love to be around. Especilly if the risk is there not only of the feelings being unrequited, but of making the further step and things not working out.

so much more to say, and just can't find the words,

ichi cwm9.gif



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Yup, story of my life also. I just line myself up constantly for rejection. But whateva, I am having more fun now not worrying about trying to get guys and dating and all that crap. I just party my arse off and meet great people in the process!

-Jamms "lovinglife"


Haben Sie Ihr Schuhe auf tanzt? face50.gif

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You bunch a bums you all, must I step in once again to solve your problems? Listen carefully for I have the solution you all never thought of. Find a mutual friend or friend of hers that she confides in and ask that person to trick her into saying how she realy feels about you. Find someone cunning and you will know what you previously did not. I would do it for you but then I would have to charge you money and let's just say I don't come cheap.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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i am completely and hopelessly in luv with the girl who has been my next door neighbor since we were born. i want more than anything in the world to be with her. i have told her how i feel but she thinks we should just remain friends frown.gif she doesnt want to mess it up and lose me as a friend but i want so much to show her my love and i want to take care of her forever. every guy she goes out with does not know her like i know her. all they see is her beauty and they just want in her pants. i know her beauty both inside and out. but i guess it will never happen frown.gif


i am the one and only

aim or yim - neojunglist

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Originally posted by jammy:

Yup, story of my life also. I just line myself up constantly for rejection. But whateva, I am having more fun now not worrying about trying to get guys and dating and all that crap. I just party my arse off and meet great people in the process!

-Jamms "lovinglife"

I totally agree with you. Setting myself up for disappointment is one of my talents. But so it partying my "arse" off, like you said. We are too young to not have fun. Don't sweat the small stuff....and it's all small stuff.

By the way, I enjoyed meeting you again this weekend......


Living in a constant state of trance......

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I say tell him/her. You are better off getting things out in the open because if you don't...

1) you will ALWAYS be uneasy around that other person because of your feelings.

2) you will be constantly asking yourself, "What if?"

If your friend cares enough about you, then he/she will work with you on this, so if he/she does not feel the same way, then he/she will try and help you get through this instead of running away. If he/she runs away, then I guess they did not care much about you or is too afraid to face the truth.

PLUS...you never know...he/she may also be hot for you! wink.gif

<A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.d-jam.com" TARGET=_blank> djamfooter.gif </A>

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Originally posted by jammy:

Hey woodu, I finally see a post from you wink.gif! How ya doin? What did you think of Junior Sun morning? cwm17.gif

-Jamms "werd"

It was pretty good. Not as crazy as usual on the dance floor, which was a bit disappointing, b/c that was my friend's frist time there. Oh well. It was still a lot of fun.

Did you ever make it to Vinyl on Friday. I lost all you guys......


Living in a constant state of trance......

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Wow do I know about falling for your best friend. Life is all about taking chances, and although I'm not normally a risk taker... this one if the feelings turn out to be mutual is absolutely worth it. Being with your best friend in the world is enough of an amazing feeling, that if the opportunity arose again, I would take all the same risks. Of course the feelings will be more escalated than any normal relationship, so there will be more at stake. You'll see though the time you will spend with that person has the possibility to be so amazing that it's well worth it. So my opinion is go for it hon. It'll either pay off and make things better, and if it doesn't work out exactly that way, you'll know that at least you've been honest with each other, and it may even make you stronger. cwm38.gifcwm38.gif

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Originally posted by melichacha:

Maybe we should start a support group...

cwm7.gif It's even worse when friends ans whatnot tell you they see something there between you -- like it's painfully, obviously there but you just can't see me say anything! Bah!!

- meli -

i totally agree what should we name it? think of something snazzy. hehe. oh well , like someone once told me, "what, you can't tell your friend you want to go out with them, that's ridiculous, they're the ones that know you the best... and besides who would you want to date, a stranger?" well i guess they had a point but....


"And if I Die before i learn to speak...Will money pay for all the days i lived awake but half asleep?"

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Originally posted by straybullet:

so much that you are afraid to tell them that and then it might ruin a great friendship, or he/she might not feel the same way about you?

Or, it would be easier if the person felt the same way about you and they would make the first move first.

Sometimes it would be better, you wouldn't feel like a jackass if things went awry if you did the first move.


i've always gone after what i've really wanted. i would rather have something entirely and completely, than to tease myself with only having partially. of course, in this way, i have lost entirely and completely too

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OK....here's the deal.....

I met this girl ......we became best friends in a very short time,,,we had all this stuff in common,,,,Including the love of sex...but we never did anything,,,,until...one day we went out drinking after I broke up with my fiancee.......we got soo fucked up we ended up making love.....my god....best sex I ever had.....the next day we both felt weard,,did not know how to act in front of each other...I know it was a mutual feeling....we talked about it,,,the first thing that was said was that we will always be best friends,,no matter what....and we believed it,,,OH were we wrong....once you introduce sex in a relantionship, it will always be there...we started daiting,,,,it was kool...

had fun,,,but I knew that it was not going to last .....we made good friends, but not

a good Love realationship....every little thing we argued about......she started talking marriage 1 month after we started this all thing.....I knew I did not want to marry her....I knew she wasn't the one for life....little things started coming up,,,the relationship started going down...and recently it did,,,,,remember what I said about always being friends,,,well,,it did not work like that....I think that right now she hates my guts...and again I think its a mutual feeling....."my best advice to you is : if your heart tells you to take a chance...than go for it..let her/he know how you really feel..but be ready for anything,,,"

best of luck to you,,,,,,


frank; cwm36.gif



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