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I forgot to tell you all about who I literally ran into...

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Yesterday, while on my way to get lunch. I was walking on 57th & Madison and some guy turned the corner really sharply and ran right into my shoulder. He was on his cell phone....it happened to be the one and only Ray Liota---except that his skull didn't look like it was sawed off (Hanibal reference). I never thought he was that good looking but up close he really is. Has nice skin and suprisingly, only had an inch on me (I'm 5'8").

Anyway, he was on the phone and said "Hold on a sec...ooh I'm sorry buddy, you ok?" I said "Uh uh uh uh yeah, sure fine, <smile>" I thought he'd fallen in love with me in the brief second but then he just got back on the phone and kept walking! Oh well! Part of his frontal lobe is missing anyway!

Other celebrities I've seen in the area:

Joan Rivers: an absolute monster up close

Goldie Hawn: took an elevator with her..she towerd over me.

Paul Sorvino: Nasty and a giant

Susan Serandon: pretty and has great boobs

Corey Haim: tall and cute

Everyone from the Howard Stern show except Howard

Anna Nicole Smith: was actually thin..boobs huge!

Michael Bolton: got pissed off because the sales boy at Sony helped me before him.

Courtney Thorn Smith: very pretty up close..stick figure. Bought a watch at Tourneau

Spike Lee- I said to my friend "Hey, it's Spike Lee"..she said "Where and almost put her cigarette in his eye." He didn't like us.

Queen Latifah--not much to say

This city is crawling with them...I have this freakish 6th sense about them. Not that I fall all over them or stalk them...but I always spot them even disguised (got that Joan Rivers??? That plastic poncho hood and sunglasses didn't fool me!!!!)


Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

Rich Suede



EMail: SuedeNYC@aol.com

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wow! you win the prize!!! i don't think i can top you in sheer numbers, but i think i might win the prize for the highest # of high caliber celebs (IMO) spotted in one night...having dinner at Nobu Next Door on a Wednesday night, we saw Mariah Carey, all decked out like she was going clubbing, and talking on her cell phone and ignoring her not-so-glamorous dinner companions. naturally we got a bad impression of her. next in walks Sarah Jessica Parker (no Matthew, darn!) with a group of very nice looking friends, one with a little baby. then, as we were walking back to the train station, who did we see jogging right by us - close enough to touch - but JOHN F. KENNEDY, JR.!!!! boy were we excited. we stopped in our tracks with our mouths hanging open and just watched him go by. we could tell by his body language that he didn't want to be bothered, but that's okay John John, we love you anyway!!! (so sad that he's gone...) cwm36.gifcwm34.gif

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Yeah Rich especially in our area you're always bound to run into someone.. I've seen Howard and the crew being that I work in the same building..Howard is one scary looking tall ass dude..

I too, saw Joan Rivers and all I saw was hair that wouldn't move, alot of fur, big ass Jackie O. glasses and a permanent smile.

The other day as I was walking back to work I walked by Linda Lopez (Jennifer Lopez' sister and KTU dj) Extrememly attractive girl beautiful skin and thin....Alot better looking and seemed alot nicer than her bitch sister Jennifer who I bumped into at Life a couple of years ago.....

One time I was walking to work and made eye contact with this guy who looked extremely familiar.. I was just like "damn I know I know this guy" yeah right, in my dreams,lol it was Enrique Iglesias that was on his way up to see Howard.. lol He is one great looking guy..

Ethan Hawke - one time I was walking down by he leaves - my god was he filthy.. his hair was greasy all dirty looking and gross... he even smelled like a bag of smoke and mildew.. It was gross...

Matthew Broderick is a prick....very rude.. A little girl asked him for his autograph and he huffed and puffed...Sarah Jessica Parker was a doll - go figure....she asked the girl her name and how old she was seeing that her hubby was being a prick.

Leo DiCaprio - coolest friggin kid, you wouldn't even recognize him if you saw him out and his girl Giselle is breathtaking....reaaallllllly skinny and tall (there not joking when they say the camera adds 10-15 pounds) She was very skinny...I think a tic tac would get stuck in her throat..

My gf almost got into a fight with Ben Stiller - he yelled when he bumped into HER at a packed local bar.....

Bridget Hall - bumped into her in the bathromm at Flowers years ago, very nice and also extremely gorgeous.

uhm can't think of any more right now....


AIM vampienyc10

e-mail: vampie@aol.com

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I wish I could run into Ray Liota...if I did, I certainly would not have let him get very far!!!


As for run ins with the celebs...not many on my books. I always see Roy Dupuis and Peta Wilson from Nikita around Toronto because most of the show is/was filmed here, I always seem to meet the DJs (thus the reason my friend calls me the DJ slut), Lenny Kravitz in Montreal a few years ago, Chantal Kreviatz and others I can't remember. PORN always makes fun of me b/c I pick people out of crowds....he finds it annoying.




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Saw Woody Allen and his Asian companion in the upper east side. Met LL Cool J at Les Poules(now known as OHM). Ice T chillin on the corner at one of those outdoor cafe's in SoBe. Dave Chapelle in the village. But the funniest was last summer. I was driving down the block where they are showing the Saturday Night Fever play. I noticed there was a huge crowd outside. I was thinking the play just got out or something so i slow down because people started to run into the streets. All of a sudden these 3 kids almost run right in front of my car and i almost hit one of them. They looked familiar then this little 12 year old fat girl comes out and starts hugging one of them. She had the word Hanson written all over her forehead. This cop starts yelling at me for almost hitting the kid and grabs the little fat girl and throws her to the floor. Then Hanson makes a break for it and jumps into a van that was in front of me and takes off. Hundreds of little girls where running down the block trying to catch the van.


"Wherever you go, there you are."

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Hey, I went out for lunch today, and I saw that blonde chick from Dawson's Crack--I mean Creek filming a scene... I guess she's a quasi-celebrity--I think her name is... umm...Michelle Williams. Yeah that's it...

I was at this hip hop place on saturday night, I saw Steven Segal and Wyclef Jean. Also saw JZ at NV one night...Saw William Shatner walking into my building.... um who else let me see... cwm13.gif



"O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."

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Hmmm...people I've seen in NY...

Lauren Hutton (God,what a bitch and not that great-looking at all in person,right before her accident with a bike).

Claire Danes and her bf...hahahahaa...no comment.

Keanu Reeves and his shit band...what a fucking arrogant loser he is,total babe though.

Gavin Rossdale and the rest of Bush..mmmm....such nice polite guys!It was really cool meeting them.

Bill Clinton (twice!)

Some important people from the UN that most people would probably not know...lol.

My ex....

Shemar Moore...what a snooty jerk he is!

Why is it most celebrities act so fucking stuck up???Anyone can freaking act!It's all a matter of having the balls to get up in front of a lot of people and make an ass of yourself...God.



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I don't think I can keep up with you guys...

Saw Tia Carrerra is Borders books. Had to do a double take, she's beautiful!

Met Jimmy Carter waaay back in the mid '80's.

Met Casper Weinberger (Secretary of Defense in the early 80's) at the Pentagon.

Skated with Ronnie Lott and Kristi Yamaguchi (sp?). Watched Ronnie take a huge digger on skates. Was pretty funny watching this big ass football player be totally uncoordinated.

Hung out a few time with Joe Patane from the Real World, Miami.

Hopefully next time I go to visit my friends in LA, I'll meet Jeff Goldblum (Independence Day) and Peter Wheller (Robocop). My friend plays guitar in a jazz band with them called the Jeff Golblum Experience (stupid ass name, I know).

Was neighbor of Danny Glover for about 2 years.

Spotted robin Williams a few times in San Francisco.

Been in Sharon Stone's house (in Sea Cliff, San Francisco) when it was being remodeled. A friend was sup'ing the remodel. She was a total bitch to him though.... She ordered a $60,000 marble sink top, then after it was installed wanted it changed and didn't want to have to pay for it... WTF?????

Hmmm.... I guess that's about it





email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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Heres a odd one:

I'm interning at this tv studio, taping this model (playboy miss feb '92 or '94)

she was so BEAUTIFUL i couldnt keep my eyes off of her, but the weird part, when we watching the tape later, she didnt look that hot, usually its the other way around!

and Weird AL Yankovic! What a great guy.

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umm I think I have a few:

Jason Preistly...damn right I met Brando! at Saci a few months ago...was really nice..maybe cuz I'm a chick? I usually hear hes a dick...

Along with him was the Bare Naked Ladies at Saci which was a party for their movie premiere. They were sooooooooo nice..

I was sitting next to Cynthia Nixon (Miranda from Sex in the City) at one of the fashion shows and shes just the sweetest most genuine person ever!

Saw a bunch at Fashion Week this year...Marcus Scheckenberg, Tori Spelling, Lisa Ling, Steven Tyler, Elizabeth Hurley, Joan London, Reba McIntyre, Molly Sims (who is freaking beautiful!)

Umm...Dalton James from "My Father the Hero" and 90210 (played Marc, that guy Kelly wen tout with )and he was a sweetie....i have a pic with him i should scan...I met him in LA

hmmm theres been others...just lemme remember...ohhhh thought of another...

I met AJ from the the Backstreet Boys...he was a sweetie too...

[This message has been edited by blackhaus1 (edited 03-13-2001).]

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About four years ago an old roomate at SVA had his brother make some fake passes for an MTV awards after show in the city. (His brother actualy desighned the damn things but they had holograms on them so it was tricky)

We got in and there are waay too many people to name that I saw but some of the weirdest moments of the nights:

Took a piss in the bathroom next to Marylin Manson (Wierdest and scariest)

Had a smoke with Beck.

Got yelled at by some snot from the real world (the black dude with dreads) because I was telling him his season of the real world blew.

Had a picture with Cindi lauper taken (she made bunny hears behind me)

Was offered a cigarre by chris Aissac.


But I work in the west Village and I must see a selebrity like every month. They just shot an episode of sex in the city next to Crunch which is on my block. so i met like everyone. It was kinda cool

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Originally posted by sassa:

Claire Danes and her bf...hahahahaa...no comment.

Is that little Ben Lee? He's a Bondi boy (in Sydney), so he must be cool wink.gif A band in Sydney even wrote a little song about him lol


"At the peak of tremendous and victorious effort, while the blood is pounding in your head, all suddenly comes quiet within you. Everything seems clearer and whiter than ever before, as if great spotlights had been turned on. At that moment, you have the conviction that you contain all the power in the world, that you are capable of everything, that you have wings. There is no more precise moment in life than this, the WHITE MOMENT, and you will work hard for years, just to taste it again.''Yuri Vlason. -----------PM sux email is better-------> boa_boy@yahoo.com hapfac01.gif

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Originally posted by suedenyc:

Speaking of hot chicks...hey Marcella!!! When the hell are we gonna hang out again. I know Hamptons season is around the corner so you're probably gearing up for that. Nonetheless...lets try to do a lunch meetup again sometime soon.

Hey babycakes.. yeah really the last lunch on that podium was great even though we were there for two hours before they took our order !! LOL!!

I haven't seen you since then.. and I have yet to meet the infamous Vic !!

Why don't we set something up ? WE really should for like either later this week or early next? oh and little sinememememem must come this time.... no excuses !!


AIM vampienyc10

e-mail: vampie@aol.com

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we were in Sound Factory about 3 or 4 yrs ago.. and i see my friend talking to this blonde hair guy.. i do a double take and its Leonardo DiCapprio.. this was right after Titanic came out.. he was with some slammin model and david blaine..

my friend hooked him up with a hit.. and tripped with him..

could not believe it.. the whole place was staring at us..

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oh how pathetic i havent' seen anyone really big..Matt Geiger of the sixers at Tribecca, Dru Hill on south st. hmm, but i do know to the poster that said she saw dylan mcdermott my close friend here would've paiddddd to be in your spot.. she watches The Practice every sunday!! i know i know, scary, but he is a hottie.


"And if I Die before i learn to speak...Will money pay for all the days i lived awake but half asleep?"

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Originally posted by shugabooga:

we saw Mariah Carey, all decked out like she was going clubbing, and talking on her cell phone and ignoring her not-so-glamorous dinner companions. naturally we got a bad impression of her.

Oh I forgot to tell you about my run-in with Mariah. A few years back I used to go to this bar called "CHAMPS". It was a gay bar in Chelsea near Splash. So everyone is staring at this blond at the back bar. Of course, I have to go investigate. I order a drink and notice everyone looking over my shoulder...I turn around and Ms. Carey is sitting right next to me. I smile and said "Hi"...she gave me the phoniest smile in the world and turned around. So I said to myself "This C U Next Tuesday is not getting off with that." She was with Tommy Matolla who didn't want to be there and some high-haired Long Island girls (no offense). So I said to her "Hey, I used to sing with Melanie Daniels in college". She said "OMG...get out of here. I adore her. I take her with me everywhere." (Melanie is one of her backup singers). So after that she talked with me a bit about what I do...she warmed up then but only 'cause I knew someone in her world...otherwise she would have walked over me. So then Tommy got edgy and bodyguards came in and wisked her out of there...she said "I'll tell Melanie you said hiiiiiii" Turns out one of her best friends in the world was a bartender there and she would come visit whenever she was around. I think she's gross on TV however when I met her...she was very tall, very blond...and gorgeous up close. Even though she's a gross skank.

Also at Champs, I met Nathane Lane once. I couldn't remember his name....I remembered he was a voice in the Lion King. So I was drunk and went up to him and said "Hey...Hakuna Matata!!!" He raised his upper lip and said "uchhh" and rolled his eyes. I then disappeared really quick.


Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

Rich Suede



EMail: SuedeNYC@aol.com

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wow....I'd like to run into Ethan (even if he's all dirty) and Beautiful Igleasius <---can't spell.

I bumped into Meryl Streep on 12th and 6th ave. She walkin with some old dude..maybe her dad?

Saw Bill murray at union square...looked like he just woke up in the gutter.

and I met the boy who played younge Tom Hanks in Big. I recognized him at Apple lounge at the meet-up. He was surprised I knew who he was. H'es done some sitcom work.


She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN



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Oh oh...and we met Josh Wink at Twilo. That was fan-fuckin tastic!


She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN



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