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Gunfire Erupts Outside Manhattan Club

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This is why all clubs should have metal detectors instead of worrying about taking our stash away!

(New York, NY-WABC, March 28, 2001)_ A normally quiet club in Manhattan, called "Chaos" lived up to its name this morning. There was a series of stabbings and shootings outside of the club.

At 2:14 a.m. Tuesday morning, a dispute took place outside club "Chaos". The dispute spilled over onto the backside of building on Essex street. At that time, 36-year-old Wilfredo Rivera took a 9 millimeter gun and began firing. Fortunately, there was an off-duty police officer in the area and he chased Rivera down.

But at the same time, a 31-year-old man stabbed a bouncer outside the club, for an unknown reason. He then stabbed another man. Later, he was arrested.

The bouncer is currently in stable condition, while the other man is in critical condition. Police were in the area much of the morning. They were collecting evidence and talking to witnesses to find out what this dispute was about.


"...I'll take my problems to the dance floor... let the music make my spirits sore..."

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thats fucked up, not only did I used to go there all the time, but we stoped going because we noticed a noticable shift in the clientele.

I guese msapprano is right, if you dont feal right, walk out


Gotta Jibboo, And you keep on drinking too

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Originally posted by cazz926:

RIGHT!!! Because in house/trance clubs, you're too busy hurting yourself with your own drugs while the bouncers hide you in closets.

That was a real "grandma" comment.

That is true, but if people decide to hurt themselves that is their choice. To take it upon yourself to endanger others is a disgrace. I agree that the comment was stereotypical, but if you take a look at the voilent incidents like this one that has happened at NYC clubs in the past year.......they were all related to nights where the party was dedicated to a hip-hop crowd.

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Originally posted by cazz926:

RIGHT!!! Because in house/trance clubs, you're too busy hurting yourself with your own drugs while the bouncers hide you in closets.

That was a real "grandma" comment.

That is true, but if people decide to hurt themselves that is their choice. To take it upon yourself to endanger others is a disgrace. I agree that the comment was stereotypical, but if you take a look at the voilent incidents like this one that has happened at NYC clubs in the past year.......they were all related to nights where the party was dedicated to a hip-hop crowd.

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Originally posted by drama:

That is true, but if people decide to hurt themselves that is their choice. To take it upon yourself to endanger others is a disgrace. I agree that the comment was stereotypical, but if you take a look at the voilent incidents like this one that has happened at NYC clubs in the past year.......they were all related to nights where the party was dedicated to a hip-hop crowd.

OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH...now i get it! so all jews really ARE cheap, all chinese people really CAN'T drive, all blacks really CAN play basketball.... cwm25.gif

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Originally posted by freddie:

to the person who started this thread...i have a question about your quote. does the "...music make (you) sore..." or does it make you "soar"?

I'm having flashbacks of my english professor! cwm2.gif Anyways, glad to see your'e paying attention cwm12.gif , thanks for the grammatical correction, Sir.


"...I'll take my problems to the dance floor... let the music make my spirits sore..."

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9/10 times there are problems at hiphop/ghetto-fabulous parties/clubs.


a mind stretched by new dimensions can never be the same again

Your laughing at me cause I am different? Shit, im laughing at you cause your all the fucking same!

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Originally posted by emiliep:

Originally posted by drama:

That is true, but if people decide to hurt themselves that is their choice. To take it upon yourself to endanger others is a disgrace. I agree that the comment was stereotypical, but if you take a look at the voilent incidents like this one that has happened at NYC clubs in the past year.......they were all related to nights where the party was dedicated to a hip-hop crowd.

so all jews really ARE cheap cwm25.gif

I took a class in Multicultual Communication, and Let me just let eveyone know this sterotype just came about because non-jews fealt (feal)it is (was) unfair that jews, on the average, make and have more money. Jews donate more time and money to charities than any other religion, thats far from cheep. Every streotype stems from either truth, jelousy or ignorance, and leads to hate. Why dont we all just get along.

--and emiliep, I know you were not saying this, dont worry


Gotta Jibboo, And you keep on drinking too

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So is it OK, just 'cause it's a hip-hop club to bring a gun? The fact remains, weapons do not belong in ANY club. The hip-hop club thang is not for me. I mean, I dig some of the music but definately not the scene. Unlike techno/progressive house/trance/etc... for which I luv the music and the people!! PLUR!! cwm38.gif


"...I'll take my problems to the dance floor... let the music make my spirits sore..."

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Originally posted by djustinh:

9/10 times there are problems at hiphop/ghetto-fabulous parties/clubs.

9/10 times you are ignorant and fail to remember the fiascos at the Tunnel and other places that aren't "ghetto-fabulous"...


Neo: You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Choi: All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly.



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Originally posted by emiliep:

Originally posted by starchild-:

I'm just giving the odds... and part of me is sick of hearing it too often in the news... There is no reason anyone should be bringing guns to any club...

well that's all fine and good and i'm sure the rest of the world would agree with you but your statement about it being a hip hop thing is just outright stupid and displays much ignorance.

Listen I don't have any beef with hip-hop clubs and i'm not stereotyping, but I'd like you to tell me with a straight face that the majority of these instances aren't outside hip-hop clubs or clubs with hip-hop nights... This isn't ignorance, but clear observation. I don't want to cause any more negativity, so I apologize if any of you took this personally... That's the end of my drama... Peace.

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Originally posted by starchild-:

Listen I don't have any beef with hip-hop clubs and i'm not stereotyping, but I'd like you to tell me with a straight face that the majority of these instances aren't outside hip-hop clubs or clubs with hip-hop nights... This isn't ignorance, but clear observation. I don't want to cause any more negativity, so I apologize if any of you took this personally... That's the end of my drama... Peace.

yes, violent occurences have happened at hip hop clubs BUT no, every hip hop club does not have violent occurences.

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Originally posted by starchild-:

Listen I don't have any beef with hip-hop clubs and i'm not stereotyping, but I'd like you to tell me with a straight face that the majority of these instances aren't outside hip-hop clubs or clubs with hip-hop nights... This isn't ignorance, but clear observation. I don't want to cause any more negativity, so I apologize if any of you took this personally... That's the end of my drama... Peace.

Keep believing what the media wants you to hear... No beef from anyone here, just trying to educate, not instigate...


Neo: You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Choi: All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly.



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Originally posted by starchild-:

Listen I don't have any beef with hip-hop clubs and i'm not stereotyping, but I'd like you to tell me with a straight face that the majority of these instances aren't outside hip-hop clubs or clubs with hip-hop nights... This isn't ignorance, but clear observation. I don't want to cause any more negativity, so I apologize if any of you took this personally... That's the end of my drama... Peace.

Keep believing what the media wants you to hear... No beef from anyone here, just trying to educate, not instigate...


Neo: You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Choi: All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly.



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Yay.. it's stereotypeday on CNYC!

:::row row rowing myboat back to abuela's house for some rice and beans:::


- Cuban B - (damn skippy)



"This is not political - it's just that I demand attention when I walk into the room..." -- Nelly Furtado

AIM: MeliChaCha

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Originally posted by melichacha:

Yay.. it's stereotypeday on CNYC!

:::row row rowing myboat back to abuela's house for some rice and beans:::


- Cuban B - (damn skippy)

LMAO!!! No one can cook like abuela right? Damn those were the days... You would be happy to see her cause you knew you were gonna eat good!!!!


Neo: You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Choi: All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly.



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hmmm...I like some hip hop but even friends of mine that go to Hip hop clubs around the city agree..THERE IS WAAAAAAY more beef in those clubs than in say Twilo or Vynil on a Friday night.

Just an observation.

Also hip Hop tends to atract alot of "macho' bullshit that Trance and techno (uuusually

does not)

First of all Techno is more about Beatzz and

Lyrics seldomn are used and if they are they sure as hell never are about carying a gat or anything of that nature.

Not that all hip hop promotes that (by no means) but lets have an open mind and not one that is NAIVE about our society.

HIP HOP and Techno breed TOTALLY different worlds of peeps...

If hip hop has earned it's reputation of guns and violence it's no body's fault but that scene's own actions...

much in the same way that Raves are known to be druggy events..

So am I lying?

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