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Originally posted by cathyo:

Not once did I say you can't have your opinion, I only commented that I think your opinion is immature...and that's my opinion...so, practice what you preach.

The whole intention of my post was to point out the fact that most cops are working a thankless job and going out everyday to protect people that (many times) have no respect for them. We will have to agree to disagree and I will be comfortable knowing that what comes around goes around. I give those who work to take care of me the respect they deserve and in turn, I hope to have that same respect from them. You on the other hand will just go on hating the people who you may be in dire need of one day. I hope you don't have to learn how important they are in that way.

Ummm, I never said I hated cops. I just said they suck.


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Originally posted by dale77:

Actually, I take that back, I did say I hate cops...

But overall, I still think they pretty much suck.

Okay, this is boring now...

No drama, I'm just tired of constantly hearing about all the bad things that involve police when there are so many unsung heroes that never get the credit they deserve. Do something good and if you're lucky you get a little blurb on the 11:00 news. Do something bad and it's plastered all over the media for weeks.



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Originally posted by George Glass:

"Just doing their job"

I put very little faith in people that mindlessly carry out the tasks of others. Let's say the cops do have a problem with the drug laws. By enforcing them they are SELL OUTS and no different than a polotican actin in favor of a donor or an "artist" that changes his/her style and expression for a check.

There are other jobs out there or if the cops really wanted to make a difference they could try to be reassigned to a duty that actually does make a differnece in public safety.

How would you feel if your entire financial existence was to carry out the political whims of someone else gaining power? Does it make you feel proud when you punch out for the day?

OH! I meant to tell you before, I LOVE your user name!!!!! So YOU'RE George Glass! And here I am all these year's thinking you were just a guy some pathetic teenager made up...

Rock on brotha!


You're only young once

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Originally posted by dale77:

First of all you have it all wrong. I hate cops when they're trying to catch ppl like me doing illegal things that i really want to do.

I'd love for you to go back and read my original post: "We just want to have fun and do whatever we want to do, even if it is illegal". If you couldn't figure out what I was talking about then I don't know what to tell you.

Does Assault, Rape, and Theft count as well? Some people love to do those "illegal things" too. Do you hate cops who are trying to catch those people as well?

I'm curious to know, what's your stance on those illegal actions? After all, they're only "having fun".

Originally posted by dale77:

Cathyo put up a post about cops in clubs. I was merely responded to it.

Lighten up folks.

Ahhh...to be ignorant is bliss! smile.gif



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Originally posted by George Glass:

"Just doing their job"

I put very little faith in people that mindlessly carry out the tasks of others. Let's say the cops do have a problem with the drug laws. By enforcing them they are SELL OUTS and no different than a polotican actin in favor of a donor or an "artist" that changes his/her style and expression for a check.

There are other jobs out there or if the cops really wanted to make a difference they could try to be reassigned to a duty that actually does make a differnece in public safety.

ROFLMAO! Come back to reality. Snap out of it!



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you have a point but you see NYPD is messed up. NYPD officers are poorly paid and thus poorly recruited. i've lived in 5 different states and let me tell you, NYPD cops are the rudest, dumbest and least considerate... i know because i've been stopped 5 times by NYPD for traffic violations.


a good artist copies, a great aritst steals...

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Originally posted by entrepreneur:

you have a point but you see NYPD is messed up. NYPD officers are poorly paid and thus poorly recruited. i've lived in 5 different states and let me tell you, NYPD cops are the rudest, dumbest and least considerate... i know because i've been stopped 5 times by NYPD for traffic violations.

The cops are rude because they deal with scumbags at most times. Every NYPD that I met has been very respectful to me, no matter how fucked up I am. I see the same cops everytime I leave SF and they ask me how many drugs i did. I always tell them too much and they just laugh. Theuy always tell me drive home safe. At times, they even have driven me back to my car.

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Originally posted by playboychick:

ROFLMAO! Come back to reality. Snap out of it!


Why don't people get that?!?!

Before you call people ignorant why don't you read what they have to say, I WAS TALKING ABOUT COPS AND DRUGS IN CLUBS!!! Umm hello!!!?!?! Anyone home? Lighten up, sweetheart, obviously we need cops to protect us and enforce laws. I was being sarcastic and having a little fun!!! DRUGS ARE FUN (for some not all)!!!

So I'll clarify YET again: "We just want to have our fun and do illegal things (E, POT, K, COKE, you choose your poison)".



If people want to keep their posts serious and avoid having post after post of people mindlessly arguing back and forth wasting your time and theirs, then they should state that from the get go!

Otherwise, people like me will continue to add their two cents and annoy uptight people such as yourself, especially since it's fun and apparantly so easy to do.

Okay, well, I guess I'm going to take my ignorant self to work on this beautiful sunshine day! (in case you didn't get that Playboychick, that was a joke) Tuhuhuhuhu.


You're only young once

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Originally posted by roadrunner:

And that arguement about middle america is bullshit. It's that whole paternallistic attitude that says "oh they don't know what's good for them" that REALLY bothers me. Give your fellow human beings some credit, for christ's sake.

And that's why the death rate from over dose is rising? Yea, we should give our fellow human beings some credit. cwm25.gif

Originally posted by dale77:

What I do care about right now, is doing lots of illegal drugs this weekend, partying my ass off and having fun and hating the cops for being there trying to catch me doing it!

Ummmm . . . cwm31.gif I'm going to give you my fellow human some credit.

Originally posted by George Glass:

By enforcing them they are SELL OUTS and no different than a polotican actin in favor of a donor or an "artist" that changes his/her style and expression for a check.

Are you serious?? Did you really meant that?? IT'S THEIR FUCKIN' JOB!!! GAWD people!! When are you going to realize that this is what they do for a living. This is how they pay for things and take care of their family. Do you think that lawyers are sell outs as well following the judicial system that was created by politicians? Do you think that brokers and business men out there trading stocks are also sell outs because they follow a system that was originally made by the government? Give me a freakin' break!!

You guys actually think that these cops can go back to their station house, walk up to their chief, and tell em' "yea, you know what we're not going to bust kids in clubs any more cause we don't think we should ruin their roll! And furthermore, we should go a little easy on them kids carrying drugs too! Wayyy too harsh, man." cwm25.gif

Just like how it SUCKS for some of you to do your job, even though you don't always agree with it . . . it's the same for them too! Yes, we will always have bad cops - good cops. But that goes for EVERY SINGLE one of us too. Sensible drug users, STUPID drug users. If you want to play then you better be prepared to pay, so grow the fuck up and stop your whining.



“I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.” — Booker T. Washington


[This message has been edited by blueangel (edited 03-30-2001).]

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blah, drop your pills, bump your K, drink you G, blow your coke, smoke your blunts, inhale your whipits, drink till you cant see(underage), halucinate on shrooms, figure the world out on acid...

... but if you get caught, pay the consequences. smile.gif



a mind stretched by new dimensions can never be the same again

Your laughing at me cause I am different? Shit, im laughing at you cause your all the fucking same!

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Originally posted by emiliep:

sorry it took so long for me to respond to this ms. angel...or can i call you blue?...

You can call me Casey.

Originally posted by emiliep:

i was actually talking to cathyowassupkid when i made that remark on her brilliant comeback

Would that be somewhat like how I made a remark on your brilliant comment?

Originally posted by emiliep:

you can go take that logical reasoning bullshit and shove it right up that tight ass of yours because, logical or not, opinions are OPINIONS!!

So in other words. Your just on here to ramble on aimlessly? Gooootttt it. Understood. Please carry on with your '77 immature self. wink2.gif



“I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.” — Booker T. Washington


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Originally posted by cathyo:

At what point did I state an opinion that was not backed up with something logical?

cwm33.gif this is getting so old but i feel the need to clarify, yet again. cathyowhatthedilly, you don't remember speaking to me? well, your right because you didn't. the comment about your comeback being so brilliant and witty was actually directed to dale77. i'll allow you some time to scroll back and see what i mean....or better yet, let me give you the beginning of the comment "hey dale..." THAT right there is your first clue that i was talking to dale77, the rest is irrelevant. all of a sudden, ms.angel...blue...purple cherub, whatever her name is, jumps down my throat talking about debating rules. as if! and as for your other comment about my claim that you don't state your opinion, tsk, tsk, tsk, cathyowordupbrotha didn't your teachers tell you to read the whole question before you answer it? i guess you didn't read the following sentence in which i wrote something to the effect of "and explaining your logistics in a later post is cheating..." so give me a break with all of this bull because it's so ridiculous that we're wasting our fingertip muscles nitpicking when we could be doing something way more productive with them...like....er...

DAMN you 1977!

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Originally posted by djustinh:

blah, drop your pills, bump your K, drink you G, blow your coke, smoke your blunts, inhale your whipits, drink till you cant see(underage), halucinate on shrooms, figure the world out on acid...

... but if you get caught, pay the consequences. smile.gif


Sounds like a plan to me, brotha.

Figure the world out on acid..



You're only young once

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Originally posted by blueguy808:

I was referring to drugs in the U. S., NYC more specifically, and the clubs in NYC in particular. I was directly referring to the FACT that if I or you choose to buy drugs there are no victims.

Where do your drugs come from? What are the suply routes?

I fill you in, E's come mainly from Europe. Some of the people that bring the across are doing so because they are being forced to due to debts or poor families.

You Coke will be either grown in Mexico or Columbia and as you should know the people who are involved in that trade have military equipment to keep people in check or kill them if needed.

Your Weed will either come from Mexico or Asia.

Don't throw words around like FACT, because only a few things in either statements were.

Of course it's fine if the crime isn't comited in NY or the US isn't it? If somebody died to bring you your pill and it wasn't part of NY durastiction that's ok isn't it?

Don't try and tell me that drugs should not be controled because they should. Look back on the 60's when the drug problem was much worse than now. Look at the casualties of the 60's and how they preach love etc just like people preach a false PLUR now. Yeh PLUR so long as you don't go in to Mexico where people are being killed to get drugs in to the contry on a regular basis. Yeh PLUR so long as the 'mules' who carry Heroin in there stomachs and who a huge number die EVERY month to supply peoples heroin addictions. Of course these people arn't victims. I find that coment highly offensive.

No i have taken drugs but i don't preach plur, i don't think they should be legalized, and i don't think there are no victims. I have met some of the worst kind of people who sell drugs, they are conected with most of the buying and selling of stolen good. Oh and money laundering, the drug network is used for that as well.

Bigger picture.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


[This message has been edited by back2basics- (edited 03-30-2001).]

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If drugs were legalized and controlled/regulated, all of the people that you mentioned from Mexico, Colombia, Asia, Europe, Peru, etc. would not exist. The drug flow would be open and could be moved just as you might move a shipment of beef, or corn. Also, those countries economies are driven heavily by the trade of illegal drugs to the US. Colombia, Peru and Mexico's governments have a big stake in keeping drugs illegal here in the US. If legalized, the price drops here. That would result in more poverty for their people. I'm not suggesting that all drugs be available like candy bars, but if they were treated like alcohol, and only available to adults, then there shouldn't be much problem with this. Alcohol being legal and regulated has proven to be very profitable and beneficial to the government. And certain drugs could be too.






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Originally posted by tastyt:

The true purpose of education is to help you to think for yourself, and a good teacher will point you in that direction. And that is exactly the opposite of "keeping you in line."

I agree with what you're saying. Ideally a teacher would help you think for yourself, BUT in actuallity you see high schools that are just holding pens for maladjusted pubescents, who aren't listening to anythingh their teachers say, and are offered very little in terms of transition into society afterwards. You have to seperate the "true purpose" from the effective function. Look at things as they are, not through the rosy glasses of what they supposed to be.

I'm not saying throw out the educational system. I'm just saying it is presently a key instrument for socializing young people into society. But unless the system offers them oppurtunities to gain a functional place in that society, they're going to wind up with people who turn to drugs to escape their uselessness. And and there's no one to blame but the system.

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Originally posted by blueguy808:


If drugs were legalized and controlled/regulated, all of the people that you mentioned from Mexico, Colombia, Asia, Europe, Peru, etc. would not exist. The drug flow would be open and could be moved just as you might move a shipment of beef, or corn. Also, those countries economies are driven heavily by the trade of illegal drugs to the US. Colombia, Peru and Mexico's governments have a big stake in keeping drugs illegal here in the US. If legalized, the price drops here. That would result in more poverty for their people. I'm not suggesting that all drugs be available like candy bars, but if they were treated like alcohol, and only available to adults, then there shouldn't be much problem with this. Alcohol being legal and regulated has proven to be very profitable and beneficial to the government. And certain drugs could be too.

Your not reading what i am saying are you?

Yes that is the argument that most legalisation people use.

Ok just to recap as i have said all this in previous posts.

1) Not everbody can handle drugs, most people have problems with them and a small number of recreational users get away with it scott free. Fella for every person you know who i ok with drugs there are hundreds who end up having psycological problems, heath problems or resort to crim to feed there habit. Most people in this an other contries are very stupid. It's only the top 2% who even finish college, it's the VAST majority of people in this world you need to think of not the top 2% who may handle it.

2) You are deluding yourself that making drugs will stop the drug trade. There will still be a trade in drugs and the drug barons will only develope a new more adictive drug.

3) There are hundreds of other sopcial issues it will cause. Yes tax drugs and it may go some way to paying for the heath care needed to correct the problems. But what about kids in college taking a little too much and grades going down. Small knock on effects like drug driving in the masses. What about a shift in crime from the selling to robery to feed habits.

4) If only 1 contry legalises you then get drug tourism, like in Amsterdam. Now Amsterdam still has a drug dealing problem just as bad as ANYWHERE in the world. They test pills, but MORE people die of E overdoses there than nearly anywhere.

5) What about the drop in productivity, how do you think that would effect the US's economy?

6) What about increased accidents at work and in the home?

No there are some very compelling arguments for the legalisation of weed. In Holland the acverage age of a Heroin addict has gone up by a year every year since the legalisation of Canabis. But they are clsing down the coffe shops now because of the problems with drug tourism and the drug dealing problem just got worse. Go there and in the red light district you carn't move for people trying to sell you weed.

What happens in effect is that the tax on the drugs has to be kept high for moral reasons to try and send out a message (like Tabaco and Alchol now), that it is unhealth and wrong. So the dealers can STILL sell it cheaper and in bigger quantities.

Shit anyway i have had enough of this, i am just touching the surface on the real issues. You have a very siplified view that people banter around over a few J's (i have been there myself). It's a very romantic view you have, but the world just ain't liek that.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by dale77:


Why don't people get that?!?!

Before you call people ignorant why don't you read what they have to say, I WAS TALKING ABOUT COPS AND DRUGS IN CLUBS!!! Umm hello!!!?!?! Anyone home? Lighten up, sweetheart, obviously we need cops to protect us and enforce laws. I was being sarcastic and having a little fun!!! DRUGS ARE FUN (for some not all)!!!

So I'll clarify YET again: "We just want to have our fun and do illegal things (E, POT, K, COKE, you choose your poison)".



If people want to keep their posts serious and avoid having post after post of people mindlessly arguing back and forth wasting your time and theirs, then they should state that from the get go!

Otherwise, people like me will continue to add their two cents and annoy uptight people such as yourself, especially since it's fun and apparantly so easy to do.

Okay, well, I guess I'm going to take my ignorant self to work on this beautiful sunshine day! (in case you didn't get that Playboychick, that was a joke) Tuhuhuhuhu.

I did read your post, slick. You may want to consider having someone edit your postings....especially if you want to get your point (as idiotic as it may be) across.

BTW, have a nice day at work! biggrin.gif



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Originally posted by emiliep:

the comment about your comeback being so brilliant and witty was actually directed to dale77.

You may have literally addressed the comment to dale but, it was intended for me. Just as you would have known Casey's comment was meant for you whether she quoted you or not. Point being, the comment was meant for me, not dale, as you had expressed in you own words to Casey (see below)

Originally posted by emiliep

i was actually talking to cathyowassupkid when i made that remark on her brilliant comeback

"I was talking to dale" "I was talking to cathyowassupkid" you're contradicting yourself. But like you said, no need to nitpick, we know that it was meant for me...that being the case it validates my point that you shouldn't get on Casey for speaking when not spoken to if you essentially did the same thing in the first place. Not to mention, telling Casey that she shouldn't speak if not spoken to...isn't that telling her she can't have an opinion!!! Oh the horror!

Part two:

Originally posted by emiliep:

i guess you didn't read the following sentence in which i wrote something to the effect of "and explaining your logistics in a later post is cheating..."

No, I did read it but, it made no sense so I disregarded it. How is explaining yourself when someone misunderstands you cheating anyway??

Originally posted by emiliep

i was actually talking to cathyowassupkid when i made that remark on her brilliant comeback which i later found out was retaliation to something, something, spawning something with a satirical question...does that make sense to you, because it made COMPLETE sense to me. you might want to let your little sidekick in on the rules of debating 101 that you let me in on because she doesn't know that if you "state your opinion it has to be backed up with something logical". an explanation of the statement in a later post is cheating and she should be reprimanded!

Explain that entire paragraph in an undestandable manner and I will address it.

Now I may be way off because it all seems like incoherent rambling to me but, I think at one point you are saying that I expressed an opinion without having anything logical to back it up. And that I then clarified it later.

I don't know what exact instance you are referring to so what I have to say about it is conjecture. All I can assume is that at some point I stated an opinion without stating the facts as to why I feel that way because they are so painfully obvious to the majority of people. Upon realizing that someone "didn't get it", I explained.

If you'll be more specific this would be much clearer.



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Originally posted by roadrunner:

"Officer charged with crushing kittens

- - - - - - - - - - - -

March 30, 2001 | WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) --

A Sing Sing prison officer who allegedly killed five kittens in a trash compactor has been charged with cruelty to animals.

Sgt. Ronald Hunlock, who was charged Thursday, had found a box of kittens in an inmate's cell during a search March 11, Department of Correctional Services officials said. Hunlock allegedly told the inmate to drop the kittens in a trash compactor, but the inmate refused. Hunlock then dumped them in and turned the machine on, killing the kittens, officials said.

Hunlock, who has worked at Sing Sing Correctional Facility in Ossining, N.Y., for five years, was arrested Thursday and was to be suspended from his job without pay.

The animal-cruelty charge against him is a felony with a maximum penalty of two years in prison.

Hunlock pleaded not guilty. His bail was set at $25,000, and he was sent to a Westchester County jail.

Hunlock's next court appearance is set for April 3 in Ossining Village Court."


Dude...are you kidding?? Yes that's horrible, but where do you get "just doing his job"? He wasn't "just doing his job" he was doing something bad that has nothing to do with his job. That doesn't mean all cops are bad. There are priests who have sex with little boys, does that reflect on the countless others who live their lives the right way??

BTW, beat cops and corrections officers - completely different worlds, completely different type of people. I'm talking mainly about your typical guy on the street.



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Originally posted by dale77:

Hey Emliep, wanna go ride bikes later? I just got new Garbage Pail Kids, wanna trade? Or we could play Zelda and Super Mario on my Nintendo.

i can't cuz my mommy doesn't let me cross the street! cwm36.gif

and to cathyoilovetotalkthingstodeath, i thought we were over this. cwm6.gif

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Originally posted by dale77:

Hey Emliep, wanna go ride bikes later? I just got new Garbage Pail Kids, wanna trade? Or we could play Zelda and Super Mario on my Nintendo.

LOL...you girls rock.

Can I bring my scooter? I just got Duck Hunt for my Nintendo, if you're nice to me I'll let you play



Exit Night...Enter Light...

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