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I've seen a few people get carried out like they were dead, and some girls hooking up, abd definitely some bloody fights, but nothing that horrific, I'd love to hear others stories


"I walk through the valley of fear, I fear nothing cause I'm the baddest mother fucker in the valley!"

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i wasnt in temps, i was walking the strip with my brother and this dude was thrown out of the club head first (the door was opened by the juiceballs head) and then there was this other guy on the floor outside just punching himself in the face while the police laughed at him and the girls he were with hysterically crying. 3 years ago.


"a mind stretched by new dimensions can never be the same again"

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Yeah - fights and ambulances are way too common at that place. I think I remember one 4th of July weekend about 2 years ago they had to close off the back by the bathrooms because 3 or 4 different people went down at the same time and they had to take them out in ambulances - Only the strong survive in TEMPTS!!!!! cwm9.gif

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This is not really all that fucked up but...walked out at closing last year, I was standing on the stairs and suddenly i look down and there was the biggest jar I have ever seen...now, not participating in that kind of activity, i quickly nudged my boyfriend and he bent down and quickly picked it up....btw, it was trail mix, and the jar was twice as big as normal little jars....someone must've been really pissed off that night!!!



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Um last year I saw a really bad fight..I believe it was Labor Day wknd when the line was ridiculous that we waited for hours and still never got in,it was raining..and a huge fight broke out..bouncers and guys were running down the streets around the blocks ot tempts holding there faces with blood all over.,,,,you guys were prob enjoying yourselves in tempts and didnt see...then 2 years ago i did a little too much g,and i had to leave to go get air before I went down and as we are standing outside a kid was laying on the ground and was dead fron overdose of g so I bugged out cause i was soo fucked up on the shit and this kid was dead from the shit...we saw them put bag or blanket over face everything..trying to get brouhgt back to life and shit..scary,,then im thinkin im gonna fucking die so we left the scene and went back to the house...there is so much more too but i dont feel like going on...ClubGirl..=)


Where are the afterhours??..=)

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OK this was either in july or august.

There was almost a huge fights by the bar next to the bathrooms,I was walking out of the bathroom all the girls were screaming and running intp the bathroom lobby. Somebody called the big black bouncer a Nigger and he whent ape shits no one could control him all the bouncers had to hold him back, just looking at his face almost made me run into the girls bathroom.

The biggest idiot I ever seen at Tempts is the asshole that wore the cowboy hat or big glasses sometimes. He would come outside when the club would close and scream "I'm a sex machine" and "who wants a piece of me"

What a moron.

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Originally posted by ClubGirl:

Um last year I saw a really bad fight..I believe it was Labor Day wknd when the line was ridiculous that we waited for hours and still never got in,it was raining..and a huge fight broke out..bouncers and guys were running down the streets around the blocks ot tempts holding there faces with blood all over.,,,,you guys were prob enjoying yourselves in tempts and didnt see...then 2 years ago i did a little too much g,and i had to leave to go get air before I went down and as we are standing outside a kid was laying on the ground and was dead fron overdose of g so I bugged out cause i was soo fucked up on the shit and this kid was dead from the shit...we saw them put bag or blanket over face everything..trying to get brouhgt back to life and shit..scary,,then im thinkin im gonna fucking die so we left the scene and went back to the house...there is so much more too but i dont feel like going on...ClubGirl..=)


Actually, I was there last Labor Day when that fight broke out. There was some commotion going on by the bathrooms - I was thrown into the wall because a large herd pushed their way through - there was some guy going nuts trying to fight off the bouncers - that is when one of them got cracked in the face.

Too many people OD on G in that place. Too many!

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temptations is a fuckin' joke. yes, most clubs will have fights once in a while, but the amount of roid rage coming out of that place is ridiculous. people should go out to listen to music, dance and have fun... to pass along a positive vibe. all you see at tempts are juiceheads looking for trouble, as we can tell by the stories you have just read. rarely, if ever do you here of such idiocity (fights) in nyc clubs like twilo, sf or even exit.

come on people, its all about the music!

then again, i can understand why tempts has such problems since the music there is pure cheeze and the dj is horrible.


the bitches in full effect!


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I was at Temps every weekend last year and I can honestly say I only saw a handful of fights. No more then at any other club. I see all the same people who go to Temps at SF, Twilo and Exit so your saying they turn into different people when they walk through the doors of Temps and decide to fight? Their true personalities hibernate and don't come out till Memorial Day? Don't go to

Temps if you don't like it but don't criticize it and exaggerate.

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Originally posted by darkhorse:

temptations is a fuckin' joke. yes, most clubs will have fights once in a while, but the amount of roid rage coming out of that place is ridiculous. people should go out to listen to music, dance and have fun... to pass along a positive vibe. all you see at tempts are juiceheads looking for trouble, as we can tell by the stories you have just read. rarely, if ever do you here of such idiocity (fights) in nyc clubs like twilo, sf or even exit.

come on people, its all about the music!

then again, i can understand why tempts has such problems since the music there is pure cheeze and the dj is horrible.

One of the Rude Bashing Bitches here!! So once again darkhorse - you come out from under whatever rock you live and do what you criticize others for doing. You jumped all over a few of us a few weeks ago for not having anything nice to say, or lack of manners, or being a bitch, and rude, and whatever else you spewed from that hole you call a mouth. And now look what we have here - you bashing a club, a DJ, and it's patrons. Tisk Tisk!!! Doens't that go against your own beliefs?? Oh wait I get it - you can throw out your opinions in whatever manner it is you see fit - but if others like myself or bumparella, sin-sational, queenbitch, or saynotodrama express themselves - they are bashing bitches?? RIGHT!! This is why whatever you said to us last week or whenever it was, means ZERO - as are you of the same value to me!!!! You contradict yourself with the most consistency - that is a wonderful characteristic to have - you should be oh so proud of yourself to do it with great ease! It seems to me you have a personal vendetta against Denny and Tempts - why is that?? Did he throw you out of his booth one night for being utterly ANNOYING?? I could definitely see why he would.

Well, now go ahead - bash me all you want - call me fat, and ugly, and an animal or whatever else you think will have any impact on me. You don't know a thing about me - what I look like - where I work and live, and so on. But you will throw into this equation what you think are insults to me - when all I ever do is laugh at you, your posts, and your pathetic attempts of trying to be amusing.

Tata baby - I do love you so much!! MWAH!!! cwm2.gif


Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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