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Timothy McVeigh Is Dead

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They should have tortured that piece of shit instead of giving him a nice lil needle.If it was up to me i would have tied him up and let all the victims family members just beat the shit out of him until he died.



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I am totally against the death penalty.Perhaps he did deserve to die,but the government has no right to play God and decide who lives and who gets their life taken away...his life would have been hell anyways,he would have been branded forever as the bomber in Oklahoma,I think that would have been punishment enough.True,168 men and women and children died,but how do you justify murder with another murder?It just doesn't make sense.



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Originally posted by tunnelbandit:

They should have tortured that piece of shit instead of giving him a nice lil needle.If it was up to me i would have tied him up and let all the victims family members just beat the shit out of him until he died.

I agree, but it would of been better with rocks!! madgo.gif






Aim: Romina321

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Here's McVeigh's hand-written final statement... it came in the form of a poem.


by William Ernest Henley 1849-1903


Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance,

I have not winced nor cried aloud:

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of fate:

I am the captain of my soul.

No remorse. None whatsoever, for the deaths of 169 people. Normally I'm against the death penalty, but in this case... McVeigh deserved much, much worse.

Hoping that healing will begin/continue,



The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.

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I don't give a crap what his statement was; that loser doesn't deserve to be heard... I'd take that poem off of this thread and stop giving him any more attention.




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aolim blueskygirl2001

[This message has been edited by blueskygirl (edited 06-11-2001).]

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No offense to you at all HappyKittn, but who gives a shit about his last statement?? Someone said that the government had no right taking his life. Did he have the right to take away his victims' lives?? How would you feel if it was your mother, father, son, daughter, etc???




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This guy beat us all. He got exactly what he wanted. Everything went according to plan.

He blew the building to send a messge about the govrnment. Then he was caught and sentenced to death. He did not try to appeal the death decision. This action solidfied his original message of belief in the government.

And when his final moment came he smiled at the camera. He calculated everything perfectly.


"The Future's uncertain and the end is always near...so who's holding on?"

"Stop Whispering, Start Shouting"

AOL IM--->DonVito486

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No offense to you at all HappyKittn, but who gives a shit about his last statement?? Someone said that the government had no right taking his life. Did he have the right to take away his victims' lives?? How would you feel if it was your mother, father, son, daughter, etc???




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Originally posted by tunnelbandit:

They should have tortured that piece of shit instead of giving him a nice lil needle.If it was up to me i would have tied him up and let all the victims family members just beat the shit out of him until he died.

i agree

personally i would have liked to see him mixed in with the rest of the prisoners and have his torture like that, people in jail dont like baby killers......


"don't get attached to anything you're not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you spot the heat coming around the corner"

Robert Deniro



Email: msoprano13@yahoo.com


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this guy is a piece of shit. he bombed the building to get attention, and he got more attention from the media. he doesn't deserve to be heard. i believe that the press shouldn ot have printed a god damm thing. and for people on this board who question if the gov. has the right to play god, does mcveigh or ne one else have the right to play god. at least the gov's actions are legal and justified. and eye for an eye. mcveigh got off way way too easy. we shoulda thrown him in a trash compactor and slowly crushed him. or maybe tie him up and let acid slowly drip on his forehead until it eats thru his skull. cwm30.gif



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but who gives a shit about his last statement??

Anyone who may have had any doubt in their minds about what a sick fuck he was.

His last statement proves he was a heartless being, right to the end. If he had asked for forgiveness, if he apologized to the families whose lives he ruined, if he had shown any emotion or any sign at all that he was human... it wouldn't have changed his fate, but it may have changed the way many saw him.

Of course, he didn't.

It's over now... for him. But it will never be for the victims of his actions.


The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.

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Originally posted by donvito:

And when his final moment came he smiled at the camera. He calculated everything perfectly.

is there a picture of that? cuz if there is then id want it




1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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Personally, i think that they should have given him a few more years in prison so he could have gotten his asshole reamed until it bleeds. and maybe all the inmates should have killed him slowly. i have no respect for this peice of shit. he deserves no forgiveness for what he had done. i mean come on, he killed kids for christs sake, along with way too many adults. they should have stoned him. electric chair. something that he would feel for a long time before he died. i would piss wherever they throw his remains. but maybe thats just me.... cwm28.gif

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Originally posted by sassa:

No offense, but if he did commit such a terrible crime, what makes you all any better wishing him a terrible death?

McVeigh deserves to die a terrible death so he would have been able to experience the pain and suffering that he caused to all the people who got injured or killed in the bombing. It goes back to the ancient Middle Eastern Code of Hamerabi(sp?), "An Eye for an Eye, and a Tooth for a Tooth". Unfortunately for this situation, whatever they could have possibly done to him, would only be a fraction of the pain and suffering that the people of Oklamhoma City experienced.

Personally, I wish that the U.S. government used the big ass canes that they use to punish people in Singapore. However, instead of hitting his ass, they would aim at his nuts until they bleed and he starts to screem. Then, they should have dragged his pathetic ass across the sidewalks, roads, etc. to the center of Oklamhoma City. When he is at the center of town, they would tie him up in a big ass noose. All of the families and friends would then have the opportunity to taunt him and throw all kinds of shit at him until his pathetic ass dies. Basically, just like how they tortured the guilty in the middle ages!

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Originally posted by sassa:

No offense, but if he did commit such a terrible crime, what makes you all any better wishing him a terrible death?

is this a fucking sick joke...did he commit such....hahahahaha...someone needs to open their eyes



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As I stated yesterday, I have very mixed emotions regarding the death penalty and how our government decides who should die and how. I used to be a huge advocate of the death penalty, however as I have gotten older my feelings have changed considerably. Additionally, we all know that TMcVeigh commited this horrible crime and he states it is because he is a Gulf War Veteran and the government sucks, etc... However what else caused this and who else did he work with??? Those answers died yesterday with that man. I also believe that he got off way to easy, as do all people who are allowed to be executed... Wouldn't it be better, if they had to live with what they did, with other prisoners for the rest of their lives? Tim McVeigh got exaclty what he wanted and the American public bought it hook, line, and sinker....


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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Originally posted by ctwarrior:

McVeigh deserves to die a terrible death so he would have been able to experience the pain and suffering that he caused to all the people who got injured or killed in the bombing. It goes back to the ancient Middle Eastern Code of Hamerabi(sp?), "An Eye for an Eye, and a Tooth for a Tooth". Unfortunately for this situation, whatever they could have possibly done to him, would only be a fraction of the pain and suffering that the people of Oklamhoma City experienced.

Personally, I wish that the U.S. government used the big ass canes that they use to punish people in Singapore. However, instead of hitting his ass, they would aim at his nuts until they bleed and he starts to screem. Then, they should have dragged his pathetic ass across the sidewalks, roads, etc. to the center of Oklamhoma City. When he is at the center of town, they would tie him up in a big ass noose. All of the families and friends would then have the opportunity to taunt him and throw all kinds of shit at him until his pathetic ass dies. Basically, just like how they tortured the guilty in the middle ages!

That's one person's belief. Not another. You may believe in that whole "eye for an eye" thing, but that belief died out the minute New Testament came into existance with Christ. That's my belief. However, this is not a religion post . . . it's about a man (how monstrous he may have been) who took 168 lives.

Someone already commented what is the difference between us and him. You people who wished him a horrible death . . . think about it. Do you actually believe that healing starts with more death? That death solves other deaths? If that's the case then why not execute every single criminal out there who killed even ONE person? Why not execute the drivers out there that killed a person because of an accident? Doesn't their family's lose mean as much as the family of those 168 people/children?

The Difference between us and HIM is that we're SUPPOSEDLY the humane ones. The normal society with no psychotic intentions . . . like him.

I read this thread and I get so sad over how ONE man can bring out so much hatred and ugliness out of so many people. It's both scarey and sad.



“You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” - Mark Twain


[This message has been edited by blueangel (edited 06-12-2001).]

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