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I just went to the Jersey board...

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...at the advice of nabuc1 to peruse their cheese selection. What I found was some of the funniest shit I've ever read!

In one post, a girl was getting shit from someone else for posting about her own birthday 8 million times. The girl comes back with

I waited a vary long time for my b-day! You people are so rude should all grow up!

I don't know, but I though everyone waited 364 days

Then there was the one who asked....

Does your first initial start with an H?

I wonder how many letters he has in his first initial

I was going to reply to both of these items...but after reading a few more posts I realized that it would be like shooting fish in a barrel. Take a look sometime.



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

AIM: cathyoNYC

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Originally posted by cathyo:

...at the advice of nabuc1 to peruse their cheese selection. What I found was some of the funniest shit I've ever read!

In one post, a girl was getting shit from someone else for posting about her own birthday 8 million times. The girl comes back with

I wonder how many letters he has in his first initial

I was going to reply to both of these items...but after reading a few more posts I realized that it would be like shooting fish in a barrel. Take a look sometime.


Quality. smile.gif I needed a laugh and there it is.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Does your first initial start with an H?


I wonder how many letters he has in his first initial


That's like, what color was George Washington's white horse??

Way to go NJ. Makes me proud to tell people that's where I was orignally from...

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Dont be so hard on the Jersey kids. You'd be stupid to if you had to smell that stench your whole life cwm1.gif


"Life has no instruction manual. Parts and labor can be impossible to find. Many go down the road with parts that are in great need of service. A breakdown is eventual." - HR

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Originally posted by cathyo:

...at the advice of nabuc1 to peruse their cheese selection. What I found was some of the funniest shit I've ever read!

In one post, a girl was getting shit from someone else for posting about her own birthday 8 million times. The girl comes back with

I wonder how many letters he has in his first initial

I was going to reply to both of these items...but after reading a few more posts I realized that it would be like shooting fish in a barrel. Take a look sometime.

What did I tell you. Where you able to pick out the johnnies. I feel like I'm swimming in a sea of cheese (A little Primus reference there) when I'm on that board. There are a bunch of cool peps over there but as of late, my GOD the SADNESS.


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Originally posted by lavendermenace:

Dont be so hard on the Jersey kids. You'd be stupid to if you had to smell that stench your whole life cwm1.gif

Please be aware not all Jersey people are like that. We do have some real people on our side. Unfortunitly you only get to see the bad.


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Originally posted by lavendermenace:

Dont be so hard on the Jersey kids. You'd be stupid to if you had to smell that stench your whole life cwm1.gif

I AM a Jersey kid!!!!

cwm2.gif Lived here my whole life! But I grew up in Summit and now live in Springfield so there air around here is fine smile.gif Believe it or not...I'd never leave. I love it because I've got the city, the mountains and the beach all within an hour without the madness of living in the city at rush hour, the mountains with the rednecks and the beach with...well, you all know what Seaside is like cwm35.gif



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

AIM: cathyoNYC

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Originally posted by joeserra:

Whats it say for you that you actually took the time to disect this girls post....

That she has some downtime at work and is bored? Just guessing here...


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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Originally posted by joeserra:

Whats it say for you that you actually took the time to disect this girls post....

No lie, those were the only 2 posts I looked at. I'm sure you can find this type of fodder in any of them. It took about 5 mins from the time I initially clicked on the board to the time I cut, pasted and posted.

And yes tasty...I'm bored out of my skull here at work!!



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

AIM: cathyoNYC

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Fuck NY Jersey is the shit.

In the fall,winter,and spring we make NYC clube scene what it is and that's a fact.

We are better looking and have lots of attitude.I'm so dam proud to say I live in Dirty Jersey.

[This message has been edited by tempkid (edited 06-20-2001).]

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Originally posted by Randy:

I'd love to hear jsut one thing jersey has accomplished besides giving staten island a smell to compete with.

that dump is closed now, so in about a decade or so after thousands had became deathly ill. The smell will be gone from the Arther Kill



When The Going Gets Weird...The Weird Turns Pro

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Originally posted by Randy:

Make the club scene? FUnny most of the time I meet people from brooklyn and queens.

I'd love to hear jsut one thing jersey has accomplished besides giving staten island a smell to compete with.

Have you ever driven more than 1/2 hour, even less, from Hoboken? Unfortunately, Jersey gets a bad rap from the Hoboken, Jersey City, Newark area...most of the state is NOTHING like that.

The area I live in is fawkin beautiful.



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

AIM: cathyoNYC

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Originally posted by Randy:

Make the club scene? FUnny most of the time I meet people from brooklyn and queens.

I'd love to hear jsut one thing jersey has accomplished besides giving staten island a smell to compete with.

Your a mut and you belong in the Hudson with all the other trash from jersey.

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I am never telling people that I live in NJ again.

Damn it all, I need to make more money and move... cwm6.gif


I'm in search of myself. If you find me before I arrive, please have me wait.

AOL IM: petrol01

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I'm not from jersey, only here for school, so I drive through the rest of the state to get home or anywhere else. Everyone I know from school is from jersey. I worked in teterboro and mt olive over the years.

The entire turnpike smells.

The rest of the state is so far in the boonies there is nothing to do besides drive somewhere else.

yeah for suburbia.

SO what did I miss that was so breathtaking?

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If it makes Cathyo and company feel better to put others down...so be it. I lived in New York and New Jersey (old divorced parents story, ho-hum). It's ways of life that are both very different--and this proves the high school spirit is still alive in some to make fun of what is different. Let's all move on.

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