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Time to play: "What's in My Bag!" (pic of what's inside Mugz bag)

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Well enough with the polls for a second..let's play a little game that may say alot about who we are and what kind of baggage we carry with us.

I'm quite a packrat and on my trips to clubs and lounges I tend to "over pack" (Hey..you never know where the night will take you!) SO.....



Here's a list of what I had in my bag with me last night at SHINE:

(look at picture and shrink it so you can follow the list along with the picture)

A) Tunes for the night:

(the new "Back to mine", "Hybrid's:Remixed", Timo Mass "Connected")

B)This week's Time Out NY (for that spare of the moment;"where do I go now")

C) Diesel shades (because god knows sunshine kills you when you the morning after)

D) Tolkein's "Two Towers" (Yup..still doing the MIDDLE EARTH Triology)

E) Nasty Backwashed Bottle of water..

F) Neeato hand heald fan gadget that I found in China Town (A real life saver in hot clubs)

G) Skeatch book

H) Gum (For that minty Mugwump breath)

I) Don't ask..(I couldn't figure out why my bag smelled funky all night until I forgot I had this banana at the bottom of my bag)

J) Aiwa Noise reduction foldable headset..(By far the BEST headphones I've ever owned. The noise reduction switch on the side kicks up the sound and makes everything sound incredible!)

K) Flyer magazine ( Gotta look before you leap and stay informed in clubland!)

L) Sony G-shock CD player..(You've seen the adds with that cool little alien rockn this CD-walkman?..well..Aliens know the good stuff)

M) Authentic Russian stainless steel flask used by Soviet astronauts. (Found it in a street fair and thought it would make a nice item on my shelf. Little did I know that I'd become a full blown alcoholic thanks to this puppy)



(don't be shy..I want the juicy details..baterry powered toys AND ALL!)

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Right now it's not real exciting...



The Grapes of Wrath (FABULOUS - definitely check it out)

CD player and various CDs (I've got a 50 cd holder...I'm not gonna name them all!


Mystery computer disk

Tape of last voice lesson


Xenedrine (hehe...gets me through the day) :)

And that's about it. This weekend was more fun. I drove by about a hundred million cops with pills and a quarter oz of weed. ;)

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hmm...this reminds me of the time in elememtary school when my teacher made the whole class organize our bookbags and the neatest person got a prize. i got a lecture on how messy i was instead. here we go:

1) makeup baggie

2)4 cd's...these happen not to have labels on them, so god only knows what they are.

3) planner

4) pack of tissues (just got over a cold)

5) tic-tacs

6) cell phone

7) my boss' cell phone

8) his wife's cell phone

9) 3 AA batteries

10) wallet

11) sunglasses

12) random papers

and its a small shoulder bag...

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1st off....*lafz at mugz and wackys descriptions*

2cd-Lee- well mine is the type of bag that the strap goes across your chest and NOT BIG ENUFF IN THE BAK but i will break it down...

a few pens... a lucky rock... a neckalace...a bracelet... cell fone...enuff receits to put together a new tree... a lil wooden comb/brush... chapstik... keys.... lil make up bag... lotion... lil mirror... like 10,000 expired calling cards...wallet... Dr. Pepper... lip gloss... bandana... hair thing-a-majigs...a condom in case i decide to lose my virginity on my way to work ;) some pictures...3 cd's but no cd player (hmmm) bag of sour skittles... 2 slabs of gum lol ... holy shit i found a whole new compartment! woo hoo...The hell with the rest of this list I'm off 2 go fill it up and reorganize this shit... PiEcE :monkey:

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Ladies please..

This is a serious survey.

Lets stick to the bags being emptied out like Sunshine just did now shall we...

(looks around at club P's other club headz and at their back packs and shoulder bags)


comon..let's have it!

empty those puppies out!

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Originally posted by wackydream

this had the potential to be a funny thread...


don't take my persistance the wrong way..

i'm just goofing around!

OF COURSE it's a funny thread..

But it'll get funnier if someone actualy reveals something nasty in their backpack (A used condom, vibrator etc..)


I know someone's gonna find something raunchy soon!

anyone else wanna share?

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I was quite weighted down on Saturday and surprised at how much my bag held:

1. Portable CD Player

2. Brand new CD from Shuga for Xmas, when the music got a bit off, headphones with new tunes went on.

3. My PVD CD.

4. Hair brush

5. Make up bag (6 tubes of lipstick)

6. Band Aids

7. Strappy black shoes

8. Bottle of water

9. Wallet

10. Camera

11. Altoids

12. Gum

13. Cell phone

14. Hair Clip

15. Hair Spray

16. Centro Fly drink chip..... :laugh:

oh and i almost forgot my hat....

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Well Mugzy you asked for it, here goes:


1)compact mirror

2)loose dollar bills


4)MertoCard Holder w/ weekly unlimited metrocard

5)MetroCard shaped train map(very small, very sleek)



8)57 cents

9) Ooh, the ring to my tounge ring. I was looking for that.

10)Work ID


1)Checkbook Wallet


3)Phone Book

4)Aiwa CD Player w/AMFM radio and headphones

5)CD carry case w/Ray's House,Victor Calderone,E=vc2/Jon B/a couple of salsa mixes


7)Disc with my pics

8)Road and Track magazine


1)Bath and Body works Country apple lotion

2)Uhmm Tampons, scented.

3)Nail filer

4)Toothbrush and floss

5)Pill Box/Xenedrine, Advil, Vitamins, Water pills

6)Clear Nail Polish


-Grey Eyeshadow

-Black Eyeliner

-Brown Suger lip Gloss

-Blackberry Lip Liner

-Cozy Pink Lip Gloss

-Cosmic Brown Lip Liner

-Eye Drops

-Contact case

-Anna Sui Perfume


1)Cell phone

And there you have it! Everything in Chula's Bag.

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Let's see...

Main Compartment:

Small fuscia umbrella

Address book

small notebook

crumpled-up cellophane wrapper to Starbucks Frappucino

Pandora by Anne Rice (first time I'm reading her in years)

sparkly pink panties

an addressed, stamped envelope for a letter that was never mailed

the receipt for my contacts

crumpled receipts

misc. print-outs

Tupperware from today's lunch


Wallet Compartment:


Birth control pills


a black pen

a mini blue rubber band

Right Side Compartment

Hello Kitty change purse


red mini rubber band

ATM card

Left Side Compartment

Crumpled up loose emergency tissue

Monthly Metrocard


two shopping lists


A quarter (hey, that's supposed to be in the change purse!)

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Originally posted by stacychase

16. Centro Fly drink chip..... :laugh:

Hey! Was that mine?!? :)

I never carry a bag with me out clubbin' unless i'm heading right from work. I'm retarded even when sober, so I've got something like a 20% lost bag rate going.

I do bag it to work each day. I usually skate in from Greenpoint over the Brooklyn bridge up to midtown (keeps the barvybe from building up in the front).

Other than cloths for the day (very casual usually) I currently have the following in the sack (oh yeah, i have no wallet either - stolen 2 months ago in Sao Paulo airport - yes i'm lazy):

- home keys

- work keys

- 1 pkt nitetime theraflu (shit keeps me up - its my coffee)

- dry cleaning pick up stub

- pictures of my cracked out friends and me at Saci for new years (to be scanned and delivered - again very slow and lazy)

- doggie biscuts for jenny

- sasha and digweed communicate

- yellow shades

- journal / sketchbook

- zip disk with the BarVybe biz plan (yes it exists)

- passport (lost the license w/ the wallet - still lazy)

- two mixes by my buddy boy Bob-O

- a couple condoms (in my work bag?? hmmm...what the fuck!) - sorry Mugz, the used ones actually get tossed...

- my phone / mp3 for skating tunes (currently 6 tracks from Timo's Conected, Born Slippy and Everything Everything - underworld, Sven Vath Barbarella, Rank 1 - Airwave)

- all the bills i haven't paid

- scibbled phone numbers w/out names

- a envelope labeled "notice of status and amount of immediate tax relief" - shit, i should really open this one...

- some business cards

- gum

OK, no doggie biscuts, but the rest is in there....

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oooh this should be fun... i haven't cleaned this damn thing out for a month. ok:

-keys (and ruby slippers key ring, you know the one's Dorothy wears in Wizard of Oz? they sparkle. and they're chipped)

-Sony discman and headphones

-random burned CD

-Alicia Key's "Songs in A Minor" CD

-oooh! condoms that I don't use! there's 3. any offers?

-notebook with my psych notes

-business card with some numbers on the back

-a zebra print nail file

-Kiehl's lip balm

-August issue of Cosmo

-a blue highlighter, some pens, a pencil

-"Normal Girl" by Molly Jong-Fast... about a coke snorting socialite. entertaining.

-crumpled up reciepts

-letters I need to send

-LIRR train schedule (yeah I'm part of the b&t crowd. don't yell at me)

-$0.34 loose change

-some crumbs

-a Luna Bar (Lemon Zest! yum.)

-makeup bag with an empty Stila compact, Dr. Pepper Lip Smacker. a few lip glosses, earrings and some cocoa butter lotion that smells like the beach

-wallet with MetroCard, monthly train pass, blood doner ID, school ID, drivers ::ahem:: permit, my 'pretend' driver's license, $22.78, a mini subway map New York magazine sent me in the mail, business cards, papers with phone #'s, wacky mini-pics of my friends

-five Skittles

-bottle of Dasani

-a purple index card with the definition of visual-spatial working memory on it

-a Snapple cap

-Winterfresh gum

oh yeah and how do you guys handle bringing a bag out to clubs? i just stuff everything in my pockets...then again i lose everything i put in 'em, so never mind.

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Thanks for sharing...

Too bad there aren't any pictures to go along with them.

Mugz liikes the pictures.

And to answer someone's question about Bags in clubs..Yea it DOES suck..

but it's not easy being a "pack rat" (and there's always the coatcheck)





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Originally posted by mssabina

oh yeah and how do you guys handle bringing a bag out to clubs? i just stuff everything in my pockets...then again i lose everything i put in 'em, so never mind.

the last time i took a bag to a club with me (my very first time clubbing), i walked out with everything in it but my wallet. i still remember standing by a payphone outside the club at 3am in a tanktop in the middle of march cancelling my credit cards. i was credit card-less for two weeks, and i was id-less for about a month, which is how long it took dmv to mail me my replacement permit (never got around to the road test). since then, my id's/$$ go in my bra/bralette on those tanktops that have them, in my boot or in the pocket of whoever comes along with me with pockets. i never seem to have pockets when i go out. no more bags for me. plus its a pain to dance holding one...

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