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Gotta love the horrible excuses by non-clubbers

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it makes me laugh to hear the BS excuses from friends each week when we tell them where we're going and tell them they should come out...

by this point everyone figures that wherever we go is part of "the scene" and somehow they fear the scene..they prefer the light-ness of cheesy places....

so today I told a friend - "come to centro fly saturday for Timo Maas, he's a great DJ and its only $10 with the list" and the reply

"maybe but pretty strapped for cash.

We might head out to the island or the hamptons


SAVE MONEY BY GOING TO THE HAMPTONS!???!?? hahahahahahahah I don't even care but it makes me laugh........

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probably afraid that they'll get pelted with pills, dusted, caked with K, and drowned in a large vat of acid...


Originally posted by goldenman

i did the same with some of my co-workers but they all declined. whats to be worried about? ..its just music:half:

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Originally posted by charrails

it makes me laugh to hear the BS excuses from friends each week when we tell them where we're going and tell them they should come out...

by this point everyone figures that wherever we go is part of "the scene" and somehow they fear the scene..they prefer the light-ness of cheesy places....

so today I told a friend - "come to centro fly saturday for Timo Maas, he's a great DJ and its only $10 with the list" and the reply

"maybe but pretty strapped for cash.

We might head out to the island or the hamptons


SAVE MONEY BY GOING TO THE HAMPTONS!???!?? hahahahahahahah I don't even care but it makes me laugh........

LMAO... I get that shit all the time too.

FUCK them let them go to there 2 dollar bars with they're 2 dollar women...

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Originally posted by mjr203

probably afraid that they'll get pelted with pills, dusted, caked with K, and drowned in a large vat of acid...


omigod! so true~~i have friends that don't really go out...and i swear they think all we do is drugs when we go out....i don't even do anything anymore and they know that~so i can only imagine what they picture~~>>me standing among a crowd of people with white powder all over their faces!!!!

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They probably just find it strange to go somewhere where people are jumping around like monkeys to music with no words. It is a rather funny concept, if you think about it. They might also be a bit self conscious about their inability to dance, or feel some hesitation about just letting themselves go and letting the music take over... they don't know what they're missing!


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There are these two girls we hang out with from time to time and we call them the girls that time forgot...

All they do is smoke blunts and listen to 80's music...

Then we ask them all them to go to a club or any event even something corny, and they're like thats not our scene or its not for me... Herbs... GROW UP A LIL...

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Its ridiculous sometimes...

I mean, they're gonna pay $30+ to go to a place in the hamptons because its "too much $$" to pay $10 at Centro? at least make up excuses that make sense....

There are people I ask but I know they won't say yes, and they throw out some weak excuses but we both know what they're saying is "I can't hang" or "I dunno, man, those clubs are for the people "into" the scene...I'm not "into" the scene..." like they think its some sort of cult....

I mean, its a room with speakers and music not a church...why can't they just go out and dance and have fun? Its like they're worried it'll corrupt them or something?

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I have a few friends who give me such lame excuses why they don't want to come. And when they do come, they don't even understand the greatness of the DJs, or know the different between house, techno, dnB, etc. they think its all the same and say they like hip-hop better. Then I bring them to live freestyle hip-hop session to chill and they don't enjoy it either, saying they wanna hear commerical crap like Jay-Z or Juvenille. :mad:

oh well, as long as I can enjoy it. :)

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Originally posted by misk

omigod! so true~~i have friends that don't really go out...and i swear they think all we do is drugs when we go out....i don't even do anything anymore and they know that~so i can only imagine what they picture~~>>me standing among a crowd of people with white powder all over their faces!!!!

girl - I feel you like you don't even believe....

I'm the same way and although I don't do drugs anymore either all my friends that don't club - automatically assume that I'm doing all sorts of crazy shit.....

in fact I live in Westchester and for the past year or so - I've been really heavy in the scene - promoting and doing all types of shit like that - and I go out the other week in my town for like the first time in a year and all I hear from my friends is that rumors are flying around that I'm a cokehead and shit......ironically - I've never done coke in my LIFE!!!! wtf???

so basically - FUCK' EM fuck em all - they just don't understand and they never will - it's their loss!

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Originally posted by charrails

Its ridiculous sometimes...

I mean, its a room with speakers and music not a church...

Are we forgetting Limelight? ;)

I'm missing Timo Maas this weekend (and those who know me know that's not something taken lightly) because, my oh my, that hotel room for Creamfields is non-refundable! So, Hamptons-bound... Is that a ridiculous excuse?

ichi :rainbow:

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Originally posted by rokutanda


they don't know what they're missing!



the sad thing is that some of them have had a blast at clubs, but then they think that there is no point to going withouth the drizzugs, but meanwhile we've all settled down a bit, and we go out all the time without pills or anything......they just wanna think they're "over" that stage of their life....

but if you think about it, those people are the ones with drug problems....if they feel that they can't go to real deal places without drugggggggs.....I'm not anti rolling or anything, but just cuz you don't want to roll doesn't mean you can't go out where there's good music……:idea:

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Originally posted by ichi_gami

Are we forgetting Limelight? ;)

I'm missing Timo Maas this weekend (and those who know me know that's not something taken lightly) because, my oh my, that hotel room for Creamfields is non-refundable! So, Hamptons-bound... Is that a ridiculous excuse?

ichi :rainbow:

I'll forgive you...this time....haha

and when it comes to the Limelight, forget it, I can't even ask some people, they'll preach about "anti religious" etc....I guess I can understand if you really feel that its not a good thing to do......but it kinda funny when someone who gambles every week, hasn't gone to church in 5 years, and drinks/smokes about every day all of a sudden cannot disrespect the church....oh lets not forget pre-marital sex and meat on fridays

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i use to be like them,

making up excuses not to go clubbin,

i didnt know how to dance or whatever,

but after going twice, i was hooked, dancing and all

now, im on the other side, trying to get ppl to go,

its hard not to go out nowadays ,

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The best is if your friends want to argue about the scene...I think of all clubs as of late Centro-Fly is one of the most laid back places in the city. (at least on thursdays-I'm sure it's similar on the weekend).

Dress down, chill out, I never saw any pretensiouness, not one (well yeah one) person all banged out they could'nt walk. If you wanna drink there are plenty of people at the bar. Unlike other places.

Also to people who don't get the music, there is no convining them...

I have one friend that really does not like the music. I tried to get him to like it, and all I get now is "I can tolerate it".WTF is that. When we do go to a club together, 2 maybe 3 times a year, he has to be on E. Now that sucks.

I think those people who have not got into the music by the time they are 21, will never unless they drop a bomb, to a phat DJ in a great atmosphere ie. SF. That's how it started for me. I never like the music, until that day, now it's all I listen too.....

Like pringles, once you like the music, you can't stop it....

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Same shit always happens with me and my clubbing friends at school. We always try to get our other friends to come with us and we always ask them a week ahead of time and a lot of them actually say yes, but once the actual friday night rolls around they usually all back down.

I think with the music issue a lot of the people only know commercial club songs. At least now some of the commercial songs they are exposed to are pretty decent but a few years ago all you would hear of were those CD's like "Ulitmate Dance Party" If they could have more exposure to it, they would appreciate electronic music much more. But the only place to get good music exposure is at a club and these people will never go to clubs so they will probably not end up becoming fans of the music. The only way they would like the music is if it became the new pop on the radio. I guess people should at least try everything at least once and then decide if it is for them or not.

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Originally posted by misk

omigod! so true~~i have friends that don't really go out...and i swear they think all we do is drugs when we go out....i don't even do anything anymore and they know that~so i can only imagine what they picture~~>>me standing among a crowd of people with white powder all over their faces!!!!

That was really funny!!!!! I do have friends though who stand there like they got hit w/zeppoles....

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