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Atkins Diet

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I started Atkins during the first week of August, then went on vacation to NYC and Boston, then kinda fell off the wagon the last 3 days before I came home. Restarted on 8/20. I've lost 8 lbs so far, and it's been kinda slow for me, but my original goal was to only lose 10-15 pounds. The closer I get to my goal, the longer it takes to lose it. I feel so much better since I cut out the white bread and sugar in my daily diet. I used to get headaches and get drowsy in the afternoons, and that went away. I also sleep much better at night. The initial transition can be tough for some people, though. Fortunately, I didn't have the bad effects during the induction phase. Don't forget it's important to work out, too, and drink your water! If you are doing Atkins, I hope you are reading all the info in the book, as there are so many misconceptions about this way of eating in the general public. If you need any info. or ever just want any moral support, feel free to PM me - I can also let you know more about online support groups for people who low-carb, if you'd like!

Hope this helps,



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good luck with losing weight but let me just tell u one thing, my proffesor said that there was research done and they found that atkins diet is horrible for you. He said if you stay on it more than 2 weeks, you will being to develop problems with your organs.

Do it the healthy way, CARDIO!!!!

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I was a former wrestler. I wrestled in high school and Division 1 college competition and I have been exposed to every type of diet/ weight loss system ever known to man.

I absolutely HATED the Atkins Diet. You can't even drink orange juice. I stayed on it for three days before I just gave in. Instead, I decided to not eat much and a couple of days before weigh-ins I would just starve and wear vinyl suits and jump rope in the steam room.

Seriously, just run around the block a few times. Do some cardio and work out. Just watch what you eat also. Stay basic, there is a reason why its the most widely used diet.

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Originally posted by massad

good luck with losing weight but let me just tell u one thing, my proffesor said that there was research done and they found that atkins diet is horrible for you. He said if you stay on it more than 2 weeks, you will being to develop problems with your organs.

Do it the healthy way, CARDIO!!!!

i agree... theres no better way to lose weight than exercise and sensible eating... eat what u like... but be smart about it... diets are not the best way to go b/c IMO, no matter wut diet u go on, ur giving up essential stuff that ur body needs.. ur body needs a lil carbs... and from wut ive heard the atkins diet is horrible for ur cholesterol and all these 'fad' diets are most likely gonna work while ur on them, but once u stop, ull gain the weight back.. so the best advice ive ever been given or can give, is just eat healthy and exercise..
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Yeah I agree with linabina, in most cases, not all, when people go on a diet, yeah they'll lose the weight and stuff, but then what happens after that?? are u gonna be on a diet for ur whole life?? no , thats why people most of the time always gain the weight back sometimes even more. I've seen it happen to people.

like these things u see advertised on tv, this cyclone diet omgg wtfffff "yeahhh lose 8 pounds in 2 days" WHATTTTTTTTT

yeah u'll lose the 8 pounds and then gain back 10 lol

The best way like many other peole said is EXERCISE and eat what u want but in moderation (as with drugs haha moderation is the key lol)

ok well good luck with everything and let us know what happens



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Like I said before, it's important to read the book if you decide to do Dr. Atkins' plan. Unfortunately there are a lot of preconceived notions about Atkins. The book does address some of the issues brought up by others on this post. Lots of people think it's a no-carb diet, and it's not. It's a LOW CARB WAY OF EATING FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. If you only see it as a short-term diet, then you might as well not bother doing this, as you need to make the commitment that you will change your eating habits for life. The first 2 weeks are strict, but after that you keep adding carbs to your eating plan each week until you find the level that works out best for you, especially after you lose the weight and just need to maintain. I eat meat, yes, but I also eat fresh vegetables all the time now and some fresh fruit. And OF COURSE YOU HAVE TO EXERCISE and drink lots of water - who says you don't? You do cut out white bread and sugary foods. That's why so many people with diabetes do better on this way of eating. If I want to eat bread, I usually eat rye or some other dark bread with some nutritional value. I found that the more natural and nutritious a food is, it also happens to be lower in carbohydrates. My problem before was that I was addicted to high carbohydrates and sugar without knowing it - craved it all the time and was hungry all the time. I also used to eat a lot of pre-packaged or pre-prepared foods, frozen "low-fat" meals - all loaded with sugar and excess carbs. Again, transition is not always easy, esp. if you're addicted to sugar without knowing it, so some people give up after a few days without giving it a real chance. Anyway, like I said, it's important to read the book first so you can at least read about it and make an informed decision about what you would like to do.


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