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Who Here Agrees That We Should Not Send In Ground Troops?????


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what do u guys think.....those afghanistan people have never lost a war.....the beat the shit outta the russians and anyone else who tried to fuck with them.......i agree that something has to be done but im not for a ground war........this will only result in more violence and more dead people and more of our military not coming home

what do u guys think???

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well they didnt' "beat the shit out of them" persay..

the casualties of suposedly 50,000 troops over the 10 year occupation primarily amounted due to the inablity of the soviets to secure the land.. w/ an urban makeup representative of only 15% of the population as a whole, securing the capital Kabul proved to be inadequate in controling the land a whole... the warfare which will be engaged in if we are to send in ground troops other than special forces, will result in the masacre of possibly thousands of American solidiers by fundamentalists w/ no disgregard for suidcide missions toward their manufactured "islamic cause"...

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Originally posted by msoprano13

what do u guys think.....those afghanistan people have never lost a war.....the beat the shit outta the russians and anyone else who tried to fuck with them.......i agree that something has to be done but im not for a ground war........this will only result in more violence and more dead people and more of our military not coming home

what do u guys think???

Take into account that we financed the war with the Russions. What I mean is that we gave them weapons to fight the Russions. We have soldiers that are capable of taking out Bin Ladin, but the public will never be let in on it. They do not have the Military to comete with the U.S and our Allies. There will be no where for them to run.

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i definitely agree that we shouldnt send ground troops into afghanistan as it will turn into another vietnam...on the other hand, we gotta keep in mind that as snappy said, US provided weapons to afghanistan to fight the russians, without anyone's support, they will fall...but i still wouldnt wanna see american soldiers die needlessly

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There was an interesting op-ed piece in the Star Ledger (yesterday I believe). It basically said that Bin Laden is not just a terrorist, but a revolutionary, too. His goal is to overthrow many of the current Islamic governments in the Middle East, which are corrupt and do not care about either their people or their religion. Unfortunately for him, he does not have the power to this alone. The article theorized that he is using the US as his catalyst for destabilization and (eventually) revolution. By the US invading, he will receive more supporters to fight the Western Infidels and, more importantly, our goal is to eliminate governments that support terrorism, ie the very governments that Bin Laden wants to overthrow.

I agree that ground troops might not be the best idea. I do not think that this "war" will be as easy as most people expect it to be. We do not know exactly who we are looking for, nor where to find them. (Kinda reminds me of the Viet Cong during Vietnam) Also, I do not think the American people have the stomach for a long, bloody ground war. There will not be TV broadcasts of bombs falling down chimneys and everything we saw in Desert Storm. In fact, there will be very little visible results or progress. We will not be able to just get to the capital and claim everything is honkey-dorey. There will be a very bloody battle, as we clear out caves and all these places that the terrorist will have bunkered down in. But, I guess it doesn't matter, cause it seems inevitable now.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by snappy139

Take into account that we financed the war with the Russions. What I mean is that we gave them weapons to fight the Russions. We have soldiers that are capable of taking out Bin Ladin, but the public will never be let in on it. They do not have the Military to comete with the U.S and our Allies. There will be no where for them to run.

Thankyou for being the only one to provide the facts! WE gave them training and Stinger missiles.. A fight between us and the russians without nukes will def go 12 rds but us vs the afgans, I say shorter then a tyson fight on pay per view.... I say work with the nothern alliance and get targeting info, lauch some missiles take out their strategic loactions and then analysis the situation to send in the ground troops to mop up.

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if we dont send in troops how are we gonna fight? ;p I mean we can drop bombs, but the nearby countries.. such as Pakistan, have around 35 airports.. (with 1, mnaybe 2 airstrips) if we wanna send in planes, we need to first build airports ;p.

even if we do, what are we gonna bomb? rocks? they got no roads, no infreastructure, no nothing. they have caves and thats it.

If we do send in ground troops, who are we gonna fight? Are we gonna shoot down a 14 year old that throws a rock at a US troop? US troops have a high standard of living, if we go in there, US troop wont have that standard, no running water, and scarce food supplies are only some of them. In the war with the russians, 89% of the troops were hospitalized with a serious illness due to the conditions there.

Our technology wont do shit.. where are we gonna use our stealth planes? our tanks, on those mountains.

Them on the other hand have the most powerfull weapon of all. HUMANS. how are you gonna stop somebnodddy from just walking in a military camp desguised as a translator and blowing himself up? how?

ON the other and, we need to respond to the WTC attack somehow.

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Originally posted by saleen351

Thankyou for being the only one to provide the facts! WE gave them training and Stinger missiles.. A fight between us and the russians without nukes will def go 12 rds but us vs the afgans, I say shorter then a tyson fight on pay per view.... I say work with the nothern alliance and get targeting info, lauch some missiles take out their strategic loactions and then analysis the situation to send in the ground troops to mop up.

thats interesting.. i thought i included ample factual information backing my statements..

oh well.. guess i just pulled those numbers out of my ass..

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It's not gonna be pretty but something will have to be done in order to make our world at least a somewhat safer place

Luckily, there's the Northern Alliance, and it seems that we are going to try to leverage them to our advantage, since they know the area in which they are fighting

I've heard about Russians agreeing to sell weapons to the NA

I hope that doesn't start something like the mess we started 20 years ago

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Ground troops is the ONLY way this is gonna work we cant bomb them hiding in the hills and they only have a few air strips and important buildings left that we can hit. We are not bombing Afghanistan .we are attempting to wipe out the Taliban so the only way to do it is get in there with Delta Force, Rangers And Green Berets who can match up with these pretty seasoned fighters. As far as Russias inability to beat them it has a lot to do with the US training and supplying the Afghanis and Russias underestimating the skills and terrain of the country. We will have it easier because this wont be seen as the next Vietnam because the entire GOVT is behind this action unlike the decension back then between congress, the prez and the people.Also our technology is so far more advanced than what russia was using 20 yrs ago and basically the taliban is still using possibly inoperable stinger missles we gave them. Just wait till these towelheads see 2000 army rangers comin at them wtih NIGHTVISION :eek:

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An infantry war with the Afghans would be interesting. We do indeed have the millitary complex to spank the shit out of those people, it just depends on how we deploy it and on how much logistical work we get done behind the scenes.

We're dealing with an ideology here, not another empowered state, which compounds problems exponentially because they can attack and stage from just about any location, the key is speed on their part. Yes the Afghans held out against the russians for a decade, but keep in mind that the US was funding, training and arming them in their fight. Without that help they would have folded very early and Russia would have claimed Afghanistan for itself.

We are the ones who created Osama Bin-Laden, by initially training his group of rebels to fight the russians. The US made the mistake of training one of the most vicious fundimental factions in the country at the time and now that they have nothing else to do, they're gonna mess with us.

So how do we win?

Simple, cut off the money supply. Without money, the weapons of destruction cannot be purchased, nor can logistical items such as food and survival gear be procured. Next, bomb the shit out of them. The Air Force was one of the major factors in us spanking the Germans in WWII, however infantry will still be needed, cause as you bomb you need to take and hold the land. The only way to do that is with heavy artillery and foot manpower. Luckily there are freedom fighters in the mountainous area that will help us out. If they weren't there, we'd have a much more difficult time.

One thing I am afraid of is the nut jobs in Pakistan rising up and destablilizing the government. That could be a particularly dangerous situation because if we get caught with our pants down at our own staging area (staging: the place you launch your tactics and attacks from) by a bunch of angry locals, many people are gonna die.

It's a complicated situation, and I don't want to go to war, but our government seems dead set on starting shit, so all we can do is hang on for the ride.

Just my two cents . .

-The phunkity phunk PhuturePhunk.

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