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does anybody else have a persistent annoying sore throat?

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i quit smoking and drinking and hanging out in smokey clubs yet i STILL have been sick since last monday with a sore throat, headache and fatique. it comes & goes but mostly it's with me round the clock. anybody else having this kind of annoying virus? when does it go away?

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Hmmmmmmm, a while back I had the most annoying cough that I just couldn't get rid of. And it was sooo bad cause I'd be sitting in the middle of class, and all of a sudden you get a tickle in your throat, and there's nothing you can do but cough, and you cause this big scene haha I hate that


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Originally posted by mugwump

sounds like your going through CLUB WITHDRAWLS!

Dr. Mugz recomends you take two happy pills..shake your ass at a club all night and then call me in the morning!


I don't need a prescription do I haha


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Yes, I have caught a bad cold. I hate this time of the year cause I always get sick. I used to blame it on the clubs and smoking behind others..... Now that I have been clubless for more than a month, I have not got a clue what to blame it on.... Maybe the weather!!!

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ummm, not to freak anyone out or anything, but there is a lot of shit flying around in the air right now due to the WTC collapse. I'm not saying its life-threatening or anything, but anyone with a tendency toward allergies, asthma, respiratory problems is going to be feeling it. (not to mention that the shit is still burning).

try getting out of the area for a few days. go upstate. see some nature. breathe some clean air.

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

ummm, not to freak anyone out or anything, but there is a lot of shit flying around in the air right now due to the WTC collapse.

i'm sure there a dozens of doctors & environmentalists studying this very problem, but i don't think we'll fully understand exactly how significant it is for many many years; if ever - out lovely u.s. government has a tendency to opt for a cover up "for our safety".

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