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Tell the truth


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I tell the truth. I think that you should be able to be honest and people shouldnt judge you because of anything. I also dont think you should be ashamed of what you do. Sometimes we make stupid decisions but I dont think you should regret anything or lie about anything.

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my exgf gave me the "oh i dont remember" answer..i was like...WTF do you mean YOU DONT REMEMBER?...talk about givin me the heebie-jeebies...ugh

so who would be man\woman enuf to anty up to their numbers on here?...say..

a: 1-5

b: 6-10

c: 11-15

d: 16-20

e: 21-25

f: 26-30

g: 30 or more?

im personally in the d almost e catagory.


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I'd tell my guy, but I'd be really really worried about what he thought of me afterwards. He was #X, and since I met him there's also been some new numbers. And he most certainly wasn't #1.

I just don't want him to think I'm too dirty.

NEXT QUESTION: How many is too many for a girl you're dating???

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Originally posted by sum12nv

thats a good question SPY.....:laugh:

i never lied to anyone about it.........i just never tell ;)

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Yeah, I hear that one. If was something very serious, I think I would fess up... But that is easier said than done. I agree with guinevere and lollib. Everyone has done something stupid and knows it, but there are people who will hold it against you.....This is kinda like being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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it's basically none of their business. if they're concerned about STD's, they should ask if i've been tested for HIV or if i have herpes, or just use a condom...otherwise, for a man to ask that of a woman is nosy, intrusive and the mark of an insecure person. obviously i'm not a virgin and have had numerous lovers - as many lovers as boyfriends, and that's quite a few. remember, women's liberation started in the 60's with the advent of the birth control pill, so women can (and do) get around just as much as men.

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i was sitting around talking about this late one night this summer, with another guy and 2 girls, one of which i was seeing at the time. when first asked i was unsure i thought about 10 maybe 11, then i stopped and counted, 15. i couldn't believe i'd slept with that many people, pretty scary. when the girls gave out there numbers 10 and 11 (girl i was seeing) i was surprised and to be honest a little unsure how i felt about it. i've thought about it quite a bit since then and have been at times perplexed by this subject.

i eventually came to the decision that i would want to know about my lovers past. i always believed in open relationships where you know everything about the other, i don't want to have false pretenses about who and what i think of the person i'm with. i've always been this way(sometimes my openness can be a detriment). i decided that trust was the most important thing to me, as long i knew that person was faithful to me, loved me i would be ok with their past. now i suppose we'll just have to wait and see how that works in real life.

it goes without saying that they be STD free. i've been tested and will continue to be. though frightening, i don't think its to much to ask of the person your going to be in a relationship with.

on a side note, i suppose you can't expect guys to have had sex with 40-50 girls and not expect that some girls will be in the same boat.

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Originally posted by sd

i was surprised and to be honest a little unsure how i felt about it. i've thought about it quite a bit since then and have been at times perplexed by this subject.

on a side note, i suppose you can't expect guys to have had sex with 40-50 girls and not expect that some girls will be in the same boat.

See, you think you wanna know, butthen you find out, and you aren't so sure anymore.......

That's where that double standard kinda comes in.....It's a hard call.

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

See, you think you wanna know, butthen you find out, and you aren't so sure anymore.......

That's where that double standard kinda comes in.....It's a hard call.

it is a tough call, i guess i won't really know until i'm in that situation again.

yeah it is a total double standard. i would tend to think think that people today are more open to and understanding of this, a byproduct of the feminist movement i suppose.

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This is a question I have always tried to avoid and not until recently have told the truth on until I feel it is time to tell the truth.

The number was always three up until freshman year in school. Then the number I always told was five until my senior year. After I graduated I always said eight.

They were absolutely not the truth, but why should I tell? Most of the time the other party was repeating the exact same freakin number! Then I would ask my friends what they would tell girls and they would say the exact same numbers!

Now I don't give a fuck and I just tell the truth right off the bat.........But its not like I'm going to give that number out now!!!!!!

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

This is a question I have always tried to avoid and not until recently have told the truth on until I feel it is time to tell the truth.

Now I don't give a fuck and I just tell the truth right off the bat.........But its not like I'm going to give that number out now!!!!!!

So sometimes you do and sometimes you don't.....which is pretty much what all of us have said.

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Originally posted by gambitrah

my exgf gave me the "oh i dont remember" answer..i was like...WTF do you mean YOU DONT REMEMBER?...talk about givin me the heebie-jeebies...ugh

so who would be man\woman enuf to anty up to their numbers on here?...say..

a: 1-5

b: 6-10

c: 11-15

d: 16-20

e: 21-25

f: 26-30

g: 30 or more?

im personally in the d almost e catagory.


"A" Im not a big fan of sleeping around... I fool around but i dont just fuck any girl i meet...

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here's another common question that guys like to ask girls: how old were you when you lost your virginity. again, it's really none of their business. i only tell if i feel like i want to. i feel like guys use this information to judge you, otherwise, why do they need to know.

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Originally posted by shugabooga

here's another common question that guys like to ask girls: how old were you when you lost your virginity.

why do they need to know.

curiosity, is the reason i like to know.

i have yet to sleep with a girl and her give me an answer in regards to virginity that upset me. i've slept with girls who lost their's as young as 14, i actually went out with her for 6 months. for me personally, the age of loss of virginity is of no importance to the outcome of the relationship.

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Originally posted by shugabooga

here's another common question that guys like to ask girls: how old were you when you lost your virginity. again, it's really none of their business. i only tell if i feel like i want to. i feel like guys use this information to judge you, otherwise, why do they need to know.

I think they are just being nosey. I know one girl who slept with one person like 3 years ago, she was 21 or 22. Now he is 25/26 and has dated a couple of guys, but never sleep with anyone else.

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