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Junior Vasquez Cannot Be Human

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I've been a (female!) JR-ite for 9 years & counting.....

Its been one of the most rewarding "hobbies" of my life.

Specifically, his crowd (be it mainly gay boys/men) have welcomed me and made me a part of something more intense, honest, rewarding, and loving than ANY other "Group" I've been in. I've met my best friends, gotten my best jobs, and experienced many "best times" at/because of many of JR's parties. Nowhere else turns being a woman into something so special and fabulous as it does a gay party! Its sad that many women don't realize or experience this....

Yes, I'm lucky to have a ton of gay/queen/tranny/fabulous/insert diverse word here friends that have enabled me to do this problem free (aka getting in/feeling at home etc) And certainly have learned a lot along the way (aka do NOT be cheesey/loud/ obnoxious/ bring 39 straight friends who dont "get" junior) You live and learn. Life's not fair. Clubs choose, DJ's have preferances, offnights, laws are made/broken/enforced.....deal with it and move on, the minute you sit and let things like this affect you, you've lost focus. Jr's earned the right to bitch about whatever he wants. You can still be right next to him til the very end, every night, and experience it - even if not dancing on the podium. If its the music that you love, those other things are all insgnificant.... Its a LOT more than Jr. Its MUSIC, its people, its environment, its d- - - - s , its clothes, its love, its lust, its sex. its a million and one things that goes WAY beyond "JR/the gay issue" and I feel sorry for people who never get to experience the depth of it all......Who cant internalize the joy and feel it inside, (you who understand know what I mean!) Its like remembering your fav. set from 1997 and EVERY TIME you heard your favorite track played....(Anyone who knows me knows what mine is

I'll still go to straight places, cheesey places, young places, I love trance, tribal, progressive, almost every other type of music/environment there is (Danny is the other fav) and I will NEVER GET why people sit and fight over things like this. The beauty that is diversity in music means WE CAN HAVE 10x the music and 10x the experience. One of the greatest things was doing Twilo Friday then Twilo Saturday - I was always in awe of how the same space could so deeply and fully bring two comepletely different, but equally intense experiences. The people who classify JR as "Cheesey" or "KTU" clearly haven't grasped what he's been doing for the past 15 or so years. Pull a few all nighters w/ him.....Listen closely....I guarantee you will be suprised and pleased every time. There's a reason why people keep going back. Its not for everyone, and its not meant to be. He knows who his audience is, he wants to look out to people who KNOW and UNDERSTAND him and in that context, he has the right to create the environment that's best for him and not one of randomness. It's people that sit and debate over his sexuality and attitude and fail to focus on his accomplishments and abilities musically that he DOESNT want in his clubs, and I agree 100%. I wouldn't want to spin for those people either.

If everyone would realize diversity is the STRENGTH of our scene (& music in general) and stop treating it as a DOWNFALL (fighting, debating, better vs worse etc) NYC would be a lot more reminicent of the early/mid 90's (AKA Factory early 90's - Tunnel/Arena RIP ~sigh~ )and a whole lot less of the mess it is today..... I woud give my left tit for JUST ONE MORE NIGHT OF ARENA!! And its sad that it will never be that way again, but we can sit and cry about it (been there lol) or take what's being given to us and make it work the best we can....

Oh and to whoever said (from the original post) "JV just shows up to put on sum vinyl & attract all the fruits of labor" - Do some research. Educate yourself, learn the facts, learn to spin flawlessly w/ 3 tables, make up to 25k a night and over 100 tracks/remixes, pack a club for 10 years every Sat night (w/ no promoters) for up to 20 hours @ a time..Travel the world...Be featured in 25 some odd magazines/articles, (get mentioned almost every month)...Start your own record company....Run ___your name here/VERSE___ for 2+ years....among other things.. then come back and talk



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I skimmed through this thread sorta quick...But Aal I have to say is that Junior is one of the best DJ's I have seen/heard, however you wanna put it. Everytime I see him, there is so much enthusisiam(sp) and a phat vibe. Music just kicks your ass....

Who cares if he is gay, staright, a freakin' triple headed monster, he rips those turn tables up. I think I like the fact that he's not out to impress females, it's all about the music...and maybe some guys...:D...Whatever......:cool:

And to whoever posted about DT....He's another one who rips shit up. I have had an awesome time each time I have seen him.

Two diiferent styles, that attract different people. Live it, breathe it, love it:tongue:

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Well just to add my 2 cents I would have to say Junior is certainly more mainstream overall. Just grab his Twilo Cd and grab DT's GU latest. Or grab Junior's old CD and grab DT's older GU. However, there styles are different and shouldn't be compared. Junior is obviously more vocal and progressive while DT has always been deeper and more tribally. Junior has his tribal moments but isn't his mainstay. Junior's parties are great and so are DT's. The fact is it's like apples and oranges and both should be respected for who they are and be happy we have such awesome options in this city. I feel Junior's style doesn't cater to a lot of people and that is why there is all this criticism.:)

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merely stating my thoughts on the issue.

Danny might, perhaps, be "more mainstream" now as the mainstream has evolved toward his style. Junior has a history of taking mainstream music and changing it to a sound that was distinctly his... however, what he typically does is easily imitated, whereas Tenaglia's is not. It's less technical, more of a feel.

As for personalities, I know there are some others on this board who can attest Junyah can be a bitchy, self-righteous queen at times, and so can Danny. They're both very human.

Who's the best, which party is the best, what scene is the best, that's entirely subjective.


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Wow...Ichi....your comments take the cake.....I couldn't agree more. After reading your posts I thought about it and it all made the most sense. I tried to shed some light but I don't think I was as accurate as you. Well.....that's a great way to sum it up.;)

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Originally posted by MissDiva

If you're using "better / worse" in regards to DJ's , you still have a lot to learn.......

whats there to learn I like danny better than junior whats wrong with that. first I prefer housey to trancy second I like tribal to progressive I have numerous mixes from both Dj's and Danny's mix takes me some where as opposed to juniors mixes where he plays a phat track and then plays a comparitivly weak track. I find juniors mixing abrupt. so thats why I think Danny is a better Dj than Junior and therefore like DT better than JR..

how is that wrong???

unless you want me to like something I dont like.... then that wouldnt be BEING MY SELF( a lil something stolen from celeda)


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LIKING something more and something BEING better or worse are 2 completely different things. Healthy is BETTER than sick. $50 is BETTER than $1......Music is subjective and cant be mapped out like that......One persons' opinion doesnt make who they like a better DJ; it simply defines that persons' likes/dislikes.

If everyone would realize this, all the useless squabbling and debating and immature petty BS that has turned these boards into SHIT would subside......

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Originally posted by MissDiva

LIKING something more and something BEING better or worse are 2 completely different things. Healthy is BETTER than sick. $50 is BETTER than $1......Music is subjective and cant be mapped out like that......One persons' opinion doesnt make who they like a better DJ; it simply defines that persons' likes/dislikes.

If everyone would realize this, all the useless squabbling and debating and immature petty BS that has turned these boards into SHIT would subside......

DT is better than JR for me

and thats all that matters


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Originally posted by MissDiva

LIKING something more and something BEING better or worse are 2 completely different things. Healthy is BETTER than sick. $50 is BETTER than $1......Music is subjective and cant be mapped out like that......One persons' opinion doesnt make who they like a better DJ; it simply defines that persons' likes/dislikes.

If everyone would realize this, all the useless squabbling and debating and immature petty BS that has turned these boards into SHIT would subside......

You're very right. Music is subjective, and "better" simply defines what I am more attracted to. hence Danny is "better" than Junior.

Personally i think Danny has a smoother style, and I like that. I also like the good vibe that he promotes. Danny tends to be much more of an affectionate man than Junior does, and for those of us like myself who just want to "feel love", (props Depeche Mode), Danny's the man.

Junior seems to work best for those people who go out with something to prove, either for themselves or to someone else. His attitude is more militant and the environment tends to be more cliquey. At least that's what i find it to be.

Either way, it is all subjective and we all have our own opinions. This board exists so that we can share and discuss those opinions, and "useless squabbling" and "immature petty BS" only stems from people like yourself who bring that condescending manner into discussion boards like this.

Danny "better" than Junior?

Hell yes. especially if you and your attitude represent a member of the Junior crowd.

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ARGH. danny's fierce; junior's fierce. their fierceness manifests itself differently and hence attracts different people. no, i wouldnt even say each attracts a different crowd--theres a HUGE crossover b/t Be Yourself and junior's parties...i love them both, both have their comparative merits. moreover, i think they both do similar things as far as creating culture, etc. they have SO many similarities, and SO MANY differences...hence the famous feud. but thats not our concern. i wish i hadnt prompted this debate, cuz obviously it doesnt go anywhere! yes, it is personal taste, and ill certainly respect anyone's love for danny (love for, say, victor calderone, is another story! :D ). lets love and CARRY ON...wherever and whichever night of the week. OR BOTH!

im ovah this drama...

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:D whateva! I got a nice sandwich here and i'm drinkin' my pepsi. No stress here :)

Now be a good kiddie and repeat after me

DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long DT All Night Long...

You've been bad :) now go sit on the speaker.

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"share and discuss those opinions" - absolutely. A billion posts aka so and so sucks so and so is the best so and so is an asshole so and so blah blah blah....THIS is not constructive.

I didnt' write any of this as a "JR supporter" nor is what I think or who I like (BTW - BOTH!) relevant here - ALL I meant is fighting over better/worse is ridiculous! Discuss and share opinions all you want, but a ton of the posts are uninformed (on both ends - both jr and danny ppl, to be fair!) hateful, angry, and many other immature and yes pointless things.......

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The problem with JV and the male dancers or drag queens was (at least to my knowledge) only @ Twilo. He alsways said that was a gay club for gay men, therefore no female go-go dancers would be allowed. Remember he wouldn't even want women in at Twilo (unless you were fierce looking.

He's gay and he likes the gay vibe.

And you have to admit that st8 clubs have a certain vibe that just doesn't fly (at least with him).

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Originally posted by junyahsboy

ARGH. danny's fierce; junior's fierce. their fierceness manifests itself differently and hence attracts different people. no, i wouldnt even say each attracts a different crowd--theres a HUGE crossover b/t Be Yourself and junior's parties...i love them both, both have their comparative merits. moreover, i think they both do similar things as far as creating culture, etc. they have SO many similarities, and SO MANY differences...hence the famous feud. but thats not our concern. i wish i hadnt prompted this debate, cuz obviously it doesnt go anywhere! yes, it is personal taste, and ill certainly respect anyone's love for danny (love for, say, victor calderone, is another story! :D ). lets love and CARRY ON...wherever and whichever night of the week. OR BOTH!

im ovah this drama...




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Originally posted by siceone




LMFAO:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: i was listening to that song 2day.....95 south

now to get serious. im so sick of hearing all this BS about straight gay Bi.....fact of the matter is that EXIT is not a "gay" club...granted now that Junior is there it may have a large gay following. i think that everybody should stop with the fukin drama and just party like a night club family (gay, bi, st8, black, white, oriental, hispanic, catholic, jew, muslim)...it all comes down to one thing....the MuZiK...we all go out(or at least most of us) to listen to good music and dance our asses off.

if a DJ is good, if a vibe is good, and if the crowd is good....then im there. i went to TWILO on a saturday once and, other than being groped all nite, i had a good time. im most likely going to go to earth on the 27th of this month, im hoping that it is not completely a gay crowd cause most of my friends will bug out about that

so please people im begging. STOP THE DRAMA! lets make this party a wonderful diverse one, NYC has not seen a diverse crowd in quite some time and i think that it is exactly what we need at this point.

lets unite a family and dance til the sun comes up as club heads instead of building barriers btwn race and sexual preference

hopeto see u all on the 27th...PEACE!:D

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i must say id love to see the day when gay and straight are just partying away together, mutual respect and all...i hear things used to be more this way, before the aids epidemic when all the straight people got scared of hanging out with us. maybe some of that is subsiding. id say that danny is a great mixed party. i tend to think that junior will always speak more to gay people, but i cant speak from a straight perspective--so if youre really feelin it, i wanna see you there til the end!!!

going out is a personal experience, and we all take what we will from it. im realizing that everyone experiences stuff differently and that theres no prescribed experiential formula or necessarily clear-cut rules of intention. im there because of something very specific that junior does for me...and i expect that to change over time, even. for me, junior speaks to the gay experience quite specifically. in that way he gives me something i need. if straight people are getting something different, and its real for them, WOO HOO! then it just shows on how many different levels junyah werks... :cool:

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DT is the best by far. And he provides a true Vibe. Junior is great at matching beats probably one of if not the best. But look at his attitude. He needed his own booth at Roxy because he wouldnt spin in the same one as Victor?? That is non-sense. He is a pain in the ass when it comes to business and that is what sux about him

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sure, he is a bit of a spoiled bitch--ill admit that. but at the same time, thats business, hunny. and he knows what hes doing. my honest opinon is that he doesnt REALLY think so highly of himself. the man's a leo--he knows what drama is all about. and he knows that if he creates all this drama and allure around him, its gonna attract attention. that attracts dollars that the club makes, and so they build him a booth. check out the NY Post article from last week...club owners are NOT complaining about his booth demands. hes bringing in the dough, and his mystique is part of the reason for this.

moreover, its hard for me to believe that junior is REALLY all that pompous and conceited. if you check out other articles on him, youll find hes often complaining about having no one to go home to. imagine how that would feel--hundreds of beautiful men screaming your name and hanging on your every beat in the club, but when you go home--nothing. its gotta be REALLY depressing. drama compensates for this, to a certain extent.

and hunnie..."the true vibe"?? dont deny me my preferences in any arena. i think danny has a great vibe, but i happen to prefer the edgy intensity of junior. i keep trying to foster respect, and it just aint happening...argh.

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