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Clubbin With Ur Bf/gf

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Yeah me and my boyfriend usually go together too. But its wierd cuase when we used to go to Tunnel, we weren't even together for most of the night haha

Like he'd be on the main floor and I'd go hang out in Kurfew lol, and we'd just see eachother sometimes during the night.

I don't think there was ever a night where me and him were together for the whole nite haha

yeah we're weird lol

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I absolutely LOVE going to clubs with my boyfriend. As a matter of fact, the scene is what got us together in the first place. PVD @ Twilo back in February is what started it all. And I am looking forward to spending this Saturday at Vinyl with the love of my life. :D

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Originally posted by romy20

Yeah me and my boyfriend usually go together too. But its wierd cuase when we used to go to Tunnel, we weren't even together for most of the night haha

Like he'd be on the main floor and I'd go hang out in Kurfew lol, and we'd just see eachother sometimes during the night.

I don't think there was ever a night where me and him were together for the whole nite haha

yeah we're weird lol

actually that's not weird at all.

sounds like the basis of a very normal, strong, healthy relationship.

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I love clubbing with my boyfriend. He's so great, not over protective nor jealous so I can still dance with my guy friends, plus I don't get groaped in the club anymore and hes just a blast to be around also. Also I like raping him in the club :D and its also watching him tryin to dance hehehehe I love that kid :)

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I have never gone with my girlfriend to a club and I have been with her for 4 YEARS!!!!! She is totally not into this scene, but she has no problem with me going. I also feel it is a time for me to break away and do my own thing, coming home in the morning is coming back to reality!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by trancedkitten

and we have the best time everytime! We're both really into the music & dance-a holics (we met at carbon 3 yrs. ago on my b-day). Not to mention he's also my best friend (we're now engaged!).....Ok, now I sound a bit corny...LOL!




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Originally posted by trancedkitten

and we have the best time everytime! We're both really into the music & dance-a holics (we met at carbon 3 yrs. ago on my b-day). Not to mention he's also my best friend (we're now engaged!).....Ok, now I sound a bit corny...LOL!



Congrats!!!!!!! I met my fiance at Wildlife Wednesdays at Club Abyss in Jersey. We love going out together and always have a great time in each others company.

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

I love clubbing with my boyfriend. He's so great, not over protective nor jealous so I can still dance with my guy friends, plus I don't get groaped in the club anymore and hes just a blast to be around also. Also I like raping him in the club :D and its also watching him tryin to dance hehehehe I love that kid :)

hahaha thats exactly how it is with me.... my bf took me to my 1st club and ever since then i havent gone without him... hes gone on nights i couldnt go, but i havent been to a club without him. we have so much fun though and we're both into it so theres no reason for us to not wanna go with each other. unless its a girls/guys night out.. but that rarely happens since i only have 1 real girlfriend other than myself in our group of friends...oh well... anyway.. i love clubbin with my baby... hes so much fun :D
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i used to go with my gf...its cool cause you both get all decked out, tease and grind up on each other all night, get each other riled up, and go home and fuck each other's brains out....well, except for that one time she couldnt wait and dragged me into the bathroom.......:eek: :eek: :eek:


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Originally posted by xlickerx

I have never gone with my girlfriend to a club and I have been with her for 4 YEARS!!!!! She is totally not into this scene, but she has no problem with me going. I also feel it is a time for me to break away and do my own thing, coming home in the morning is coming back to reality!!!!!!!!!!

one of me ex'es.. he never went out. He also wasn't into the "Scene" but had no problems with me going out iwth my girls... Funny my friends would be like "does he know what you are wearing?" (as in short skirts, or tight clothes) and i would reply, "hell he picked out the outfit!" I had the best of both, go out and dance all night wiht my friends and come home to my bf in my bed! :D

but now the guy I am dating, i have a blast going to clubs wtih him. I met him when i first moved here in the spring, and he took me to the Factory for the first time. I have to say its not the same going to the Factory with out him. and did i say what an unbelieveable dancer he is! :)

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