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Excuse me....Jersey bashers...

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...could you get a new argument please. Please do not post stupid inane comments about how the ENTIRE state of NJ sucks just because. And for the person who started the newest thread, I am really interested in knowing where you are originally from and how you ended up in NJ.

Is there really nothing else to discuss except why "jersey sucks"?

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if you're talkin about my thread...

I am originally fromNJ lived here for 19 years

moved to SLC for 3 years and now for the past 4 months I've been here again...I am here for school no other reason...

I love to ski and the people there ae awesome

soo...that's muh story, um sorry , but I think everyone has a right to their own opinion,

I'm not necessarily bashing NJ but come on don't you think these tix prices are a little out of control and especially to see residents all the time?

not saying they are not good cuz a lot of them ARE bomb, but hey mybe my expectations are a little high?

PS..I don't mean o offend anyone, that is not my intention at all, I am simply stating MY opinion...:blown:

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I live in Jersey and I don't think its so bad. One thing though, everytime I have been to any clubs in Jersey, I have met many snobby people. They don't respect other people. Some are cool. But going back to NJ as a state, its an escape place for all the New Yorkers for peace. I have been to few towns in Jersay and they are alright. I live in Woodbridge area and I don't think that Edison or Woodbridge area stinks. Its pretty quiet and decent. We have 2 good malls (Melnopark, Woodbridge). Another thing that sucks about NJ is the traffic. Too dense. TP and parkway sux in the morning. I am sure 78 and 280 are the same. Becides that I don't really know what to hate about NJ. I like it. Its my home:)

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Haha, ok, let me ask a question...

Who likes Jersey and why?

I've lived here my whole life (yeah, a whopping 18 years), i lived in morris country for the past 12, and in south jersey the previous 6....

I guess anywhere you go will suck after a while... the grass is always greener on the other side and such...

Atleast we don't live in the middle of fuck-nowhere south dakota, and not have the most important city in the world 25 minutes away.....

(please no one cry to me that south dakota is a hotspot... i'm not havin it)

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Guest saleen351

I'm starting to need one of those translations books when I'm in the city...I'll stick with AC and jersey, but then again I'm moving to lauderdale to get the fuck out of this place...

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Originally posted by saleen351

I'm starting to need one of those translations books when I'm in the city...I'll stick with AC and jersey, but then again I'm moving to lauderdale to get the fuck out of this place...

my brother lives in ft. lauderdale for about a year now. loves it!!!!!

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Originally posted by joeg

I guess anywhere you go will suck after a while... the grass is always greener on the other side and such...

Get it right! the proper expression is:

"The grass is always greener in someone else's bowl"



ps - i grew up in jersey. i personally hated it with a fiery passion matched only by satan himself, but i can see why people want to live there... definitely not for me though. RT

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Originally posted by joeg

Haha, ok, let me ask a question...

Who likes Jersey and why?

I've lived here my whole life (yeah, a whopping 18 years), i lived in morris country for the past 12, and in south jersey the previous 6....

I guess anywhere you go will suck after a while... the grass is always greener on the other side and such...

Atleast we don't live in the middle of fuck-nowhere south dakota, and not have the most important city in the world 25 minutes away.....

(please no one cry to me that south dakota is a hotspot... i'm not havin it)

I think you have hit the nail on the head...The grass IS always greener. However, having been born elsewhere and grown up North Jersey (morris County) I have been subjected to the jersey jokes most of my life and have probably participated a in a few. But when I sit and think about where I live, is it really that bad? Does it really suck. No. Absolutely not. Why? Because I live in a quiet neighborhood with sidewalks. My nearest grocery story is 5 minutes away. Because I still have seasons. Because if I want to, I can drive to the beach or to the mountains. I can ski in the winter without having to drive 9 hours and I can swim in the summer without having to hop on a plane. I can enjoy the best nightlife in the best city in the world. Essentially, NJ offers the best of everything.

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Originally posted by cmb1975

...could you get a new argument please. Please do not post stupid inane comments about how the ENTIRE state of NJ sucks just because. And for the person who started the newest thread, I am really interested in knowing where you are originally from and how you ended up in NJ.

Is there really nothing else to discuss except why "jersey sucks"?

CMB - I couldn't agree with you more in principle, but in practice I would say that criticism of what is happening in the NJ club/music scene is necessary.

I grew up in Woodbridge. It is a nice area. Comfortably middle of the road suburban. People in most respects are educated. The neighbourhoods were primarily a mix of descendants of Irish/ Italian with a little of evrything else in the ethnic mix. All in all a pretty good place to grow up in, then and now. So in most respects Jersey does not suck!

What does suck about NJ is what has developed in the club scene over the last 5-8 years. When NJ clubs started to use DJ's instead of having live bands there was more freedom in the area of programming. There were fewer DJ's. A DJ could actually go to the record store and find records that the DJ at the club the next town over was not playing in his set. In this way a DJ could establish an actual sound, a style all his own distinct from other DJ's. There were more stores selling vinyl and in some respects there were less barriers in terms of which genres of music were or were not acceptable to play together in the same set, in the same night, on the same floor.

Now in NJ you can go out to almost any club from Asbury Park to Mahwah NJ, and the DJ's are almost carbon copies of each other. They almost all play the same 30-50 songs, essentially what KTU is playing. THAT SUCKS!

Why anyone would go out to a club to have a different experience and find it acceptable to get the same old thing is beyond me. When I go out to a club I don't want to hear what I can hear on the radio all day. I would hope to hear at least 5-10 songs/tracks that I have not heard before. I wish people could just go out, have a little trust in the DJ and just go along for the ride no matter what the DJ throws at them. I think that that is why people in general find New York more appealing, the diversity in terms of music, people, and mindsets.

I don't think NJ sucks, but the club and music scene is definitely lacking originality and has been for many years. I just hope someone with some balls opens up a club that is willing to do something different from the rest of what is happening now. That would be very refreshing.

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Originally posted by cmb1975

I think you have hit the nail on the head...The grass IS always greener. However, having been born elsewhere and grown up North Jersey (morris County) I have been subjected to the jersey jokes most of my life and have probably participated a in a few. But when I sit and think about where I live, is it really that bad? Does it really suck. No. Absolutely not. Why? Because I live in a quiet neighborhood with sidewalks. My nearest grocery story is 5 minutes away. Because I still have seasons. Because if I want to, I can drive to the beach or to the mountains. I can ski in the winter without having to drive 9 hours and I can swim in the summer without having to hop on a plane. I can enjoy the best nightlife in the best city in the world. Essentially, NJ offers the best of everything.

Wow, nicely said!!!:D

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I don't think NJ sucks, but the club and music scene is definitely lacking originality and has been for many years. I just hope someone with some balls opens up a club that is willing to do something different from the rest of what is happening now. That would be very refreshing.

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Originally posted by cmb1975

I think you have hit the nail on the head...The grass IS always greener. However, having been born elsewhere and grown up North Jersey (morris County) I have been subjected to the jersey jokes most of my life and have probably participated a in a few. But when I sit and think about where I live, is it really that bad? Does it really suck. No. Absolutely not. Why? Because I live in a quiet neighborhood with sidewalks. My nearest grocery story is 5 minutes away. Because I still have seasons. Because if I want to, I can drive to the beach or to the mountains. I can ski in the winter without having to drive 9 hours and I can swim in the summer without having to hop on a plane. I can enjoy the best nightlife in the best city in the world. Essentially, NJ offers the best of everything.

But its still Jersey sweetie


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Originally posted by phatman

I don't think NJ sucks, but the club and music scene is definitely lacking originality and has been for many years. I just hope someone with some balls opens up a club that is willing to do something different from the rest of what is happening now. That would be very refreshing.

gosh darn it - didnt we have this discussion on the board on saturday??

please do not compare the nightlife scene between NJ and NY - it just aint fair...think about the curfews (spellcheck please), the geography in terms of how far one has to drive to get to a club and not walk, and how far apart the population is spread out.

this is what perpetuates the problem...it's people like clubkat that get it...it's not about where you come from or even where you live...it's about who you are...these states will always be different and it seems like this will always be a topic of discussion but sooner or later you realize that it's a circular argument and it just breaks down to who you are...you'll see...

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phatman excellent points. You CANNOT compare the two in regards to nightlife.

Of course the clubs in Jersey mainly play the KTU/Louie DeVito/Would you like some wine with that cheese style music. ANd why is that? Thats what the crowd wants to hear. ANd there is nothign wrong with that. Just because John Smith and his friends from school think "I turn to you" and "Stranger In My Pants" is the best thing since sliced white bread, who are we to argue. If you dont go looking for real underground, how are you going to know it even exists. One could say the same thing about Exit (not vasquez). And thats a city club.

ANyway, this argument was not about Jersey Clubs, it was about people saying Jersey Sucks.

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Jersey people are the best!!!!

I love NJ, I get the best of both worlds(NYC and NJ)

No buddy knows how to party like Jersey people, I don't care if visitors think we are assholes and drive like assholes, because we do, we know, and we don't give to shits. Us jersey people bring in all the energy in NYC clubs, then in the summer there is none because we are at the Jersey shirt. I lived in Jersey my whole life and I plan on living hear for the rest of it.

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Originally posted by tempkid

Jersey people are the best!!!!

I love NJ, I get the best of both worlds(NYC and NJ) No buddy knows how to party like Jersey people


CMB said - "ANyway, this argument was not about Jersey Clubs, it was about people saying Jersey Sucks."

I think people are critical and say jersey sucks because of issues like the high degree of uniformity (read that unoriginality) that is present in entertainment venues. Given the fact that a large number of people who go to NY clubs are from NJ, it would seem that if they were offered an alternative (read that as something truly different and unique) they might stay a little closer to home, especially after what has happened in NY over the last couple of months. If there are twenty clubs doing the same thing, I would think one more club that did something completely different would be healthy for the scene.

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Many other cities are stuck with a 1:30 or 2am closing time but still find a way to create unique and interesting environments for club customers to explore. That does serve as an excuse for carbon copying what your competitors are doing. Be a trendsetter, not trendy.

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I am from Rhode Island. I am not to fond of the nightlife scene there so I moved to NYC. I don't particularly like Jersey because its more of the same ol shit. I am not saying Rhode Island is the greatest because it isn't, but I grew up on the beach pretty much and at least I could swim in the waters of my beach without swimming into plastic baggies and other assorted debris.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

I am from Rhode Island. I am not to fond of the nightlife scene there so I moved to NYC. I don't particularly like Jersey because its more of the same ol shit. I am not saying Rhode Island is the greatest because it isn't, but I grew up on the beach pretty much and at least I could swim in the waters of my beach without swimming into plastic baggies and other assorted debris.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

...yeah, that's not a diss...i went to RI a few times...night life was chill by the college towns but you really have to like factories and the smoke they produce...hope your lungs are alright...

jersey is the same ol shit if you hang out with the same people that go to the same clubs - same in every state - you gotta diversify...trust me, too many years in this state and its nightlife - i can tell you that there are plenty of scenes here...

let's see, i've partied in nj, ny, pa, ct, ri, fl, az, greece, and cyprus...you know what they all have in common...nothing...haha...JK...when it's really good and you're really in the zone - it's about the music and how you move to it...that can happen anywhere and to any sound...

...damn it, are we back on the nightlife thing again...


sorry charlie....

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let's see, i've partied in nj, ny, pa, ct, ri, fl, az, greece, and cyprus...you know what they all have in common...nothing...haha...JK...when it's really good and you're really in the zone - it's about the music and how you move to it...that can happen anywhere and to any sound...

Dude, I know what your saying. I will be the first one to tell you that anything you do over and over again can get repetitive and that is why I actually hung out in Jersey......not to say the people I met out there weren't cool because they are......most of them.....but I just felt like venting my frustrations with that area that I was forced on because all it did was cause headache.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

I am from Rhode Island. I am not to fond of the nightlife scene there so I moved to NYC. I don't particularly like Jersey because its more of the same ol shit. I am not saying Rhode Island is the greatest because it isn't, but I grew up on the beach pretty much and at least I could swim in the waters of my beach without swimming into plastic baggies and other assorted debris.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Again, get yourself a new argument. You're from Rhode Island and your makin fun of Jersey?!?!?! That just totally boggles my mind. BTW...when was the last time you actually went swimming in Jersey?

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