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When was your first kiss?


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Well the first kiss that really meant something was from one of my HS crushes i was in love with this girl so when it happened i was very nervous and clumsy but she was cool and calm and was a great kisser lots of lip tease with the tongue... to this day i kiss every girl the same way and have never once had a complaint

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i was 10 lol.... i was playin manhunt outside with a bunch of friends.... i went to hide with my bf at the time...lol 10 years old and havin bf's... :rolleyes:but anyway... we were hiding behind this building thing <we lived in brooklyn> and he was teaching me how to "french kiss" lol... and i did it and all i remember was how nasty it felt lol... i ran away and started spitting into the street. hehehehehe... amature..... but after that my next kiss was in 8th grade.. i was 13 or 14.. it was a lil better than the 1st time :tongue:

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I was 13 and in the 8th grade. We were in the basement of our school in the dark. We were also hidding from his little sister that kept following us around.

I was leaning against the wall, heart pounding out of my shirt. I kept playing Madonna's video Justify My Love in my head, the tongue kissing scene. So I knew that I had to move my tongue around.

:tongue: :tongue:

UNFORTUNETLY, he didn't see the VIDEO. He OPENED his mouth and let all of his SALIVA flood out of his mouth. I was making out with a garden hose!:mad:

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Originally posted by xxlea

I was 13 and in the 8th grade. We were in the basement of our school in the dark. We were also hidding from his little sister that kept following us around.

I was leaning against the wall, heart pounding out of my shirt. I kept playing Madonna's video Justify My Love in my head, the tongue kissing scene. So I knew that I had to move my tongue around.

:tongue: :tongue:

UNFORTUNETLY, he didn't see the VIDEO. He OPENED his mouth and let all of his SALIVA flood out of his mouth. I was making out with a garden hose!:mad:

OH MAN! :puke:

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i was 12 years old, we lived in florida and it was summer time. :) we went together all summer long. we used to sit in his apartment, in the recliner and make out for hours. :D

we broke up at the end of the summer, my heart was broken! i thought that i would never get over him. little did i know that i would kiss a lot of frogs as i got older and my heart would be broken a few times........:rolleyes:

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I remember it like it was yesterday...

12 yrs old.. w/ my bf @ the time.. he was 15.. .. A friend of ours had a house party, we where downstairs. .. I was standing infront of him w/ my back against his chest.. and he started singing in my ear... he then pulled me around.. and kissed me so softly... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... I still miss him... Such a damn good kisser!! ;) He'll always be special to me... and I think the reason for this is because... 2 weeks after.. I broke up w/ him.. he tried like hell to get back together.. but I wasn't having it... and when he found another girl.. I regreted it so much... and wanted him back.. :( ...

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it was in high school, and we were at this dance. the guy wasnt my boyfriend but EVERYONE knew he really liked me and i wasnt really into him as much.......but he was cool so i gave him a shot

we took a walk outside and he kissed me, it was wet and disgusting , had to practically wipe my face off... :puke:

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summer camp, age 10 or 11. movie night. the Twelve Chairs i think. may have even worked the stretch / arm around her shoulders move in there somewhere.

after, walk through the trees, cool whisper of a breeze on a totally clear night. sound of those tiny waves u get running up the beach on a small lake. lying on our backs watching the stars. so dark you can see satelites going by and shooting stars all over. so quiet you can hear her breathing like its surrounding you. only warm part of you is the hand that's holding her's...

yeah, so its a great memory....

i leaned over to smell her hair and mumbled something silly and she grabbed the back of my head with her free hand a gave me a tentative breathy kiss...

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Originally posted by atomicapples

16, or was it 17, to this girl, the hotest asian girl in school, damn i was an asshole back then... i am soo ashamed of who and what i was before...

please forgive me

maybe that would explain your karma and here all along I though you were just strange

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I was 13, my friend had a house party for halloween. She invited this kid ova, I will neva forget he looked like that kid from the wonder years lol!! Kevin I think his name was lol!! But we were playing truth or dare and we made out. It felt so good I got butterflies and everything then after it was over I was on cloud 9 lol!! Never forget my first kiss lol!!! :D

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Originally posted by mouskawitz

I remember it like it was yesterday...

12 yrs old.. w/ my bf @ the time.. he was 15.. .. A friend of ours had a house party, we where downstairs. .. I was standing infront of him w/ my back against his chest.. and he started singing in my ear... he then pulled me around.. and kissed me so softly... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... I still miss him... Such a damn good kisser!! ;) He'll always be special to me... and I think the reason for this is because... 2 weeks after.. I broke up w/ him.. he tried like hell to get back together.. but I wasn't having it... and when he found another girl.. I regreted it so much... and wanted him back.. :( ...

isnt it funny that all this drama goes on when ur like... 12... hehe...<sigh> kids... :rolleyes:
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