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In your opinion, do you think you're a nice person?


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So are you?

Or are you bitchy or an asshole most of the time.

For some reason I think I'm toooo nice, and I don't think thats a good thing cause then people take advantage of your niceness:(

I can't help it though, I mean I wanna but I can't. Ughhh it gets annoying sometimes!!

Its weird the only people I'm mean to is my family, well I'm not mean to them but I'm not as nice as I am with regular people.

Its really weird


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I am a total sweetheart. I care too much. But I am also a bitch. If you asked anyone of my family members they would describe me using one word and that would be bitch! But the only thing that I can see that would qualify me as a bitch would be the fact that I speak whats on my mind. I usually speak before I think.

But hey, Fuck It!

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I do think I am a nice person. I always try to make people feel comfortable around me, or in my home. But more importantly I know I am a good person. I would never intentionally hurt someone. I am in the Human Services feild so its imparitive that I am a good person willing to put others (even those I have never met before) before myself, while I am at work and doing my job. I do consider myself to be a bit of a bitch, a lot of a bitch. I say what i want, when I want, where I want, how I want. Some people consider that bitchy.

It is not what you do in life for which you will be judged, it is how you do it.


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I'd say I'm generally a nice person. I keep an open mind about people and I don't judge, however sometimes I do bust balls a little.....but all in a joking manor.

It takes a lot for someone to piss me off, but when they do, I am a complete dick. Actually, I really don't have anyone on my shitlist at the current time.

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