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my job makes me want to crawl in a corner and let time pass me by.

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Originally posted by trancend

i thought you found a job mugz?

My slacker owner's

"JOB" is more of a side



It's not full time and

CERTAINLY dosen't make the bills..


Lord knows he could

sure use a REAL job

so I can get some BETTER KIBBLE!

THis shit he gives me labeled

"Dog food'

on a white bag tastes like



:mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by thehacker

how do you mean?

i'm an executive assistant. these men can't even get their own lunch or make dinner reservations for their wedding anniversaries or buy their own stamps. one of my bosses can't find the out box to mail his own letters or find his database in Outlook to look up a phone number or even call 411 if he needs a phone number. he doesn't know how to use a copier, printer or fax machine (for years he couldn't even tell the difference between a fax machine & a printer). :rolleyes: they spend the firm's money left and right on expensive dinners, car services and first class flights, stay in the finest hotels, pay $350 per ticket for Broadway shows but lay people off. they're so pampered sometimes i just want to hand them all a pacifer!

once the economy rebounds, i'll be on the market for a new job. at this point i'll take a cut in pay for peace of mind.

do you like your job any better now hacker?:)

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Originally posted by shugabooga

do you like your job any better now hacker?:)

not really

but i sympathize

my job on a daily basis basically involves programming my fucking brains out, yet still take lots of flak to the effect of "great work, it's so clean and resuable but can you do it even faster, cuz we underbid this project." AS IF THEY CAN *WILL* me to work even faster or in a different way that i'm capable of. jeez.

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Originally posted by thehacker

not really

but i sympathize

my job on a daily basis basically involves programming my fucking brains out, yet still take lots of flak to the effect of "great work, it's so clean and resuable but can you do it even faster, cuz we underbid this project." AS IF THEY CAN *WILL* me to work even faster or in a different way that i'm capable of. jeez.

but you're the hacker! genius computer programmer!!! :)

i guess we've all got our own pressures...bottom line is, pressure at work sucks no matter what form it comes in...i recently just had to tell my boss i was completely burnt out and that he had to back off and he actually has gotten a little better. but i've worked for him for eight years, i don't know if that's a good idea to say to somebody you don't know very well!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by thehacker

anyone else?

. . Gazing into the yonkers sun from the decrepit loading tarmac I find solace in knowing captialism at it's ugly finest . .

. . No shiny facade, no glossy cover, just an old mall. .

. . An old mall with a good location, one priceless in comparison to others . .

. . Countles souls drive the highways and see it's crumbling exterior and wonder, is THIS what we aspire to?

. . Is this the soul of commerce?. . So righteous in its assumption of superiority . . so wrong in its outlook. .

. . Come and Spend! . . Come and Spend! . . Bellows the merchant hawking wares of various quality . .

. . Come and Spend until you are dry, free of your hard earned dollar . . wasted on things you don't need and wants foolishly pursued . .

. . Hate us, but feed from our Trough . . Hate us and drink from our stream, so full of image and fallacy . .

. . Hate us and be healed, for as you complain you will be satisfied . .

. . This tarmac, beaten by the elements of half a century of Noreastern fury stands proudly under my feet. .

. . "You will damage me . . you will neglect me, yet I still load your cargo, I still move your freight. . " . .

. . "If I was not here, how would you survive? . . There are bills to pay and boxes to be shipped, to far off places . . to be dropped by clumsy shippers on tarmacs identical. . " . .

. . "You hate me, but you need me . . You try to escape my ugly face, deny the ugly eroded perfection that I hide . . "

. . "Accept my vice and I will set you free . . ". .

. . Yes indeed . . .

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