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HIV negitive


Have you ever .... (all that apply)  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you ever .... (all that apply)

    • been tested for HIV
    • Lied, and told someone you have been tested
    • Had unprotectds sex
    • Gotten any STD

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I just went through the scariest week of my whole life, HIV test week. All I could think about was the times that i could have exposed myself, and i didnt even think in the heat of the moment. I had literly convinced myslef that i had to have it becaue i risked to to many times. so i was supposed to call the doctor first thing wednesday morning, i did and the nurse said he would be out until tommorow, so I had to have another nervous 24 hours before i would find out. thursday morning, i call and they tell me he will get back to me. i wait from 10 until 3 for him to call, noi luck, i call him and they say 'he has office hours at 4, hell call you back then'. by this point i was even more convinced that it was bad and he was waiting to tell me when he had more time to talk. he calls back at 415 (after he called once and hung up after a ring) and tell me that, and everything else is perfectly OK. WOO HOOO!!!!

I am so happy, i feal like I have a second chance at life. i havent had a cig since i found out and i appreciate every moment of my life now, because i really felt like i was about to be told it was ending.

bottom line- for all you people out there, especialy those who have multiple partners, think, you could relly be killng yourself. YOU DONT WANT TO DIE OF AIDS, DO YOU? THEN PROTECT YOURSELF. If not you will have to live with the worry in the backl of your mind until you find out + or -, and you will be just as nervous as I was, and you dont want to go through that.

looking out for all ya'lls backs....


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yuh, you hafta be careful with this shit. if yoiu get an STD, take that as a warning, you might not be so lucky next time..especially now at this age, real freaky shit.

if you really suspect that you might have it you should get a blood test and not the Orasure test (the swab in the mouth-or saliva).

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Good advice, babe... :) Not to bring anyone down, but remember - the HIV virus can remain undetected in the system up to six months after unprotected intercourse, so if you got tested the day after, the week after, or even the month after you've had unprotected sex, you CAN STILL BE HIV-POSITIVE. Keep getting tested regularly... once every three months or so, if you regularly engage in "unsafe sex."

Stay safe kiddies,

~kittn >^.^<

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Well, I'm with Chula: give blood every 3 months and u stay in the know. Test regularly, and then no test is a big deal.

I've had unprotected, but only with people i had good reason to trust. And if i'm in multiple partner mode, i just don't do that, cause its not cool to your partners.

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I got tested two months ago. The results were negative.

I was very worried while waiting, because I had unprotected sex 4 different times with 4 different girls a few months before.

I have only been having sex with one girl for the past 7 months, and she is negative as well. She is gaining a little bit of weight though, so things won't be lasting too long.

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I have been tested, and I'm negative, just as i suspected. I got tested for the first time when I joined the Navy 6 years ago. Ever since, I have been very safe. Last time I was tested was a little less than two years ago, and I was clean for everything. I wish I oculd give blood, then it would be so much easier, but the Navy screwed me out of that by giving me the experimental Anthrax vaccine. So...on the good side, I might be able to beat anthrax, but then again, I might die. Oh, well.

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