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???READ any good BOOKS lately???

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the invisible man is aight i dont like the ending but i just got done reading that "harry potter" book........

All i have to say about that is...wow fucking maad cool book.

But now im in the middle of reading "The Vampire Lestat" by Anne Rice,this book is also maaadd phat pick that shyt up

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Half of my book collection is audio and sound reinforcement texts, and the other half is occult (such as The Malleus Maleficarum and The Greater and Lesser Goetias) with a few history books mixed in with the bunch. Probably nothing that would be considered a thrilling read, but it's what I like. :)

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Anne Rice reader...! there are so many of us!

I'm on "Merrick" now, it pretty good....I LOVE Anne Rice... also just finished James Paterson "Roses are Red", and I have CLive CLusslers "Blue Glod" next...i love Cussler too, but his stuff is real macho kinda stories...

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I finished Valley of the Dolls about a month ago! excellent, couldn't put it down.

I used to read Grisham all the time but they got to be too monotonous... same story lines.

I loved the Vampire Chronicles. I think Queen of the damned was my fave... which htye made into a movie featuring Aaliyah.

it hasn't come out yet though.. i think its slated for next year

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queen if the damned is my favorite too along with memnoch the devil

sci fi check out orson scott card - enders game and everything that follows...wyrms is also really good

the frist hannibal lector book - the red dragon is REALLY good/the movie was called manhunter and wasn't as good as the book

i just read a book but don't remember the author but i'm sure you all do...he did jurrasic park...the book was called timelines and it had allot to do with quantum physics...a must to read...heard he's gonna make a movie bout it...also has allot to do with knights and shit

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The Reaper by James H. Jackson

its very fast moving, but it can get very confusing. many of the characters refer to themselves in the third person and quote biblical stuff. there are biblical passages as well. It is also very graphic and bloody, with the pope getting blown to bits and northern canada getting nuked in the first chapter

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

Recently: "Galapagos" and "Breakfast of Champions" by Vonnegut and "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand

Currently: "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoyevsky and "Catcher in the Rye" by Salinger

Next up: "Breakfast at Tiffany's" by Kapote and "The House of Morgan" by Chernow

YOU WIN, hands down. I'm very impressed (but not surprised).

:D :book:

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Well dear, if u've been checking out my bedside table:

- A Walk in the Woods (Bill Bryson) - a rollickingly humourous account of his semi successful walk on the Appalacian Trail.

- just finish a LoTR reread in prep for next months theatrical release (awesome awesome books of course)

- Black Mass (the true story of an unholy alliance between the fbi and the irish mob) - excellent, unbelievable account of crooked going ons in boston

ABout to start: A Man in Full (tom wolfe) and Stolen Lives (Malika Oufkir)

also great, though not that recent was the Red Tent. Get it. Read it.

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recently finished (took a while;

it's a collection of shorts but they're

so deeply detailed it takes a while to

absorb them all) burning chrome

by william gibson

started but slow-going

(i.e. i never seem to find the time)

the trial by kafka (bought it when i got fired last nov; actually

before i got fired, making it an even more interesting coincidence;

like it was on my doorstep, just delivered from amazon.com,

waiting there for me as i was getting home trashed from a bar

after i was given the news and ex-co-workers did their best

to console me)

snow crash by neal stephenson

(author of cyptonomicon; this one was written

in his william-gibson-wannabe days but it's

still quite good.)

nethack-cyberpunk-sci-fi and headfuck-metaphoric-philosophy

are my two fave genres.

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Just finished "Country of the Pointed Firs" by Sarah Orne Jewett - beautiful, sensitive and wise book by an extraordinary American female novelist who's too often overlooked.

Right now: "Winesburg, Ohio" by Sherwood Anderson. LOVE IT - it's a series of interlocking short stories - extraordinary moments of consciousness as experienced by the most common, beautiful characters (similar to Hemingway). Gorgeous and tragic.

Next up: "American Tragedy" by Theodore Dreiser. :eek:

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