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Originally posted by trancend

ok, so ive procrastinated a little bit.....and i have to read 120 pages of a history novel by tomorrow morning

is it a good idea to read the first and last sentence of each paragraph or will i miss too much?

LOL* This is exactly me... U will definitely miss to much..

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Well...that depends what you need to do with it. If you need to be able to give details, or analyze it in any kind of meaningful way, skimming it really won't be enough. Get yourself some speed and sit down and read the whole thing. But if you just have to get the gist to be able to discuss it or whatever...that's no biggie. Skip away.

*ahem* Not that I'm an expert at procrastinating, or anything. Right. :rolleyes:

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I am the master procrastinator. Reading the 1st and last line of each paragraph will not work. Never worked for me when I was in college. You have plenty of time. Suck it up and keep plugging away. You'll make it. 120 pages isn't that much. I have to read that much PER DAY in some of the classes I have now. Good luck on yer exam.

Over and out, Goodnight


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120 is not tooo much... My advice.. clifnotes... or search the internet for summaries and shit for it!

I got this fucken project I gotta do. I should have been working on it all semester but I just started Saturday. and it's due tomorrow(Tuesday), I'm gonna pull an all nighter tonight. It's due at 2:50pm tomorrow afternoon.

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hey trancend, im pretty sure i know you from the clubs, especially twilo, but im drunk, and i have finals as well, all i can say is that you will finish your reading, and ev erything will be fine, and i can say that because my first final isnt until friday, and i finished classes last monday, if you dont remember me, im the little guy in the mighty mouse t-shirt, but hey, once you finish reading, you can take the final, and then go clubbing until midday, that should be enough incentive to keep reading.....PLUR



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