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Wisdom Teeth

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I got all four of mine pulled out about 2 years ago. I guess how much it will hurt depends on how impacted they are. My wisdom teeth were coming in all sideways and they started to hurt, but my main concern about getting them out was that I was still on my parents insurance.

I was put under through the whole procedure. When I woke up, I felt like a baby... a little unconscious. Since you can't eat for hours before the surgery, you'll want to eat when you get home. My problem was that I couldn't keep any food down - I kept getting sick. However, the effects of the medicine and the nitrous oxide are very different for a lot of people - so don't worry too much. Other than that, I didn't bruise or have any cuts, and I didn't even swell up. Also, since the painkillers made me sick, I didn't take them at all. I felt better w/in a week or two.

Oh, and make sure you get a plastic syringe from the pharmacy so you can squirt water into the incisions and get out all of that gunk that gets caught back there.

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had the top ones out a few years back. I have a good dentist, so got the novocaine, nitrous and 15mg Valium. Mine were not at all impacted, so I didn't have to get cut, he just reached in and worked them out. Now, that working them out consists of wrenching them out with what looks like a pair of pliers, and I heard awful crunching noises. Don't want to scare ya, just want you to know so if you have the option and are uncomfortable with that, you can be anesthetized. I got codeine, and that makes me really sick, so didn't take it, Ibuprofen was enough to kill any pain.

Hope it goes easy for you!

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Had 2 of them pulled this past spring. Make sure you ask for the nitrous. Afterwards they gave me percosets for the pain. Hmmmm, percosets.

If you're under nitrous, you're still conscious so you can feel them pulling them out...not too much pain since you're drugged up. When you get home, that night and the following morning are the worst. Just take the percosets and that should take away the pain. You'll be drooling a bit, but the percosets make you feel GOOD. Good luck.

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i had all four of mine out at the same time. they were impacted and i said "just put me completely out so i don't feel a thing" and they did. i felt nothing.

i took a week off from work...borrowed movies from all my friends....stocked up on slimfast and other easy-to-eat foods/liquids. make sure your doctor gives you plenty of good pain killers....also, make sure you have someone to stay with you 24 hours after the surgery while you recover. you'll be weak and light headed. i blacked out and hit my head on the door frame and injured my neck really bad - so be careful!

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Had all 4 of mine pulled out at the same time just with novicane fully awake. They use pliers and rip them out.. you feel it in your whole skull but its not pain that you won't be able to handle.Just hearing that sound might freak you out a little.:D

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It has been said by the great papa smurf that:

the loss of any wisdom tooth will equal approximately a congruent amount of IQ points. EG: the loss of one wisdom tooth shall result in the loss of anywhere between 10-25 Intelligence peapods.

But have no fear! Papa also states that:

...consistent flossing and daily brushing of teeth can and may result in the increase of Intelligence Points (peapods) if performed correctly.

So to all of you who are having their Wisdom teeth removed, HAVE NO FEAR! You still got 22 other suckers helping you chew and gulp and swallow :D

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Originally posted by romy20

does everyone get their wisdom teeth pulled??

Because mine are almost finished growing in and i have no problems at all with them.

:confused: :confused:

I think its recommended you should cause they get impacted and can screw up and start to move around all the other teeth in your mouth

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I got all four of mine out when i was 18.. the dentist told me they were impacted and infected and that i should have been in a lotta pain.. well i wasnt

He put me under.. in like what he called twilight sleep... he didnt use nitrous.. he used something stronger.. basically i wasnt really awake at all for it.... except that i woke up 4 times to hear a loud crunch coming from inside my mouth... it didnt hurt at all .. just freaked me out a little

I didnt feel too bad the rest of day... but the next morning I woke up and it felt like I was hit by a truck...

The moral of the story is that the dentist gave me a bottle of like 60 painkillers of which I actually needed about 10

Is that a moral.. i dunno.. but thats the only good i got outta getting them out of me

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I had both my bottom wisdom teeth out one at a time. Both times I had them knock me the fuck out. I asked the dentist if I was being a big baby because I wanted to be fully unconscious for it and he said that most people (men included) choose general anasthesia over local.

If your insurance covers it, I suggest you go under. Why would you want to be conscious while they are ripping teeth out of your mouth anyway?

As for the pain, I got vicodin both times for pain. You wont want to eat the first day and will be knocked out if you get good pain killers anyway.

Make sure you get an ice pack and use it a lot for the first couple days.

When you finally begin eating, you will only be able to eat soft foods like yogurt, soup, apple sauce, mashed potatoes. After a few days, you'll start eating normally.

It takes a couple weeks before you are back to normal but the pain only lasted for a few days. But I only had one out at a time.

Good luck and if you have any other questions, send me a PM.


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Originally posted by clubkat

Whos had them pulled....where u on any drugs....and how much did it hurt? :eek::(:o

novocaine only.

no gas. no intravenous.

all four in the same day.

two of them deeply impacted.

was pretty much ok by day 3.

just suck on lots of teabags.

and no, i'm not joking.

there's a chemical in tea that helps blood clot.

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seems that people's experiences with wisdom teeth vary greatly...

i just had my right two done a few weeks ago. Wasn't much of a problem. They did it in about 1/2 hour with novacaine only. Soft food, painkillers, and Advil and you should be fine in a few days. I had no swelling either.

The sucky part of it is that for several weeks afterwards you have these gaping holes in your mouth (esp. the one on the bottom) so you need to rinse it out constantly. And getting food stuck way down in there is NO FUN AT ALL!

Gotta go back for my left side after new years...anyway, good luck! :D

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oh yeah...

most important piece of advice:

do NOT smoke for a month after getting them pulled

you'll end up with what's called 'dry socket' - basically the gaps get infected, dry out, and never recover, and are extremely painful for most of the rest of your natural existence...

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ok so i just got a root canal yesterday ::y am i talking about teeth hehe:: and my face is totally pumped...imm sooo sore and swollen :( I dont think im gonna be able to handle all this teeth ripping out my face! :eek:

I couldnt even eat yesterday ::and im such a heffer when it comes to food::.....and that bad thing about the whole drug stuff is that basically im a sponge.....normally ya only get about 1 or 2 shots of whatever the hell they inject you with...he gave me 4 cause i could totally feel everything he was doing to me :blown:

Pain killer arent even doing much

::kittys in so much discomfort meooooooouch!:: :o

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Originally posted by romy20

well mine are almost finished growing in, and they arent causing my other teeth to impact or anything. so as long as thats fine and they dont hurt im not gonna get em pulled.

i dont have any but i know people who have had theirs grow in fine and never got them pulled. I think you only have to get them pullled if they are bothering you or making your teeth move....

also, my friend had her pulled and smoked ciggs right after and didnt get "dry socket", is that a real thing??? lol maybe she just got lucky.

thank god i dont have any, i couldnt deal.

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Originally posted by somebitch

also, my friend had her pulled and smoked ciggs right after and didnt get "dry socket", is that a real thing??? lol maybe she just got lucky.

yep. real thing.

my tooth surgeon told me like 4/5 times

before i left his office even tho i told

him i don't smoke.

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