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Life and everything related to it...


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I notice that in life everything happens for a reason,and everything is connected to something else...it's weird, but I guess that's life..when something shitty happens, something good happens later...and sometimes when I'm high I'll zone out and think about stuff...and everything will start to connect and make sense...does anything else do this? Think deep thoughts?

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shiiiit i do all that stone-cold sober.

just sittin' thinkin'...

my favorite bug-out is to clear my mind of all thoughts and just TRY to wrap my head around the concept of FOREVER. and then i factor in that maybe **i**, as a being, as an entity, have and always will exist - FOREVER.

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If you ever tried to conscious keep up your thought process with the exact causal process of your mind as it reacts to your environment as time proceeds, you'll find that it's virtually impossible.

It's sad, but I do think that human understanding (and therefore the fruits of science) is ultimately rooted in a lack of knowledge.

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Originally posted by xpander

If you ever tried to conscious keep up your thought process with the exact causal process of your mind as it reacts to your environment as time proceeds, you'll find that it's virtually impossible.

It's sad, but I do think that human understanding (and therefore the fruits of science) is ultimately rooted in a lack of knowledge.

Yeah, i See your point. THere's just so much information to process, one can't possibly keep up with what's actually entering our brain waves.

But I think imagination is here for a reason. It makes us go beyond mere rationality and break down barriers that lead to whole new discoveries.

Look at Columbus. if it weren't for his belief that there was a whole other land out there somewhere, we might not be living here right now. It's strange how you can think of so many alternate realities (including the dream-state of consciousness),

but then realize we only have this one

:D---:eek: ---:mad:---:goofy:---:afro: We are all connected

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Yeah, i See your point. THere's just so much information to process, one can't possibly keep up with what's actually entering our brain waves.

But I think imagination is here for a reason. It makes us go beyond mere rationality and break down barriers that lead to whole new discoveries.

Look at Columbus. if it weren't for his belief that there was a whole other land out there somewhere, we might not be living here right now. It's strange how you can think of so many alternate realities (including the dream-state of consciousness),

but then realize we only have this one

:D---:eek: ---:mad:---:goofy:---:afro: We are all connected



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a friend once told me, "you know what your problem is? you think too much."

another friend once told me, "you know what your problem is? you buy drugstore shampoo."

but i digress.

the first comment was laid on me ten years ago and it's still with me, proving that there's something to it.

and here's my point: i think about this kind of stuff and it takes me in circles a lot. the only resolution i've come to is that there are no definite answers to what time is, why things happen, or any of those things, because they really are just abstract concepts. my feeling is that everyone just has to make his or her own peace with them.

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Originally posted by weyes

a friend once told me, "you know what your problem is? you think too much."

another friend once told me, "you know what your problem is? you buy drugstore shampoo."

but i digress.

the first comment was laid on me ten years ago and it's still with me, proving that there's something to it.

and here's my point: i think about this kind of stuff and it takes me in circles a lot. the only resolution i've come to is that there are no definite answers to what time is, why things happen, or any of those things, because they really are just abstract concepts. my feeling is that everyone just has to make his or her own peace with them.

ahh.... "heaven is what you make of it"...

sometimes I do wish I thought that I believed that that was true.

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Originally posted by sassa

I notice that in life everything happens for a reason,and everything is connected to something else...it's weird, but I guess that's life..when something shitty happens, something good happens later...and sometimes when I'm high I'll zone out and think about stuff...and everything will start to connect and make sense...does anything else do this? Think deep thoughts?

now this is what i like to see.. more philosophical posts threads :)

"everything happens for a reason.."

now i pose the question, does everything in life *actually* happen for a reason, or is it that as rational beings we need to attach some kind of reasoning to events?

the cause and effect relationship w/ which so many try to explain actions in life, often appears to me as a screen used to blind us from the fact that there is no meaning other then that which we derive from life itself.. therefore, isn't *meaning* completely arbitrary?

i would love to continue on this post but have very limited time b/c of finals.. i'll defiently get back to it though, and in the mean time.. i hope to see more posts like this!!


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Originally posted by PFloyd40

now this is what i like to see.. more philosophical posts threads :)

"everything happens for a reason.."

now i pose the question, does everything in life *actually* happen for a reason, or is it that as rational beings we need to attach some kind of reasoning to events?

the cause and effect relationship w/ which so many try to explain actions in life, often appears to me as a screen used to blind us from the fact that there is no meaning other then that which we derive from life itself.. therefore, isn't *meaning* completely arbitrary?

i would love to continue on this post but have very limited time b/c of finals.. i'll defiently get back to it though, and in the mean time.. i hope to see more posts like this!!


Actually, that is the popular definition for "everything happens for a reason" that you're addressing, I think.

My point of view proposes that reality is nothing but a series of causal processes. In which case, everything does happen for a reason, that reason, if nothing else, being that something preceeded it and caused it to happen. There's no attachment of value save that.

And I do believe that meanings ARE arbitrary and, much like language, are relatively worthless save for the encoding and the interpretation of such. Unfortunately for alot of people, that means that there is no inherent meaning in anything save what humans assign them.

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"everything happens for a reason.."

now i pose the question, does everything in life *actually* happen for a reason, or is it that as rational beings we need to attach some kind of reasoning to events?

Very good Question, pFloyd.

I Really believe life is what you make of it. Don't wait for things to come to you, MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Being that we *attempt* to be rational beings, and are thrust out in this non-sensical world to try and make sense of it, I only find it natural to believe in events occuring for reasons.

For instance, something REALLY ODD happened last night (Ask Xpander :eek: ) it was the freakiest shit. One of those times where timing is everything and there's an instant connection in the air. That showed me that this life has so many quality moments to offer and learn from.

I do believe we attach some kind of reason to things, but isn't that only natural?


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Originally posted by gmccookny

For instance, something REALLY ODD happened last night (Ask Xpander :eek: ) it was the freakiest shit. One of those times where timing is everything and there's an instant connection in the air. That showed me that this life has so many quality moments to offer and learn from.


I do think that those are interlocked, GMC...

If you look at what happened last night from a causal point of view, then it wasn't very freaky at all, rather just life's unexpectancies coming together at one moment.

For instance, this morning, I spent some time lying on the bed in the house of two friends. As I was looking up, I was watching their ceiling fan spin, and eventually, it was stopped.

Now I noticed that there's a little button notch protruding from one side of the fan, and it just so happened to be the same size as the space between the base of the fan blades. I thought to myself then: "Wouldn't it be very coincidental if from where I was staring, the fan would stop in a way so that the notch and the space would align together (which, by sheer percentage, was about 1 in 20...judging by the fan blades and the spaces between them)". Guess what, it did.

So I was lying there, staring at how the notch and the space were perfectly aligned, and wondered to myself whether there was any particular significance that that occured. The Causal POV, which is the way I look at it, would answer no. Because if you consider the situation, though the probability was against it, there was no specific reason why the notch would NOT align with the space. If you consider the space and its equivalent on the fan blade as no different, then the probability of the notch aligning with the space is really the same as it aligning w/ everything else.

It has to stop somewhere...

But anyways...I thought that related to my situation w/ SMURFY particularly well....what happened being my group ran into his group on the train (coinkidink but it isn't :tongue: ).

Well, sorry for ranting. But if nothing else...Lavender, Phuturephunk, Joeg, Barvybe...you guys now know what I was doing staring up at the ceiling for half an hour.

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Originally posted by xpander

Well, sorry for ranting. But if nothing else...Lavender, Phuturephunk, Joeg, Barvybe...you guys now know what I was doing staring up at the ceiling for half an hour.

. . yeah, I caught that moment. . I didn't know for the life of me what you were looking at, but I saw that flash of realization . .or something to that effect . .

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ive been doing that a lot lately. ive been thinking of what its going to be like when i come home. how has everything changed? are my friends still the same? my family? my life?

i dont think i will ever be the same after this trip. i have had several "holy shit!" moments where i just zone out and feel changed afterwards, most of them occuring over here.

i remember my first weekend here i went on a tour of wales. we stopped at this abbey that was built in the 1200's and abandoned in the 1500s. i went off from the guided tour to explore by myself, and i ended up over by where the front doors were ages ago and stared up at where the roof and the stained glass should have been. it was a crystal clear day, not a cloud in the sky. all these birds were flying throughout the chapel. it so quiet, so beautifully still. i just stood there, my eyes wide, and stared at this wonderful sight. i felt a wave of chills come over me, and when i pulled myself from there i felt changed. i dont know how or why, i just feel different since then.

my second "holy shit!" moment here was at fabric a month and a half ago. i was up dancing on a ledge with all these people of different races who have never met each other before, and everyone is just talking (well shouting) to each other, sharing drinks and cigs, and having a good time (and no we were not all on ecstasy).

my third moment here was at turnmills a month ago. the dance floor was packed, and everyone was pumping their fists into the air (the song was sister sister). i just took this moment and looked around. to my left, a gay couple locked in embrace. behind me, (obviously american) raver chicks were waving glowsticks. to my right, a group of asains breakdancing. it was weird. although i went alone, i didnt feel alone.

as far back as i can remember i have had this empty feeling. like somethings missing. sometimes i would be hangng out with a bunch f friends yet feel horribly alone. and yet at that moment, when i should have been lonely, i felt like i was a part of something. i have been searching for some time for a place where i feel at home. and now that i have finally found it, i have to leave.:(

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"Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind...what we sow is what we reap. And when we choose actions that bring happiness and success to others, the fruit of our karma is happiness and success."

Witness Choices

Evaluate Consequences

Listen with your Heart

"Everyone has a purpose in life...a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals."

you must take responsibility for the situation. Don't blame anyone or anything or yourself. Have a creative response to the situation as it is now. Look at it as an opportunity.


I have become very spirtiual the last couple of years, well have become more conscious of my spirtiuality and beliefs....still do not think 'figured' out my purpose, but more aware of the journey!!

I do believe everything happens for a reason and do not believe in 'coincedences' anymore.....

i need to get back to thinking....great post

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Originally posted by sassa

I notice that in life everything happens for a reason,and everything is connected to something else...it's weird, but I guess that's life..when something shitty happens, something good happens later...and sometimes when I'm high I'll zone out and think about stuff...and everything will start to connect and make sense...does anything else do this? Think deep thoughts?

No need to get stoned or alter soberness in anyway to get deep thoughts. Its nice thing to analyze shit. But it goes to such great lenghts when i start thinkin/talkin/writing about it there is always a point when your mind just gives up and says: "Fuck it, this is never going to be done, this is impossible to finnish...", and thats in good case. Rarely but i had times when thinking too much about deep shit, got me serious migranes for a some time. I think no matter what subject is its good to think and analyze, develops thinking, intellect, and individuality. My favorite areas are Philosophy and Psychology, though i lack education on both to get really really really serious. Just one thing i try to avoid, is to get deep like that in the Religion, its crazy to argue about, if you have, you know what i mean. :) :) :) Most of people have thins thoughts, is just that many are not willing to admit or share. Its caused by their fear of beign judged, or that they cant define them and put into words so they pretend that its bullshit.

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Originally posted by xpander

ahh.... "heaven is what you make of it"...

sometimes I do wish I thought that I believed that that was true.

i'm not exactly sure what you mean by that. do you not agree with my belief that everyone has to come to terms with life's mysteries on their own, or is it that you don't like the idea of "you make your own happiness or dig your own grave," which is not what i'm saying?

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Originally posted by weyes

i'm not exactly sure what you mean by that. do you not agree with my belief that everyone has to come to terms with life's mysteries on their own, or is it that you don't like the idea of "you make your own happiness or dig your own grave," which is not what i'm saying?

not at all...

"Heaven is what you make of it" was actually something dropped by my friend a while back. It implies that reality, instead of being a set objective reality, is rather determined by the individuals perceiving it, implying that there is no objective reality.

Actually, your belief that "everyone has to come to terms with life's mysteries on their own" is somewhat congruent with my belief that humans ultimately cannot realize true objective knowledge. I'd even go as far as saying that your belief, in order for it to be true, relies upon my belief that humans can't realize objective truth. Otherwise, there is a finite defined reality in life, and the "mystery" wouldn't be a mystery at all.

hmmmm......yeah, seems right......

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