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question for fellow ravers


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i am really trying hard to party without any outside influences....really trying to stray from it, by now cuz it's getting to be a bit rough....so i'm asking, as stupid as it may sound(i mean i met tons of other sober ravers too) but , do any of you guys party sober?...and like...what's your take on it...? any feedback helps alot. thanks.

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Originally posted by techno

i am really trying hard to party without any outside influences....really trying to stray from it, by now cuz it's getting to be a bit rough....so i'm asking, as stupid as it may sound(i mean i met tons of other sober ravers too) but , do any of you guys party sober?...and like...what's your take on it...? any feedback helps alot. thanks.

i feel ya bro... i know i am gonna hear some shit for this but i have a hard time goin out completely sober so i end up avoiding some nights. sad but true. I have partied sober and still have a good time but not as good of a time when other elements are involved.

it definately can be done. good luck

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Originally posted by xpander

never touched drugs in clubs...

hardly ever drink....

purity is the way to go :tongue:

amen to that bro :)

i never touch anything inside a club. all i need are my dancers and some good music, used to be anything with a beat but now i need some harder stuff, but still i dance to practically anything. partying sober and still being able to have as great a time as your friend who's rollin is definitely something to be proud of.

if you feel like you need something to have fun, go ahead, no big deal. personally, i'm proud of the fact that i'm clean everytime i go.

it's really up to your own personal choice.

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hey everyone...thanks alot for your responses, i definitly feel alot of good vibes about it...and it certainly helps me feel more confident in just not taking drugs, i've been clean for about 2 weeks and already i feel such a difference, i feel like this fog has just lifted ya know?....well i'll take everything you guys said with alot of thought as i go to "joy" this thursday, hopefully i'll stay sober, and i think i will to, and i'm not alone.:D

once again thanks everyone, nyc'ers you're great.:D

i really should live by the plur, i have...lost track of it, but now i think i am refinding it. peace out!!!!

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yo...i always go out sober and i think its such a great feeling. i have so much fun and the best party is when ppl respect u for it like yo dont get into drugs...thats great that u don't do them..omg u have so much energy shit like that makes u feel so proud ur just like whoa i can do it. yo theres nothing better then being high off life. it takes a lot from do ing drugs to get use to not doing htem but u will... just have hope. I'm going to joy too. I can't wiat yo!!!!! that shit is going to be hot.

j =)

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Yo - i hit Amazura last night stone sober in all senses and had an amazing night. Seeing all the kids rolling face at the UFO convention was trip enough :) Half my crew was sober, half not, and we all had a great time. Just be comfortable hanging out with people who are doing otherstuff and its all good - drugs and alcohol don't give u a good time...they give u a different time.

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like blaznny, i admit: i also find it hard to go out without the influence of some substance. i don't smoke cigs and i rarely drink, so substances are my choice of vice.

i don't feel any more comfortable taking stacker 2, or any of those energy pills/drinks. so basically, i don't go out if i don't want to put myself in a position where i will be under the influence of anything.

but that's just me. i think admitting that you have a dependency or not is the first step, and go from there. set limits for yourself (ex, don't take more than x amount of pills a month), try not to be too jealous of those that are not sober, and surround yourself with supportive, sober people.

good luck, and trust me. drugs are a phase, you will find that naturally over time you slow down. i used to drop twice a week, but i'm down to about once every 2 months.

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I totally agree with BerVibe. It all depends on the people you are with. I always try to have a good time weither I am rolling or sober. The sober part has been happening a lot lately and I am not regretting not rolling my brains out. I always have fun out. Dancing, people watching, chilling - better on a sober head, I think.

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i think that's one of the things i've been worried about, being jealous of the others who are on things, but then like the most of you suggested to surround myself with good caring friends or just good ol' peeps is a good idea, def.:tongue: :tongue:

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Originally posted by techno

i am really trying hard to party without any outside influences....really trying to stray from it, by now cuz it's getting to be a bit rough....so i'm asking, as stupid as it may sound(i mean i met tons of other sober ravers too) but , do any of you guys party sober?...and like...what's your take on it...? any feedback helps alot. thanks.

. . I can party when I'm sober, I cannot, however enjoy myself to the extent that I want to (mainly dancing) without the use of various controlled substances . . :(

. . I think this stemms from the fact that I'm overweight, and have been my entire life . . When I was growing up I had to shield myself from the abuse that I was taking both at school and at home, so learned very quickly to be on guard all the time. . My whole universe revolved around my not trying to stand out in the crowd. . I was always the guy in the back who had wonderful ideas, but never spoke up because I felt that people were laughing at me . . As I got older I realized that people really don't care what the fuck you're doing, as long as it doesn't infringe badly on what they're doing, and yes there will always be cruel people who feel the need to put others down, but for the most part, be yourself . . THe problem with me, is that I cannot erase soo many years of being on guard . . It's almost like I forgot how to be "me" anywhere other than in the safety of my own solitude . . constantly holding my tongue and stifiling my thoughts is the way that I believe that I should act when I'm with other people . . Sounds horrible, but that's what I've been conditioned to believe . .

. . Knowing all this, I think you can see why I got into E in the first place . . It takes me to a place that I can never will myself to get even remotely close to in my reality . . I can say anything and do anything that my little heart desires, without immediately becoming self consious of the outcome . . In short . . I love it, I feind for it, but I realize that all I'm doing is exaggerating routine emotional response to the point where it WILL overcome any self-conditioning that I have inflicted on myself . . Drinking just doesn't produce the same effect on me, so It's never a good substitute (combine that with the fact that alcohol has a very dirty stain in my perception because of other factors in my life, and you can see that they'res really nothing that can loosen me up . .)

. . I can dance, talk with complete strangers and shamelessly trainspot the DJ, rawking on every drop and break and lull in the music .. That's a place I can get to without the chemicals, but only in the safety of my own space, with no one else around . .

.. Maybe one day I'll find a way to overcome. . one day .. . .

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Originally posted by exit2heaven

Pacing yourself is a good idea....WAIt for the big nights!!!!

And take a line from the movie groove...."BAKED noT friEd"

just smoke till u pass out dammit!!!

yea man i hear that...thats what i do now...i drop prob 2 or 3 times a year and wait until its really worth it...just to go out and drop bombs has no appeal to me anymore...its atually boring....
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