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i'm sad :(

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god dammit i am feeling miserable. the semester is over, my brother is in town and we just set up a pair of turntables, been going to parties at clubs and friends places for the past month, (almost) got a phatty new job and i'm headed for new orleans next week. all of this good shit is happening in my life but i feel sooooo down i don't know what to do with myself. something big time is missing in my life.... i thought it was loooooove but i dunno - i have such a hard time connecting with people it sucks.... and it seems like nothing is real or pure anymore. fuck.

ok... end of bitch session. i needed that :P


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Hey Rob,

I get your feeling. By all means, I should feel great right now....semester's done, i've more time, just bought a pair of CD decks and gonna get practicing...

But everything feels like crap. The motivation is gone and whatnot. Whatever I do has a tendency to have a feeling of inadequacy to it.

I'm thinking that the routine is getting old. That and life just draining the energy for the last few months/years/whatever.

Think it's just me losing focus...you?

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oh fuck man, it sucks to be single this time of year

every year i am hoping to meet someone, everything else in my life is pretty good, but it would be nice to have someone to kiss in the new year with :(

now i feel like a loserrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Time for a martini :idea:

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Originally posted by breaksbabe

oh fuck man, it sucks to be single this time of year

every year i am hoping to meet someone, everything else in my life is pretty good, but it would be nice to have someone to kiss in the new year with :(

now i feel like a loserrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Time for a martini :idea:

I agree...

I also agree for the martini! lol

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sounds to me like cases of the holiday blues. i'm doing much better this year, thanks to not going home for christmas (draaaaaama) and having moved to warm and sunny l.a. but since those aren't options for everyone, being around friends over new years is always better than going out to clubs, searching for someone to kiss, in my experience. my advice is to just be around the people you love the most, whether they be people of the opposite sex or not.

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wow i needed that. i'm still feeling like crap but i'm at work, so at least i can blame it on that :P

martinis are pretty much the cure for everything. james bond would laugh, but i'll take one of these:

blue c in the sky with diamonds - skyy vodka, blue curacao, licor 43 & oj with cubes afloat.

i never thought i would get bored of the routine: research, party, smoke, sleep. research, party, smoke, sleep. research, party, smoke, sleep. research, party, smoke, sleep. research, party, smoke, sleep. research, party, smoke, sleep. research, party, smoke, sleep. research, party, smoke, sleep. research, party, smoke, sleep. research, party, smoke, sleep. research, party, smoke, sleep.

but i guess i am. it just all seems kinda pointless.

weyes: that's part of the problem - all the people i love are spread out all over the world, and the ones that are here are all not talking to each other.

having someone to kiss (not just on new years, ya know) would be nice, but at this point i'd settle for something interesting happenning. i don't care what, just something.



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I definitely agree with all the shit that happend to me this year I feel so depressed!

But just think you have life and can do so many things, the world is made up of so many things to love and experience. :)

New years just spend with people who make you happy!!

Me for instance I broke up with my ex but we are still spending it together and all of our friends who we love!!!

Remember life is what you make of it and we only live once so dont be down cheer up and go out for that martini!!:)

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Originally posted by breaksbabe

oh fuck man, it sucks to be single this time of year

every year i am hoping to meet someone, everything else in my life is pretty good, but it would be nice to have someone to kiss in the new year with :(

Hmmm....I think everyone does. But if you think about it, it's really best to break up with someone right before gift-giving holidays. This way, you can save some $$$, party really hard guilt-free, and get back together in February, like right after Valentine's Day. :idea:

Not meaning to sound like a jerk...just spreading some comedic light on the situation :D

have an excellent holiday!

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Yeah..being single around this time fawkin sucks. I completely sympathize, i'm depressed, b/c i have no plans for new years, all of my closest friends are working that night...and i want ot party and have fun! there just seems nothing to do nowadays, yeah i guess the routine has gotten old, i was sick of partying for a while, but now i'm back, but i'd really like to try something new. to top things off i'm still stressing over my ex, we're still talking, and he's playing head games! agghh...i'd like to spend it with him, but... oh well, if anyone has any party suggestions- let me know!!:eek:

when life hands u lemons ask for salt and tequila!
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Originally posted by verv

Yeah..being single around this time fawkin sucks. I completely sympathize, i'm depressed, b/c i have no plans for new years, all of my closest friends are working that night...and i want ot party and have fun! there just seems nothing to do nowadays, yeah i guess the routine has gotten old, i was sick of partying for a while, but now i'm back, but i'd really like to try something new. to top things off i'm still stressing over my ex, we're still talking, and he's playing head games! agghh...i'd like to spend it with him, but... oh well, if anyone has any party suggestions- let me know!!:eek:

GO TO Vinyl for NYE!!! Hell, I might even show up for that!

Ragga Loggin in from LI! :D

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Originally posted by dialectics

wow i needed that. i'm still feeling like crap but i'm at work, so at least i can blame it on that :P

martinis are pretty much the cure for everything. james bond would laugh, but i'll take one of these:

blue c in the sky with diamonds - skyy vodka, blue curacao, licor 43 & oj with cubes afloat.

i never thought i would get bored of the routine: research, party, smoke, sleep. research, party, smoke, sleep. research, party, smoke, sleep. research, party, smoke, sleep. research, party, smoke, sleep. research, party, smoke, sleep. research, party, smoke, sleep. research, party, smoke, sleep. research, party, smoke, sleep. research, party, smoke, sleep. research, party, smoke, sleep.

but i guess i am. it just all seems kinda pointless.

weyes: that's part of the problem - all the people i love are spread out all over the world, and the ones that are here are all not talking to each other.

having someone to kiss (not just on new years, ya know) would be nice, but at this point i'd settle for something interesting happenning. i don't care what, just something.



awww it sounds really sad - i may have noone (whom i know now, lol) to kiss on new years....cheer up old chap


and think twice before moving from nyc!

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Originally posted by dialectics

god dammit i am feeling miserable. the semester is over, my brother is in town and we just set up a pair of turntables, been going to parties at clubs and friends places for the past month, (almost) got a phatty new job and i'm headed for new orleans next week. all of this good shit is happening in my life but i feel sooooo down i don't know what to do with myself. something big time is missing in my life.... i thought it was loooooove but i dunno - i have such a hard time connecting with people it sucks.... and it seems like nothing is real or pure anymore. fuck.

ok... end of bitch session. i needed that :P


Yeah, I hear ya.... Although, I have to say... my life has never been better.... but sometimes I still feel like i'm missing something....

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Originally posted by dialectics

god dammit i am feeling miserable. the semester is over, my brother is in town and we just set up a pair of turntables, been going to parties at clubs and friends places for the past month, (almost) got a phatty new job and i'm headed for new orleans next week. all of this good shit is happening in my life but i feel sooooo down i don't know what to do with myself. something big time is missing in my life.... i thought it was loooooove but i dunno - i have such a hard time connecting with people it sucks.... and it seems like nothing is real or pure anymore. fuck.

ok... end of bitch session. i needed that :P



hrm, i feel the same way. sometimes i dont think there is anything real left.

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Originally posted by dialectics

god dammit i am feeling miserable. the semester is over, my brother is in town and we just set up a pair of turntables, been going to parties at clubs and friends places for the past month, (almost) got a phatty new job and i'm headed for new orleans next week. all of this good shit is happening in my life but i feel sooooo down i don't know what to do with myself. something big time is missing in my life.... i thought it was loooooove but i dunno - i have such a hard time connecting with people it sucks.... and it seems like nothing is real or pure anymore. fuck.

ok... end of bitch session. i needed that :P


. . Dude, I know exactly what you're saying . . I feel the same way . . I'm making good money, I've finally met alot of cool people after almost a year of complete solitude . . and yet, I still feel like there's something in my life that isn't there . . always searching, a pure human prerequisite . . one that I don't believe anyone can overcome all the time . .

. . Anyways, back when I was 19, I lost all direction in life, dropped out of college and started working . . for a time it worked beautifully . . then the same malaise set in . . something's missing . . something tiny, and unidentifiable . . but missing nonetheless . . now things are better, and I should be happy, and I am . .mostly . .

. . I'm not doing a good job making sense here so I will leave you with some prose . .

One on homelands far away . . :

The Five and Dime down the street. .

It has a tin roof,

During the summer it seers with the equatorial sun . .

Blisteringly radient . .

assults me as I creep in . .

What will it be, shop man querries . .

Ice to chill my infinite burning desire for seasons change . .

Bless me lord, for I need audience . .

Release Me from endless summer fume,

Deliver me to colder locale,

Somewhere old and silent,

Silence only true winter can bring . .

(You shall have what you wish, for you are careless in your quests . . )

I shall have it,

It indeed shall be,

And I do claim my great reward,

Do share quarter among zero grey,

Sun Not bestowing for endless time . .

Icey cold, suspended relief . .

My gift I have claimed, and now it freezes me . .

This I have for Fifteen seconds . . .

-*- And one more for your reading pleasure (displeasure??) -*-

On Stuff Economic . .:

There is Solace in idleness,

Solace in making the world static . .

Solace in Uniformity,

Safety's thin veil falsely concealing . .

Solace that I crave,

Blind to the realization,

That it has already possessed me . .

Solace I have you,

And now you torment me,

Revealing callous notions,

That numbers will protect me . .

They buy all that can be bought,

Defile the soul by trading in its essence,

Processing feeling into numb . .

They buy all that can be bought,

All but one,

One thing discreet. .

One thing lost when transaction conspires,

Never to be reclaimed . .

This I have for Fifteen Seconds . .

-*- End -*-

. . And so on . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk


Here's something I sympathize with in one of those times........


I woke the same as any other day

Except a voice was in my head

It said seize the day, pull the trigger, drop the blade

And watch the rolling heads

The day I tried to live

I stole a thousand beggar's change

And gave it to the rich

The day I tried to win

I dangled from the power lines

And let the martyrs stretch


One more time around

Might do it

One more time around

Might make it

One more time around

Might do it

One more time around

The day I tried to live

Words you say never seem

To live up to the ones

Inside your head

The lives we make

Never seem to ever get us anywhere

But dead

The day I tried to live

I wallowed in the blood and mud with

All the other pigs

I woke the same as any other day you know

I should have stayed in bed

The day I tried to live

I wallowed in the blood and mud with

All the other pigs

And I learned that I was a liar

Just like you

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Originally posted by synderella420

Damn guys those are schweet......:)


to put everything in a happier mood.....


It's the music that we choose

It's the music that we choose

It's the music that we choose

It's the music that we choose

The world is spinning too fast

I'm buying lead Nike shoes

To keep myself tethered

To the days I try to lose

My mama said to slow down

You should make your shoes

Start dancing to the music

Of Gorillaz in a happy mood

Keep a mild groove on

Ba ba ba

Day dee bop

There you go!

Get the cool!

Get the cool shoe shine!

There's a monkey in the jungle

Watching a vapour trail

Caught up in the conflict

Between his brain and his tail

And if time's elimination

Then we got nothing to lose

Please repeat the message

It's the music that we choose

Keep a mild groove on

Ba ba ba

Day dee bop

OK bring it down yeah we gonna break out

Get the cool!

Get the cool shoe shine!

Ah Ah Ah Ah

Day doo de bop

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Originally posted by joeg

Nathan... thats such a great soundgarden song....

. . I knew I knew that prose from somewhere . .

. . Xpander, I applaude you on your choice of slinging soulsonic prose . . keep dancin . . :)

. . Joey G, did santa bring you what you wanted this year? . .He did for me . .

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I am glad I came across this messageboard and it is good to hear everyone speak the truth. I can't find fulfillment in anything... except music which keeps me going. My endless search for that something extra in my life often has me at clubs alone in the wee hours drifting... just to go home even emptier.

I decided to quit my job starting in January, move to the village, in an attempt to get back to who I am and re-evaluate my life.

I am working everyday throughout the holidays. This will be two years in a row I can't spend Christmas with my family. New Years weekend I work everyday on 12 hour shifts... this will be my second new years... alone. Three years ago I was at the Mtv new years banging in the millenium on times square with a swedish princess. What the fuck?

I am always looking in the future and am never happy in the present. People tell me that I am so lucky to have traveled the world and make good money... I say fuck money and this materialistic world that we are living in... today I find myself alone in my apartment Christmas morning... and I realize I am just another lost soul... lostsoul... losoul... loser...

All my friends were with their families unwrapping presents. The only thing I unwrapped was more emptiness.

I am living in such a small world with so many people, but I am alone.

I hate the holidays. It only makes me bring out harmful emotions inside. Does anybody know any good clubs or parties for christmas night so I can get waisted?


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Mike: Haha, yeah, I got that big red firetruck with the lights and sirens.... I love santa.... (Get it, its another play on my age.... I'm joking about being even younger than I actually am... GET IT!!!, ok ok, i'm tired... lol)

You get anything cool?

Nathan: haha, sorry I blew your cover on that... I ruined your chances with synderella420.... Nice selection though...

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